It's close to midnight.. Something is lurking in the bowls of Hollow Bastion. The ground is shaking, the walls are aching, the ceiling looks to meet the floor very soon. She rounds the corners one after other, it's getting darker, but the sound is creeping up to a deafening state. She'd only sent those two down here a few hours ago to investigate, what on earth had they found? The sight Maleficent gazed upon once she entered the chamber, it almost stopped her black heart. She tried to scream, but terror took the sound before she made it. She froze up as the lights flashed in her face, the horror looking her right between the eyes. "YOU'RE PARALYZED." Spoiler The music roared through the enormous chamber, Maleficent standing in the small control room looking out at the spectacle occurring. Scar stood atop a platform that had risen out of the ground, surrounding him were countless heartless filling the room. The lion was dressed as you might imagine, sunglasses donned, a slick white hat atop his head, brought together with a white bejeweled jacket that could give you a seizure. He grasped a microphone as he stood on the platform, nodding at Hades whom was working a floating DJ system. The video scanned to 0:52 seconds as sparks flew out of the stage. "Cause this is THRILLER, Thriller night And no one's gonna save you from the Heartless bout to strike You know they're KILLER In this thriller night They'll all be fighting for their lives inside a Killer, Thriller, TONIIIIIGGGHHHHTTTT" Hades appeared inside the booth with Maleficent, "What's shakin?" Restraining the urge to strangle him, she began to walk toward the door out to the large chamber. "I see you've found our trump card, a machine that produces an infinite number of Heartless. With this device, the world will certainly be MI-" The door she just walked through closed with a crash, Scar appearing behind the mistress. "You hear the door SLAM and realize there's nowhere left to ruunn.." "Quit this foolishness!" Scar ignored her request and wrapped his arm around her, laying his paw on her shoulder. "You feel the coooold paw, and wonder if you'll ever see the sunn YOU CLOSE YOUR EEEYES" No eyes were closed. "And hope that this is just imagination... Gurl" Maleficent stormed ahead of Scar in annoyance. "But all the whiiiile, you hear a creature creepin up behind!" Scar narrowly dodged a scepter to the face in his attempt to grab Maleficent's shoulders. "you're out of time.." Lunging back onto the stage as the video cut to 3:13, Scar tipped his hat and began dancing in a way Frollo would coin a disgusting display. "So let me hold you tight and share a KILLER, DILLER, CHILLER, THRILLER, HERE TONIIIIIIIIIGHTTT" As the Heartless backed him up he began to moonwalk into the next chorus, sadly Maleficent had seen, heard, and recorded enough nightmare material for the day. She blasted the multiple stereos in the room with her scepter and rubbed her forehead. "I'm surrounded by- "IDIOT, I had a beautiful finale coming up! What are we going to do with all these leftover pyrotechnics?!" "Ursula hasn't had a musical number, give them to her.." Scar shrugged his shoulders and walked off, Hades began showing Maleficent the data off of Ansem's computer.
Cracker, now that my wall is a staff rave we can discuss impurtunt things. If we had something important to discus.. I'd think you could use...
Oh, oops. xD It's good now, and because I've neglected to answer, the banner you posted in the message below is great. I just need to see if DT...
To those of you who thought this was a spelling flub, THINK AGAIN. For Amaury was actually trying to appreciate the baby prems. So it's just a clever Misty thread.
Oh gawd my marijuana patch- I mean. Meh.. Savings...patch. yau.
I killed Mufasa.
Well here is something I whipped up,...
Okay, good deal. Yes, that be great actually. The more commanders they can get the better.
I was thinking the same thing, but wasn't sure about it fitting in as you said. Whatever you wanna do is fine though(lol me not making the decisions).
Speaking of which(cutting in) did anything happen I need to respond to? I'm trying to avoid getting too behind, but yeah.
At any rate, now that I have your attention(bwhah), what character would you like to represent you in the staff thing I'm adding to the front...
Oh, wow, that was easy. I would have never realized it was doing that, it was blending so well. Thank you for the help Bushy, the page looks much...
Oh do you now? Yes, that would be lovely, do tell.
Spoiler It's actually quite clean right now.
Never mind how high the cost may grow, this will still be so, I will never let. your. people. go.
Oh god this is great, poor Scotty. XD
Ooh, it's Psycho Mantits. I've been reading it as Psycho Mantis, was a bloody confusing thread.
Bollocks, I could swear I updated the list beforehand. Must have forgotten to use the new one when I was putting it together. It's fixed now. My b, also used the wrong list. Updated.