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  1. Droid

    Welcome friends to the first ever Crossover Cove Multi Editor Project! We discussed making a video project together a while back, but obviously it didn't come to fruition for multiple reasons. Nevertheless I'm going to start it up for real this time with actual structure.
    I've wanted to run some actual events for the cove for some time now, this is the first one I've felt confident enough in getting off the ground. So if you're a member of my RP, Crossover Cove, feel welcome to read the entry rules below and join in!


    1. We've got a deadline for this project, for the moment I've settled on December 1st. This may seem a bit far off, but I want everyone to have ample time allotted to produce the best work they can. There is school for some, work for others and holidays between now and then, so it's best to have a longer deadline. If you need extension beyond this deadline we'll get to that when the deadline arrives.

    2. This is a video project, so there a few guidelines to follow:
    a. Your video should center around your characters in the Cove, the plot or both.
    b. Each video should be between 30 seconds and 1 minute long. You may have it up to 10 seconds over the limit if needed, further extension will need to be discussed. Depending on how many people we get participating this limit may be lowered/extended.
    c. I urge you to use HD clips in your video, but I understand we don't all have great editing software. So just as long as you upload the finished work to youtube for me to download or send me a file link (I'll provide you a way if you use this method) it'll be fine.
    d. This brings me to the MEP flow, I'd like everyone to not include any watermarks. This means don't put your name or youtube name, everyone who participates will be credited, but the video will look nicer this way.

    3. Song Choice: Everyone is going to use a different snippet of song in their videos. So long as your video is KH-Vids appropriate you can use it, if you're unsure then just ask. Regardless everyone needs to post their song choice, it'll help me anticipate how the video can flow.

    If there are any other concerns or rules you'd like established feel free to talk to me about it. Otherwise let's get to it!
    Thread by: Droid, Oct 24, 2012, 19 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  2. Droid
    Well I had it on the move earlier so it should be approaching, I can see waiting a tad longer though for everything to get sorted out . Once it's calmer the station can show up and actually cause a retreat, then a battle can ensue with it once Zero feels he can infiltrate it.

    As for the missile, the tesseract would have the ability to simply transport it somewhere else. Loki has it with him on the Halberd hidden from everyone, but given the circumstances he could bring it out.
    Post by: Droid, Oct 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Droid
    Alright, now I'm not dying nor doing anything really time consuming; So I was thinking about making a post later, from my catching up I'm not finding anything really needing addressing other than the bloody nuke. What is the strategy for taking that down?

    More plot effecting though is the Damocles being brought onto the Savanna in my next post. Since the Reapers are gone Britannia will switch focus to seek and conquer, becoming an enemy to the heros.
    Post by: Droid, Oct 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Droid
    This is from the walk to defeat ALS(Lou Gehrig's Disease) down in Atlanta last Saturday, wearing the shirt for the group my friend's sister put together.

    Post by: Droid, Oct 22, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. Droid
    Gotten the lines in! I'm deeply sorry that I'm getting them in on the last day, sickness, blah and such. Thank you for being patience Jayn!
    Post by: Droid, Oct 19, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  6. Droid
    Weren't you the uncle from Jackie Chan once? Might be thinking of someone else.
    Post by: Droid, Oct 17, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Droid
    Yes, of course. I can't recall right now where I found it, but here is the stock:
    Post by: Droid, Oct 16, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Droid
  9. Droid
    Fabulous, I'm always in a constant state of fab. Also I'm happy because I finally finished this!~

    Suggestion to watch it on youtube in HD for best quality.

    Took a different approach with this amv, though I might have overdone it a tad in the middle. Regardless hope you guys like it, another addition to the collection.
    Post by: Droid, Oct 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Droid

    Post by: Droid, Oct 15, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Droid
    I have to try and be apart of this because of Lion King reasons.

    [2] So many things to tell her
    But how to make her see [GB]

    [3] The truth about my past? Impossible!
    She'd turn away from me

    So long as those lines are acceptable. I'll try to have them to you in a few days, trying to finish getting over a cold so my voice is a little shot.
    Also, here is an appropriate render for the occasion.
    Post by: Droid, Oct 15, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  12. Droid
    Was thoroughly confused for a moment due to your name change, Aki. Thought we had a new cove member reservering people out the wazoo. Got your lists and names fixed on the first page now~

    Ahem, sorry for my absence if I was needed any. I came down with some dreadful flu/cold/smallcaseofdeath and I'm just now feeling good enough to really think straight. Next time someone so much as thinks about coughing I'm changing residencies for awhile.
    Post by: Droid, Oct 15, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Droid
    This is the first time I've made a set with the rounded corners, I just felt like it gave these pieces a softer tone. To each their own, thank you though~
    Post by: Droid, Oct 12, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Droid


    They're gonna make speedy a girl.
    Don't like that much, but I think I was more disappointed that Queen didn't have a beard doubling as a lethal weapon. Also that he has a hood instead of a hat, although I get what they're doing and it's pretty good. The whole green face paint thing was weird though..not sure what we're accomplishing here, "GREAT SCOTT, Oliver Queen's wears nowhere near that level of eyeliner so this can't be him!"

    Anyways, I feel like I could get into watching it, may get better over time.
    Post by: Droid, Oct 12, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Droid
  16. Droid
  17. Droid
    I'll get my character sheet for my OC up soon with a bio on who and what he his, mysteriousness for the moment.
    Post by: Droid, Oct 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Droid

    ~/ The Avengers:

    "Now that is what I'm talking about." Fury clapped as the mecha obliterated the Reaper, seemingly without any effort. He and the rest of the Avengers cast were held up in a crevasse along the shattered landscape of the Savanna.
    "Sir, if the others are ready I think now's our best chance to head out."
    "Now that we've got a fighting chance." Fury peered around for a moment, "What happened to the goddamn batman?"
    "He said he went out for coffee, sir." Coulson said dryly while preparing a large gun.
    "Went out for- Hill, can you get in contact with him?!"
    "He's nowhere near here, sir. Not that I'd be able to tell you if he was sitting over there with the level of interference I'm getting."
    "Looks like he'll be missing the fun then." Hawkeye buckled his quiver on and walked over to Iron Man.
    "Think you can get me up somewhere high?"

    Fury peeked out of the rocky outpost and motioned for everyone to follow him out.
    "Alright everyone listen up, our main goal is aiding anyone hell bent on killing these aliens. Listen to Captain for further attack strategies. Hill, Coulson, you're with me. Let's move!"
    Fury, gun drawn and coat blowing in the wind, lept out of the crevasse and headed for the tanks nearby. Coulson and Hill followed behind closely, Maria with her custom pistol and Phil with a portable flamethrower.


    The mobile command center for Britannaia's ground fleet, a G-1 Mobile Base, marched through the Savvanna. It was surrounded by tanks and Knightmares, the lead tank being commanded by General Olivier Armstrong herself. She slashed her sword up at the closest Reaper and ordered a commence fire.
    "That's it boys, keep giving 'em everything you've got!"
    She was soon interrupted by the surprise of three somewhat familiar figures running up to her tank.
    "Not possible. Director Fury, I've got a half a mind to just slit your throat right now and call it day." Olivier stood beside the tank, polishing her sword.
    "I'm thankful that the other half is interested enough to hear me out."
    "Be more gracious of the fact I'm allowing you to go through with your plan. The Queen is up in the control room, I trust you'll be respectful now that we're all on the same side for once."
    "Of course, we have a history."
    "Any history involving you can't be good. Now get out of my sight." She huffed while climbing back up into the tank and rolling off. The three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents made it to the control room moments later, greeted to the sight of her majesty wielding a bazooka.
    "THE ENEMY HAS BREACHED THE INNER SANCTUM." She screamed before her hip gave out and she fell to the floor.
    "Your Majesty...are you alright..?"
    "Oh, Nick, it's you. How the devil did you find yourself here?" The director helped the Queen to her chair while explaining the situation. "Very well then, you're given temporary control of this base. Win us this war, Director."
    "It would be my pleasure. Agent Hill, get eyes on the team."
    "On it, sir." Maria locked cameras from the Britannian forces all across the Savanna onto the Avengers to keep track of their whereabouts, displaying them up on the vessel's screens.
    "How exciting." The Queen smiled as the sky remained ablaze with the calamity happening above.


    "Intuitive of you. Of course I have much grander plans-" Lelouch was about to go on when the mecha dismantled the Reapers at the drop of a hat. His face grew worried as a cold sweat dripped down his cheek, "Who the hell is that..?" He managed to spit out, moments later the pilot of the mecha appearing on his screen.
    "Who is this guy, Zero?" Kallen hovered close by in the Gurren, unsure of how to handle the newcomer.
    "I'm about to find out." Lelouch swallowed and composed himself, "Greetings, I am the leader of the Black Knights and future ruler, protector of this world, Zero. I appreciate your help, but who are you and what purpose do you serve?"

    Back in the Halberd Loki fixated on the black, metallic devastator. Shocked by it's power, but more interested in it's full capabilities. His attention was soon drawn behind him, for a dark figure leaned against the doorway unnoticed by anyone else.
    "What do you want?" He kept his eyes trained on the view screen while his thoughts appeared to talk to the presence.
    "I'm growing restless, how much longer do you intend to sit idly by?"
    "As long as it takes to destroy these dull creatures, don't you see the benefits of letting these fools handle the heavy lifting?"
    "Be that as it may another powerful threat is on the way, your chance for glory along with it."
    "I quiver with anticipation. What of you though, why not get into the fray yourself?"
    "I'm but a spectator, you've simply drawn my attention enough to warrant conversation."
    "Is that so? When I am ruler of this world I'll be sure to note that I interested you."
    "Truly a great highlight to any resume." The figure bowed, vanishing from the doorway to standing right infront of Loki, visible only to the god of mischief.


    "Do put on a show." The creature's tentacles began to wrap around Loki, a jet black, clawed hand placed on his cheek. "You'd hate me when i'm bored." A sliver of serrated white teeth formed a grin where the creatures mouth should be, soon closed as the presence left the room and Loki found himself blankly staring at the screen. Lights began flashing as it came up on radar, still a ways out, but the Damocles would be there shortly.
    "So this is the battlestation of legend. With it's arrival the battle draws to an end, so does draw the beginning of another."
    Post by: Droid, Oct 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Droid

    Thank you, you're totally free to use it, probably my favorite one~

    I went back on forth on just using her head because of that, but decided to go for it because of how darn cute she looked. xD

    I'm always prone to use allot of contrast and color boosting, but depending on how light the image is (and the quality) darkening it a tad can do wonders for the whole piece. lol I'm addicted to the round corners right now..

    Also, I never got back to you on doing a collab sometime (sorry about that), love to if we can.

    Be my guest, makes me very happy that you'd like to use it~
    Post by: Droid, Oct 10, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Droid