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One second Viento is watching a battle beetween his side and the unified then all of a sudden he's standing on a stain glass image of Riku he turns around to find 3 stone tables on one rests a sword another holds a wand and yet another holds a sheild he chooses to take the sword then he is on a stain glass image of Leon a giant black creature appears and tries to destroy him he tries to fight with the sword but it is replaced with a white version of rikus keyblade he fights the beast but is swallowed by the darkness he wakes up to see riku and two other people talking to each other about a place called "destiny Islands"
Riku ran to his gummi ship the Highwind realizing that he should probably grab Viento so he dashed back to get him finding he was still asleep he dragged him to the gummi ship to see that Sora and Kairi had beat him to it he climbed into the gunners seat throwing Viento into the storage area.
Riku cast a powerful dark firaga spell on the gummi ship causing Mallum to lose control of his ship for a couple of seconds Viento knew there was nothing he could do so he sat back and watched he eventually fell into a deep sleep
Viento looked at the sword wondering what it was nearly forgetting that Riku was in trouble he noticed Leon was helping Riku and he decided he'd better at least try to help Riku so he started slashing away at the enemies hitting 1 or 2 along the way but mostly missing them Riku had tried 3 or 4 times to summon his keyblade but it wouldn't come at last he saw why, the kid had his keyblade and was hacking away at the shadows and dusks with it!"kid drop my keyblade!" he yelled but he just stood their looking confused "drop the sword!" he dropped it Riku summoned his keyblade and took them out in a couple of slashes."what were you doing with my keyblade?"Riku asked"so that's what it's called a keyblade.""yes now what were you doing with it?" "I was just trying to help." "well you did more harm than good" Riku scowled
Viento knew at once from his strong voice this must be the leader "We lost our home world and our memories except for our names, I am Viento the one left in charge by the King of our planet." Riku heard a loud buzzing noise and went outside to investigate He looked around and saw nothing so he turned around to go back inside when he was tackled by a horde of dusks and shadows he summoned his Way to the dawn keyblade but they knocked it out of his hand Viento heard a noise that sounded like the person who had talked to him earlier crying for help he slipped through the crowd and saw the person being attacked by creatures some black and short some silver and tall he looked around for a weapon he saw a strangely shaped sword lying on the ground he picked it up he was instantly taken over by a strange force.
A long, long time ago In a galaxy far away Naboo was under an attack And I thought me and Qui-Gon Jinn Could talk the federation in To maybe cutting them a little slack But their response, it didn't thrill us They locked the doors and tried to kill us We escaped from that gas Then met Jar Jar and Boss Nass We took a bongo from the scene And we went to Theed to see the Queen We all wound up on Tatooine That's where we found this boy
Riku could hear a commotion In the entrance hall so he came to see all the commotion was about he was surprised to see a group of people led by a boy a couple years younger than him "who are you?" he asked "I am Viento" he replied "what are you doing here?"Riku asked "Favium brought us here." he replied. Riku decided he might as well get back to training so he left.
Viento's group did as they were told following closely behind
Viento was surprised at this reaction but replied "we don't remember anything but our names mine is Viento."
turkey or mouse? chicken or mouse? pie or rattle snake? cake or cobra? where is Barrack Obama? do you like Waldo? door A or 2? door 1 or b?
Viento noticed someone walking towards them so he Shouted again " Where are we?"
a black portal opened up in hollow bastion right in front Favian and out walked a group of people who looked like they had been mauled by a rabid bear among them was Viento."Where are we?" said viento looking puzzled.
Name: Viento Age:16 Gender:Male Side: Radiant Garden Home world:????? Appearence: Other:He lost his memories after his home planet was devoured by darkness He seems to have some connection to the keyblade
My favorite part about the old testament is the war stories but it is a little bit harsh in some senses and the new testament is good because it teaches about love and sacrifice.
Hey what up
Welcome to kh-vids
danget i retired the groundhog to earlly
i am retiring the ground hog for good