Well, I acuse NOISE
1. Lion King It's jsut awesome, right? 2. Alice in Wonderland xD, why do I liek this? 3. The Black Cauldron Used to be scary as a kid, heheh. Underated. 4.Fox and the Hound I like foxes. 5. Mulan \She's cool/
\I have an issue with all humans, sexuality is irrelivent/
I watched rivers.
huh I think i relaised what your talking about but "if you if you do die" makes no sense lol... L, could you tell us what hints you've recieved?
huh that makes no sense lol
My suspect... Noise might acuse later
People actually watch thtat terrible show? ughh.
I remember liking The Lion King 2 but I haven't seen it in ages so I don't know lol
oh lol, never heard that Reminds me, of this quote actually: "we're over rated. our EP was **** and kids only like us because of my hair" he later said he was drunk and didn't mean it
Just watched this series, it's amazing, I love it xD
I'd hardly call him "one of the most controversial figures in rock history" lol He gets a lot of haters but I don't think it's because of that incident, which aparently he's innocnet of...
hm, is it possible for someone who has a death note to be name killed? So could one kira just kill another at any time if they knew their name? just wondering that... edit: oh and what if a kira acuses someone (wrongly of course), could they be killed by the other kira for wrongly accusing?
yeah, I'm in againn lol
Dir en Grey?
Thanks for including me Fearless and Axel Chan If I had a list I would put you both on it xD
All the sequals they make are awful, they should really just leave the films alone
It was me who killed you =D
Battle Royale. excellent, I'm glad I watched it, might even become one of my favourites
I think Noise made it up, I was the only kira at the time and it wasn't me