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  1. Droid
    Profile Post Comment

    Eh, is it not showing up for you?

    Eh, is it not showing up for you?
    Profile Post Comment by Droid, Oct 9, 2012
  2. Droid
  3. Droid
  4. Droid

    "All thrust to the right engines, bring us to the left GLaDOS!" Loki commanded as the Halberd bowed to the side, brandishing the full might of it's functioning gatling guns.
    "Arm the cannons and raise the shields, I want those missiles destroyed!"
    "Shields are at full power, beginning missile countermeasures."
    The sky was aglow with the yellow streams of molten shots being blasted across the landscape, the Bullet Bills were being dismissed one after the other. The fact that the missiles were independent and had bloody eyeballs allowed for a few strays to get through the hellfire and close in on the Halberd's engines.
    "Full deflection to the ships rear!"
    "Won't be a problem captain." Loki looked confusingly up at the ceiling, he heard Kimblee's voice, but he was nowhere to be found. A moment later GLaDOS had him pulled up on the screen.
    "Kimblee, where in blazes have you been?"
    "Naw, 'Thanks for saving the ship' would be too much to ask for." Kimblee snarled as the Bullet Bills exploded in mid air thanks to the Crimson Alchemist.
    "Something or other malfunctioned on the damn cannon and sent be back here, been MIA in a coma ever since. All the excitement made me come to, good work keeping the ship together, gaping holes are so 'in' right now."
    "They're fabulous when positioned straight through the chest."
    "Saix could vouch for that."
    No sooner was the nobodie's voice heard over the speakers, "You left the com link open. It's true we don't have hearts, but I know full well how to jam a Claymore into yours."
    Kimblee chuckled as the Halberd team continued fighting off the crazed turtle's assault.

    Back out across the sky Lelouch, Kallen and Saix were awaiting the other Zero's advance team. The Sky was becoming littered with Knightmares accompanied by ships duking it out with the Reapers, just a few more advances and they'll be upon the leader.
    "Saix, I need more power in the hadron cannon."
    Zero's orders were ignored or unheard it appeared, Saix was looking out of the Knightmare with a blank expression. Lelouch was obviously confused seeing as Saix always looked like this.
    "SAIX, snap out of it!"
    The nobody blinked and appeared to have returned from wherever he was at.
    "S-Sorry, I don't know what happened."
    "It's irrelevant, just direct the power to the cannons."
    "Right, yes Zero." Saix continued assisting the leader of the rebellion, but he could feel the presence that had gather miles away from the Savanna. Too many of them had gathered in the same place, he knew they'd be after him soon. The question would be who his loyalties remained with, his deceitful former master or the masked vigilante bent on stopping an invasion and recreating the world.


    "Life's full of tough choices, innit?" Ursula mused with an unknown man, the two of them gathered around her cauldron in the Grand Hall.
    "Quite, but I suppose given the circumstances it suits my interests best to remain here."
    Soon after the man had spoken the familiar green flames erupted near the door to Kingdom Hearts. Maleficent and Scar descended down the rock slabs to the cauldron.
    "So, while I'm wasting away performing musical numbers you're finding hot and bothered. Grand."
    "I found him unconscious in one of the hallways, he's not sure how he got here, but his history should qualify him enough for our group."
    "Of course, he's the only Disney villain beside myself to say Hell."
    "Hell, he sung a song about it."

    "It's a pleasure to meet you Mistress."
    "The feelings mutual. However, if you burn this castle down because thy loins get hot I'll have you burned at the stake."
    The four talked about the discoveries in the basement, Hades explaining to the other villains all they had uncovered.
    "So what you're saying is we can't be beat, not with this many heartless!"
    "No, not yet. Not with the power at the Organization's disposal. They'll be coming soon enough, no doubt bent on acquiring this doorway to Kingdom Hearts. Though I may be prideful I'm no fool, we may have to abandon this imperfect atrocity to gain the real Kingdom Hearts."
    "You think the heroes will come rushing in to stop them, somehow in the skirmish we'll acquire the x-blade?"
    "It's a plan, the 'heros' generally do their thing, but thanks to Ansem's research another vision has been set. Besides, in the hero scenario they're more than likely to dispose of us while they're at."
    "That's why if plan A doesn't succeed we'll fall back until plan B can come to fruition."
    "And what exactly is plan A, defeat the Organization?"
    Green smoke began to fill the ro-
    "NO, NO, STOP. THERE WILL BE NONE OF THAT!" Maleficent blasted a bolt of lightning in Scar's direction before he had a chance to destroy the castle in a fit of musical genius.
    Regardless, the outside of the castle was beginning to look more menacing by the second. The Heartless were growing in number, scaling the walls and pouring out of cravases, the villains army was taking shape.
    Post by: Droid, Oct 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Droid
    Post by: Droid, Oct 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Droid
    Na, he's all yours. He wasn't one of my favorites in the series.
    I know I'd have done the same thing he did after what happened to Euphemia, but Lelouch was my fav so it hurt at times.

    Also I have my own reservations.

    Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!)
    Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!)
    Post by: Droid, Oct 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Droid
    I'm kinda unfamiliar with him (lol no idea), but if you can link me to a video of him, preferably in HD if you can find, then I most definitely will.
    Post by: Droid, Oct 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Droid
    Lists are up to date now..I think.

    Villains AMVs more than halfway completed, but in an effort to include everyone who has a villain I'd like everyone to name one or more important villains they have so I can try to include them. Also I'll hopefully get a post up sometimes today, let me know if I missed an update or something.
    Post by: Droid, Oct 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Droid
  10. Droid
  11. Droid
    Be Prepared

    Ahem, yeah.
    Post by: Droid, Oct 1, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Droid
    Post by: Droid, Sep 28, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Droid
    Post by: Droid, Sep 28, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Droid
    A ceramic pinata.

    Post by: Droid, Sep 28, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Droid
    Same as the regular character sheets, although you'd need to add a little more information about them since they're OC's. We have limit on how many OCs you can have, I don't think I have it posted so I'll get on that soon, but I think it's three.
    Post by: Droid, Sep 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Droid

    "Objective acknowledged," Loki stuttered as he viewed the masked figure, knowing full well that he had just spoken to Zero before he flew off into battle. "You can't be Zero? He's.." Loki peered out the window and saw him aiding Kallen's advance team. "Over..there.. GLaDOS, lock the cannons onto the coordinates and get me in contact with Zero."
    "The target has been acquired, hailing Zero."
    Music played for a brief moment as they were on hold.
    "Hello, why are you calling?"
    "Saix, put Zero on the line, I need to speak-"
    "I'M A LITTLE BUSY AT THE MOMENT!" Zero screamed as his Knightmare Narrowly missed getting tore apart by one of the Reapers molten death rays. Due to the dent the Black Knight's ship made in the Reapers shield the party had made some headway, but Sovereign still seemed just out of reach.
    "Zero! It's the Ikaruga, that's what weakened the behemoth's shield." Kallen exclaimed over the link.
    "The Ikaruga? Loki, who's piloting my ship?"
    Loki rubbed his forehead in annoyance, "Well..sir, you are."
    Lelouch raised his eyebrow under his helmet as GLaDOS patched the feed through to his Knightmare. One look at the screen caused him to shake his head, "Not half bad, you know how to pick a good time to show up I'll give you that."


    "Enter the conquering heros! AHAH" Grell pronounced in glee as his Knightmare streaked across the Savanna skyline.
    "I'd prefer behemoth bashers, let's get this started!" Luciano speed past the half paying attention Grell toward the closest Reaper he could find, Britannia's Knightmare fleet was filing into the Savanna behind them.
    Vader scoffed in an about time sort of way as he flew up higher into the sky to meet them.
    "I see you've decided to get into the fray."
    "We couldn't let you have all the fun bolts butt, enough catching up, I want to dig this thing into something!"
    Grell revved his enormous chainsaw as he flew past Vader.
    "Right..okay. All personnel commence attack on the Reapers at once!" Vader spun his saber sword and returned to the battle.
    Post by: Droid, Sep 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Droid
    If you have some that are in HD (ei: 720p Quality or Higher), then yes send them my way through pm or whatever is easy. Yes, again, if you plan on them being in this arc then they're welcome.
    That can go for the rest of you if you have villains that I don't have clips of, I'll try to include as many as I can. Before asked, no, anti-heros like Kaiba/Meta Knight for instance don't count.

    When you've got time on your hands it can be very fun, watching finished products that you know have been done well is grand.
    Post by: Droid, Sep 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Droid
    Great Scott, Super Villain might be perfect. The beat sounds like it would be great to fit clips to as well.
    If you're cool with it I'd love to use that song for the amv.

    That one I've only got in outline stage, I have to make an amv for the KH-Vids contest thing and I'm deciding between using that song or Don't wake me up for a Kingdom Hearts vid.
    Post by: Droid, Sep 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Droid
  20. Droid
    Eh, I've changed the songs a few times now. But I think I was last using a combined mix of Joshua and Pit of Vipers by Simon Curtis. Not sure what I really want to do with it right now.
    I'm also trying to get a covewide video made with the song Eyes of Tomorrow by Broken Iris.
    Post by: Droid, Sep 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home