List Formats: 100% Completed Once I had a moment that didn't take very long, plus this time it actually worked right and there is only one spoiler(looking at you cast..). This lovely new look was thought of by DT, hopefully it will be much easier to vaginae to your lists now. Also, because I'm already making a post. Reserving: Cassandra Jill Warlock Jiro Mochizuki
Enzy..Enzy no. That's not even funny. ;_; /onlyeffectsme xD
Spoiler NOO, YOU'LL NEVER TAKE THEM FROM ME. NEVER. I'd rather that worm came in here right now, and aTE YOU ALL ALIIIIVVEEEE....
How brilliantly this quote would go in my sig. And did someone say hot men? Straight as I may be, Hiddleston is hawt. Along with Neil Patrick Harris. and Jeremy Irons..
Bitch please, I'm fabulous.
Zero nodded and waved his hand at Pride, the shadows returned to the walls warily. "Yes, this plan of yours could be our best chance of making a stand against these creatures. Pride, show our guests to the larger hanger, they'll be able to choose a Knightmare to pilot. Yi, if you'd like to make your way to the bridge and meet my commanding officer you're welcome to. I'll meet your sons outside with my best pilot, if they're as sharp as stated they'll well acquitted before the battle really begins." Zero turned and headed for his personal Knightmare with Saix beside him, in a hushed tone he spoke. "Zero, is your original plan still in effect?" "Of course, but until Schneizel shows his face we've got to deal with these Reapers and stay alive. That is our prime objective for now." The two entered the mecha and took a seat, the hatch closed a few moments later. "All systems are operational. We're ready for launch." "Then let's move out!" The Knightmare's engines roared into life as it hovered into the air. It shot out of the hanger and soared around the Halberd until making it to the front. Zero opened a channel up and spoke to Loki, "This is Black 01, you are to be expecting the arrival of a most helpful guest. Furthermore, notify all personal to commence fire on the largest Reaper in the fleet, our primary objective is to weaken the behemoth and track it back to it's nest." "Objective acknowledged, Zero." Loki sent the order to Kallen's party as GLaDOS rearmed the Halberd's remaining cannons. The battleship was battered, but not beaten. Schneizel and Euphemia stood atop Fort Briggs, the snowy gusts blowing through their hair. The army had already rolled out, but the Knightmare fleet was still being prepped. Nevertheless, it wouldn't be long before they joined the battle against the Reapers. Euphie looked up into her brothers eyes, cold and focused on the task at hand. "Schneizel, everyone is pitching in to defeat these monsters, even mother- ~/ The Savanna: "TAKE WHAT FOR YOU BLOODY BUGGER OF A MACHINE! I'VE EATEN BISCUITS TOUGHER THAN YOU!" Her majesty screamed whilst firing tank rounds up at the Reapers. ~/Fort Briggs: -is helping. There has to be something I can do?" Schneizel thought a moment, then nodded, "Why yes Euphemia, I know exactly what you can do." He reached into his pocket and pulled out what appeared to be a detonator. "Wh-what is this?" "What I hold in my hand is the key to our victory. Now I'm handing it to you." Schneizel placed the switch in Euphie's hands. Then without answering her flooding questions, patched through to a section of the base. "Are we ready for a test flight." "Aye, your majesty." "Then send her into the sky." The entire mountain felt like it shook for a brief moment, then enrmous cracks began to rip through the snow behind the fort. "What's happening?!" The ground began to rip open, it was now apparent that it wasn't an earthquake, the ground was actually a door to a gigantic hanger bay. The mountains shook once more as the engines to the monstrosity beneath the snow awakened, first the tip, then then half of the vessel peaked through the ground on it's way into the sky. "Our trump card is nearing completion." Spoiler: Enter Scheizel recived a call from the Knightmare hanger bay. "Yes, what is it." "I just thought I'd inform you that we're all ready down here! The saints will go marching in on your order sire." "Get them out of here then." "Enthusiastic as always.. Alright, everyone you heard the man! Fly straight, true and try not to die!" Luciano and Grell took the lead out of the hanger, the Vampire of Britannia in his Knightmare the Percival and Grell sporting a bright red, chainsaw wielding Knightmare. "Are you ready to spill some blood?" "AhH, you know it bby." Grell shrieked happily as the two flew toward the Savanna. Back in the hanger bay, Ciel had somewhat learned how to get the Knightmare off the ground, but as per Sebastian's request for him to not die he was thrown into the headphone girl's Knightmare. "I don't think this mecha was built for two.." "Oh it wasn't, but neither is a twin sized bed and people make that work." "LLOYD" "Toodaloo!!~" Lloyd laughed as he ran back into the control room. "Alright, everyone head for the Savanna, the coordinates have been programmed into your Knightmares. Lord Vader will give you further instructions on arrival. Princey and myself will be arriving later on the refurbished Damocles, until then~" The remaining Knightmares filtered out of the hanger and blasted toward the Savanna, the completely emerged Damocles hovering above the fort. :Sky Sanctuary: Maleficent countered Gexln's slash easily, raising her staff she met his blade as sparks jumped across the room. The mistress loosed a small cackle, "Fight to your heart's content, but your scare tactics won't get a flinch." She examined the hooded figure and the blade in Xemnas' hands. A groan escaped her lips, "However, whether or not I'm frightened bares no consequence to the fact I've been outnumbered. I concede this round to you, but least you forget that I'm the one in control of the Heartless stronghold. One way or another I'll obtain the true X-blade, and the complete Kingdom Hearts will rise once again!" She lifted her arms, immersing herself in a green flame until vanishing from the Sanctuary. After the witch had returned to her castle, Namine stood before Xemnas. "Castle Oblivion is a mess right now, I sensed the presence of all this energy converged in one place and decided to investigate. It would seem you've got your hands full with witchyboo, at least until you send these boys down to straighten her out." She paused for a moment, aimlessly walking around the room, "A word of caution though, by now her friends must have found all the information on Ansem's computer. They know just as much as you do about the blade, but nothing about mystery cloak over there, so you've still got that going for you." She leaned against the balcony and looked out at Hollow Bastion, mesmerized by it's intricacy.
I'm to die for.
We gotta get you a lass, Teddy. Good luck Larry, try to remain confident, grand quality.
Oh, woops, you changed your name..right, thought that was odd. Fixed now.
I might be able to do the sunglasses theme, was thinking of a 4 banner system. 1 banner that just says staff, then 3 spoiler banners of you, DT...
Oh yes, I can do that.
That's just fine, I've got it fixed now. It looks so much better this way.
Always taking requests, whenever I'm hit with a creative urge I throw a bunch together. I'll be sure and use it~
Front page Lists/Reserves update at 50%. The cast lists have now been sorted in spoilers for every member(if you aren't there let me know). Ignore the fact 5 Cast spoilers appear, I don't know why it's doing that nor do I feel like figuring it out, the bottom one is the main spoiler. Let us know what you think about the new sorting technique, I'll have the reserves list updated whenever I get the chance.
It's pretty advanced. Spoiler
All I needed to hear.
Granted, but the pizza man crashes into your living room and forever implants the smell of anchovies into your furniture. I wish to have a marvelous surprise.
You just got toowwld boyy. The comeback was need for metric comparison.