I lurve you Kelly. <3
Listen sparky here's the deal if you wanna court the little lady you've gotta be a straight shooter, do ya got it?
Could have been worse. You still owe her the bike, Jayn. Her little heart can only take so much.
Spoiler I Killed M-u-f-a-s-aaaa
Have a grand Halloween everyone! My friends and I aren't having our Halloween party until Friday, but I'll be dressed up all day as Loki regardless. CAUSE I DO WHAT I WANT.
This is obligatoryception up in here.
That's cool, I wonder how long it actually can go on. I was concerned that a new RP thread was going to need to be put up soon.
No really. Going to strut into my design class come morning in a trench coat, I'll be burdened with inglorious paperwork.
Inside the Queen's base, Fury and co. were desperately searching for a way to stop the impending doom plummeting toward the Savanna. "Hill, have you gotten the schematics on that thing?" "Yes, sir, they're coming up now." Maria pulled up the specs of the Nuclear Bullet Bill, while it may look comical in appearance, there is no denying it's even more capable than a regular nuke of obliterating the Savanna off the map. "It looks tough, even if we had something that could break it's exterior shell we'd blow it up." "Good luck finding anything that could do that in the first place, I've never seen the material it's made out of, it may be as strong as the Captain's shield." "So what are you two saying? That there is no hope and we're all going to be splattered across the Savanna?" "Quite the contrary, there won't be a Savanna for our mangled corpses to be splattered upon." "Your insight is most helpful, your majesty." The Queen nodded and sipped her cup of tea. Fury looked helplessly at the terror in the sky, even with Iron Man and Thor's combined efforts it wasn't slowing down all that much. With a click the doors to the room opened, a young man wandered inside more concerned with his cell phone than mortal peril. He bumped into Fury while meandering around, taking a step back he held up his hands. "Pardon me director, I've got quite a lot on my mind right now and didn't see you brooding there." "Wh-Who the hell are you? Can't you see we're all about to die and you're more concerned with your phone?" [COLOR=#0f0314[color=][/color]]"Well, when you put it that way it makes me sound like a sadist or somthing. Which is quite possibly true, but it matters not with current events to deal with."[/COLOR] He looked up at the screen and tilted his head, "I suppose we could just blow it up now and save the time it'll take to crash into the ground." Fury had heard enough of the man's comments and drew his pistol, he was met with a knife the man grabbed from his coat pocket. The knife pushed Fury's aim into the wall as the man smiled, "Oh yes, we could all just shoot ourselves. That would save the effort of finding a way to blow that bomb up. I like the way you think director." "Enough, Izaya. You're here to strategize, not mock our allies." The Queen glared while setting her tea down. Spoiler: Enter "I'm sorry, your majesty, but humans can be so much fun to mess with. His desperate state was like a fresh apple waiting to be picked." "Strategist? So you are a Britannian." "No, no. I'm nothing but a humble information broker helping these lovely people out. Thanks to the events that brought us here I needed something to do." "Well mister "strategist", got any plans to actually get rid of that thing?" Fury pointed at the screen, the bomb's speed appeared to have decreased, but it was getting deathly close to the ground. "Actually I do, "did" being the more appropriate phrasing." Fury looked at him accusingly. "The phone call you rudely interrupted with your girth was to someone who may be able to stop our demise." "May, that's reassuring." "I've come to find out that there are no true certainties, but I can presume within a reasonable sense of certainty that it'll all work out." Fury huffed and gazed out at the falling terror*. *See how many different synonyms I can use for "hella dangerous bomb" as possible in one post. Loki closed his phone and sighed, "Brilliant." He slammed his hand onto the control panel. "Who was that?" Pride asked questioningly. "An idiot with a voice that sounds very familiar now that I think about it..can't imagine why." "What did the idiot have to say?" "It was about that bomb falling toward the Savanna, he says it may even be big enough to blow us out the sky along with demolishing the Savanna. He thought I may be able to stop it." "You?" Lust leaned on the dashboard and chuckled slightly. "Silence, you know very well that I could dispose of that bomb with the Tesseract. One second here the other gone, the bomb never existed." Loki felt an enormous amount of power build up in himself, like something had been awakened inside of him. He felt dizzy for a moment, Lust grabbed ahold of his shoulders and propped him up. "Loki! LOKI!" She slapped him across the face. "Agh..that was unnecessary..I was coming out of it.." "Oh I know, but chances like that come very seldom." The two smiled sarcastically. "Quit acting like children and look outside!" Pride exclaimed. The two slowly turned to look out the window and were stunned by what they were seeing. "Nothing?..Nothing.. The bomb.." "It's...gone?" "Where the hell did it go?" The three were baffled as the Halberd continued sailing through the skies.
I was under the impression every thread you and Enzy have together resembles this. Jayn <3 For your love to blossom you'll need to satisfy Misty's deepest desire: Spoiler
The end is nigh.
bro, shit got fabulous.
"Things have been quite." Scar looked around the Grand Hall to see Ursula continuing to brood with Frollo around her cauldron, Maleficent stroke her scepter by the hellish looking portal to Kingdom Hearts and Oogie standing way to close to Scar's face. "For the love of elephant gray what do you want?!" "I just thought I'd wander up here and see how things were going. Looks about as boring as the last time I saw you." "Yes, well we've been rather segregated from the plot for awhile now. All we get now is a random musical number or more brooding." "Well that stinks. How's about you and I go stir up some trouble next door?" "The sky sanctuary? The one with the nobodies carrying actual weapons what tear large holes in us?" "The same." "Well they have been rather quiet, but we're going to need backup." Scar and Oogie exited the chamber and headed for wherever Hades was hiding. Meanwhile, Maleficent grew weary of continuously stroking her scepter and let her crow handle the duty. "Ursula, what has become of the situation in the Savanna?" "The reapers are toast for now, they started retreating in drones." "More importantly they seem to have attached some device to the leader. A tracking device more than likely." "Urgently speaking they're being bombarded by a nuclear bomb that the turtle-dragon thing, Bowser, launched at them." "Bowser. That fool has always had such minor goals, usually involving kidnapping princesses. Honestly, that is so last scheme." Maleficent approached the cauldron and dipped her scepter into the water. "I think it will soon be time to unleash our own trump card, maybe a show of strength could be achieved by disposing of this bomb." The sorcerous smiled as two piercing eyes stared back at her through the cauldron. "Speak of the devil." ~/Hollow Bastion - Basment: Down in the Heartless production center, Hades was overseeing the steady growth of the Villains army from the overhead booth computer lab. "At this rate we're groin run out of places to store these little monsters." The doors burst open as Oogie tripped through the door into the room, Scar strolled overtop the sack and stood beside Hades. "Hello ol' chap, we decided to stop by for chat if you've got a moment." "Of course, anything that will distract me from this." "That's the spirit! Now lets warp up to the sky santuary and do devious things." "warp what where now" "He said the sky santuary, flamer. There's not a minute to spare, I can feel the boredom eating away at me." "We've been sitting idly by for too long, it's time to take matters into our own..." Scar glanced down, "Paws..." "Seems a bit rash, you two will need some weaponry." Hades snapped his fingers and scar was outfitted with a shoulder gun and a scouter over his eye, Oogie was holding a scythe with a bag over his head. "This seems a bit like overkill wouldn't you say?" "Eh, you just can't appreciate the comedic value." Hades ripped the bag off of Oogie and nodded his head. "Alright clench up you two, we're going up." Hades snapped his fingers once more and the three were transported into a hallway inside the sky sanctuary. They quietly rounded corners and kept a sharp eye out for nobody patrols, unsure of what they would do first.
Whenever Oogie tried to kill Sandy Claus. Dat be some some scurry shiz. I flinch at the sight of dice now. My family was never one to watch horror films, so I don't have a great sampling. I've found that I despise really gory films though, makes me queasy. The halloween special Pooh had should totally count. Spoiler Tuurrifying I know.
What's this? There's mushy slush everywhere. What's this? I've fallen down a well.
Exactly. Thank you for answering and entering, Aeirth. Very nice, great song and easy to flow with others. I'm still debating on my own song, probably have it decided over the weekend.
Regardless of my political position on him, I'm convinced the man is King Bradley. Spoiler He even sounds like his english voice actor.
Hey guys, got a link here I know some of you will want to check out. I've put together another thread for this project so we can actually get it started, feel free to join here: http://kh-vids.net/threads/crossover-cove-mep.134150/ If it pertains to the MEP try to talk about it in that thread, although general discussion is fine here.