It's actually cold in the morning now, I can wear jackets without people scolding me. It's the little things. Spoiler
I cannot articulate my confusion at first. After figuring out what you're getting at, yes, becuase that guy looks nothing like Sephiroth....
If I can sit down and take the time to make one I'd love to enter. Can't wait to see all the videos when the contest is over~
I KNOW. Found it thanks to Picnik, I've only been able to get along because if it. Bless picmonkey..
Uh..depends. It's more on abiding by the Role-Play section rules on the matter, I'm not certain so you might want to check it, but I think we're...
Clearly a gynecologist.
Tis but a scratch.
I'd do it myself, but I already sawed off my own arms.
Helpful Tip #4: See latter half of Helpful Tip #2.
Was in the creative spirit and wanted to use some of the images I've collected for Kingdom Hearts. Replaying through the first one also helped, enjoy~
Fair enough, not easily having the ability to see what's happening in the thread when writing is annoying. It didn't, don't sweat it. Honestly I'm not certain what I want, but the solution they came up with does seem like a good avenue.
I already stated that they did.. this being actual proof of my statement. My "happiness" level with the outcome is irrelevant though.
Spoiler No, not usually, but the point still stands. Yes, there are other religions that believe in the same God despite not being Christian (such as the Jews). However, as I said, the prayers prayed before most events are said from the Christian standpoint, including Jesus more times than not. I'm saying this as a Christian myself (albeit I don't agree with most social issues of the church, or everything in the Bible), I don't think one belief needs to be set above others. The problem lately is that in a country that is historically more slanted toward Christian beliefs, things like prayer before events and God's name being in state legislative is being questioned. This obviously causes a rift between people who think their rights are being taken away, people who want to make it a level field (moment os silence for instance), and people who just want to watch the world burn.
Yes, but most prayers before sporting events are comprised of: "AND WE THANK YOU DEAR LORD FOR THE DOGES, THE CHEVYS, THE FORDS, AND FOR MY SMOKING HOT WIFE." Or something that is specifically thanking the God Christians believe in. That's the issue.
I understand the reasoning behind doing away with public prayers at football games, because it technically only represents one religion. However, there have been prayers before almost all sporting events since we started having public sporting events in America. It's just something you do, like singing the National Anthem. You're taking a moment to pray for the safety of everyone at the game, regardless of it being religious it just seems comforting. It's not like you're making anyone pray, just like you don't make anyone take their hat off during the national anthem (although, you're not American if you don't). I was reading a story about this earlier, and as stated before, a moment of silence for people to pray for the events safety or do whatever you want was implemented at a high-school in Tennessee. The community didn't really receive the news they weren't having a prayer before the game well, being a state in the Bible belt and all, but this could be a good solution. Whatever the case, doing away with it all entirely isn't the answer.
We'd be lost without your help.
Been awhile since I've last posted.. Didn't really have anyone who needed to be posted as.. Improvised because Scar.