Okay first, the Omegas are actual characters from Final Fantasy, he's allowed to have them. The Reapers are invading, ergo they send their attack Omegas like they did the first time they invaded. DT has a predetermined plot for the RP to run along, it bobs and weaves throughout with different characters showing up and everyone having subplots, but there is a definite goal in mind. No one said you can't bring in a character, but it won't overshadow the current plot or be bigger than the present Reaper invasion at hand. EDIT: I knew you'd ninja me DT. lol What he said as well.
I'm confused, you mean DT having an Omega?
Of course, I love making those things so any images you'd like me to use I'm happy to be linked to.
Spoiler Go on. Did the same running up the stairs thing, deathly afraid of malicious man eaters what lurk beside the toaster.
Whoa, slow down Maurice, I didn't mention a deadline. Smashfan, quit...answering people with obscure reasoning. No deadline has been set because we didn't hammer out all the details yet. As for sending completed works to me, I'll list a number of ways to do that soon.
I saw her once, she was dressed as what appeared to be a chuzzel. An adorable chuzzel.
As in everyone would pick their own song and the different AMVs would be put together. Opinion seems to be leaning toward that idea. Right, thank you for remind me. We'll start with the general length for each person's AMV being around 1 minute. We can talk out if that's good, if we'd like to extend it, etc. Cases could be made to have additional time if need be.
Doesn't matter, she'll go on.
Yes, not just anyone can spark a cult following on a Kingdom Hearts site. For we are ones whom know nothing and can understand nothing.
And so the backyard belongs to the moose and maple leaves.
ITForum: Where we admit long lusty feelings towards everyone on a Kingdom Hearts forum.
http://www.kh-vids.net/threads/hey-rainshine.132378/ You can't deny it. Her shiny teeth make you swoon.
Amaury, Rainshine, you guys better watch out. A challenger has approached the backyard.
Few things to mention. I'm addressing the AMV collab I've been asked about. if you some of you are interested in doing such a project I'm going to lay out the framework now. Firstly, SmashFan is the one who's asked to lead it, he's got a song picked out("World Without Logos"). Either we're going to go about it that way, or we can do a multi song collab. Before we get any further into this, I'd like to know how many people are interested in participating. Next I want you to vote on whether you'd like to do a one song collab(you may present a different song of choice to be voted on later), or a multi song collab where everyone has a different one. I'd love to start a project like this with everyone, so feel free to present ideas so we can figure out how we want to do it. Next, the OP has been updated looks wise. New banners and sub banners have been added for a sleeker design. This isn't really important current matters wise, but I thought I'd let you know because I avoided sleep to mess with it. Lastly, I've got to get up in 4 hours to go to college, so when i return I'll probably just sleep for awhile. Heads up that I won't be on as much until Thursday, if you need anything urgently answered ask DT or our newest Cove Staff member, Bushy. Which reminds me, WELCOME TO THE MOCK STAFF BUSHY, YOU GET A PIN. /hastilymadepin Bushy is now one of my Hyenas, Ed, because he can't ban you like DT(who is Shenzi, yes. And no, I didn't ask to call him that before making this post). Regardless you need to listen to his words of wisdom like you always do, he's got rules named after him for a reason. Can't think of anything else to mention, so keep on covintm everyone~
Um, I don't think we have a rule against it.. I'm playing the Queen of England for instance, but you might want to double check with DT(I'm a...
They're called Warlocks. You need that chick from halloween town.
Right now it's very simple, I just posted with Kallen what Zero's army is supposed to do. Everyone is to wage war against the Reapers.
"Incoming direct fire." GLaDOS' voice screeched across the Halberd, the crew in panic as the molten beam began to shoot across the Savanna. "Cut off the right engines and crank the left side into max output. Full power to the Blaze Luminous defense shield. Loki, strengthen the shield the best you can, everyone hold on!" Zero ordered as the ship bowed to the left to avoid being ripped in two by the Reapers attack. Loki jabbed his scepter into the floor causing a blue energy to radiate around the ship, strengthening the shield. Regardless of their efforts the beam collided with the left side of the ship and tore one of the wings off, smoke bellowed out of the Halberd as a gapping hole was left in the ship. "Counter balance the engines to keep us out of a tailspin, without our stabilization wing we'll need more power in the right engines." GLaDOS followed orders as shadows filled the landing bay Zero was in. Pride's voice rang out through the room. "Master Zero, the damage from the Reapers has left a gapping hole in the left rear sector of the ship. If the prisoners weren't killed they'll have an outlet to escape!" "Envy can deal with it, they're the least of our concerns right now. Another head on blast like that could spell our destruction. Kallen, I trust you'll lead our forces for now." "You can count on me, Zero." The two shared a nod as Kallen jumped into the Gurren, flying outside the Halberd to meet the scattered troops. She flew to the front of the Battleship and gathered the army of Knightmares. The Guren spread it's wings and charged it's engines as Kallen spoke over the comlink. "On my mark we head into battle, troops. For Freedom and Justice we'll destroy these behemoths. For lord Zero. CHARGE!" The Knightmare battalion shot through the skies away from the battered Halberd. A valiant effort it was, but Zero knew that they'd need Britannia's own Knightmare forces to show up soon for them to have any chance. ~/Battleship Halberd - Prison Block: The air was thick, smoke everywhere with debris littering the floor. Meta Knight could barley make out his glove in front of his face as he got to his feet. Further inspection of the room reveled that he'd survived the explosion thanks to Green Lantern's shield. "Thank you Lantern, I owe you a debt." Hal retracted the shield back into his ring and whipped drops of sweat from his forehead, "Don't mention it, now is our chance to get out of here." "I don't think so.." Envy, whom had been blow across the room when the Reapers blast tore through the ship, was hunched over a chair with his hand pressing a button. The hole the had been ripped into the prison block was beginning to close with an emergency set of airlock walls. That wasn't all, Pride had entered the room and formed a ring of shadows around the hole to prevent the duo from escaping. "You won't be getting out of here, boys. Best to sit tight while we fix up your cell." "Not this time, fiends." Hal extended his hand and shot a beam of green light out of ring. The light paralyzed Pride's shadows and kept their escape rout open. The alarms began to wail as the Halberd tried to stabilize. Spoiler: The Escape "We're out of here!" Meta Knight extended his demonic wings and flew through the opening, soon followed by Hal. The two emerged from the smoke enveloping the left rear of the ship, flying around the gatling guns that hadn't been rearmed yet. Pride emerged from the shadows on the bridge in a hurry, "The Prisoners have escaped, arm the cannons so they don't get away!" Loki brought up the two fugitives on the view screen and ordered GLaDOS to lock onto them. "Blow them out of the sky! Someone get Kimblee on the line, we can't allow them to get to the front." ~/Battleship Halberd - Airspace: "Yeah I see 'em, thought my first mission would be a little more challenging." Kimblee stood on top of the Halberd's deck, right beside the ship's Main Cannon #2. Meta Knight and Hal Jordan were dodging the newly armed gatling guns on the side of the ship, aimed directly for them. "I guess this is to be expected, my ship is built to be one of the most feared air vessels in the universe." "And you weren't compensating for anything when you slapped your face on the front." "......Look out! That man on the deck, he's an alchemist!" Meta Knight tucked his wings and grabbed Hal, flinging them away from one of Kimblee's explosions. "OOH, and the masked basketball surives the first blow. Bravo little one." The two fugitives regained their whereabouts and headed straight for the deck. "Hm? We seem to have a couple of brave ones. Sadly it takes more than guts to survive an explosion." Kimblee clapped his hands together and an instant later Meta Knight and the Green Lantern were consumed in an explosive inferno. "And we bid ye farewell Knights, it has been a pleasure spilling your-..wha?" An orb of green light emerged from the resulting smoke cloud, it landed on the deck in front of Kimblee, reveling the completely intact Knights. Hal flashed his ring as Meta Knight drew his sword, Kimblee couldn't help but crack a smile. "Now this is a treat, not only are you brave, you're also stupid. Especially you, Mr. compensate. You know full well the capabilities of this cannon here, yet you try to face it head on." Kimblee jumped onto the barrel of the cannon as a giant claw emerged from the deck behind him. "I long to see the pain in your eyes when your own ship turns out to be your undoing."