I was working on a specific amv for the villains coincidentally. Eventually I'll actually finish the number of projects I started in a mad rush of creative explosion and spam the thread with videos.
Is it raining in there? It's raining out here too.
If you think it's happening enough(I've been noticing it too), then yes we can definitely add it to the rules. You writing up a draft would be...
It's really giving it an almost menacing appearance, getting close to Halloween a nice touch indeed. The tab looking up Silence only adds to the effect. pfff. SotYear
I know somebody had Mickey, that's why I didn't reserve him earlier.. He was even in one of the videos I think. Unless it was Reinzel who had him.
Fixing my reserve list, nobody has Yen Sid right? I checked and didn't see him, just found it odd we didn't have him already.
totally who you meant Also sweet jumping sarcophagus could you guys have quoted that picture of Rikku anymore? The thread looks like the staff pr0n section without tacos.
Roger. Are you going to be introducing them to the characters at some point or taking a different approach?
Yes, but you were stating explicitly how they'd be entitled the same powers. Even a joke Sephiroth would be plenty capable of Kingdom Arc level...
I've heard that broadway musical is pretty good, think of it with a darker ending with more maniacal laughter. Also PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWERS....
If that's what we've come to the agreement of, then I don't think I'm really on board with allowing another Sephirothish character with the same...
Yeah, I just got caught up somewhat on what's going on. Thought everyone was just listing their zodiac signs at first. xD Scar's musical numbers...
Nope, I'd be glad if you did so.
Alright, so I'm not certain what we're doing here with the zodiac, but I think I've got the just of it. Correct me if this isn't okay, just thought it fit ridiculously well. ♈ - Aries - The Lying Black Sheep Power: Allows the user to reshape and alter reality through changing them to be a lie. For example; bringing somebody back from the dead via writing their death as a lie. Drawback: User can no longer tell the truth; everything they say is a lie of some form. Holder: Loki Laufeyson
I had this sneaking suspicion that Kingdom Hearts was light.
CROSSOVER STAFF ASSEMBLE on my wall cause Hero was asking about something.
Hm..I'll ask DT and Bushy what they think if you're really interested in playing as them. CROSSOVER STAFF ASSEMBLE.