After many long deductions I have come to the conclusion... that I am not Kira... huh, Wtf?
Yes, that brings my Kira catching score up to... two
Hurry up Shinigami
Well, unless the interrogations mean we cath the kira =)
we're still waiting for those interrogations first...
So I'm still getting wrongly suspected after all
Yeah, I was reluctant to acuse but if Clawtooth still does have it, better to acuse now before he passes it on
bad idea since he's already been interrogated and found innocent, even if he was kira, it's unlikely he still has the Death Note Ok, I acuse Clawtooth35
People with numbers: clawtooth35 Alex856 SpazticFantaztic :3 Ok, and sicne a previous hint was that Kira has been here since 2007, that does rule Alex out My guess is Clawtooth
Major typo, what I actually meant to say was "If I was Kira" though I guess that could be figured out easily enough... I definitly never was kira
IF I was kira I would've used the shinigami eyes on you
I have high expectations of this. got volume one of the comic so I'm reading that right now, and it's fun
Not necessarily, didn't the kiras have shinigami eyes?
Ok, I have a new suspect but I'll wait for the shinigami
I think Axel Chan is kira... No reason to acuse, some one else did already
For manga it definitely has to be Full Metal Alchemist
yeah in again
gonna be more careful with accusations, I don't wanna die!
In againnnnnnnsss
ummm, I swear no one noticed a hint that was in one of the investigations... but I can't talk, I'm dead... may be nothing anyway