Did you konw taht tehre was a sutdy to povre taht you can raed as lnog as the frsit and lsat ltetres in the wrod are crrecot? The rset of the wdros can all be jbmueld tgeohter. Tihs is bacseue the hmaun mnid rdaes the wlohe wrod and not jsut the lteter.
tihs is a psot
This is sparta!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a post!
happy late b-day!:birthday:
i like pie!
2nd try xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
In our school the hot dogs serve as an effective bouncy ball and the pizza is cardboard with cheese.I'm glad they are trying to make school lunches at least a little healthier because I know what they are serving us now is not healthy at all, and our student council has fought for the past 3 years to get vending machines and we still haven't gotten any because "they are to expensive".
Sora helped Favian up on to the ship as they entered warp they sat in silence on the way back to Radiant garden mourning the loss of their home world and many of their allies When they got back they went up to their rooms for the night all except Riku who went to the training room and began to train vigorously
# 1 where is my cupcake?
38510 people liking pie
I like pie
Gotta be somebody by nickleback
well that too
4 words: Lady Gaga is ******ed
Sora and Riku watched in horror as their home planet had its heart ripped from it. Riku sent out a message to Leon "I think we should retreat before we lose anymore men" he suddenly remembered that Viento had been thrown to the ground he told Sora to go back to where he had fell out of the ship but he was nowhere to be found "I'm sorry Riku but we've gotta get moving we have 4 ships targeting us" Sora replied and with that off they went to regroup with the others.
Sora was heartbroken but he remembered a large supply of fireworks that had been bought to celebrate the return of the 3 teens to destiny islands but had never been used he watched as a large explosion blew the drill to tiny pieces. Viento wasn't sure whether to go on or not now that he knew it was the castle of the unified then he heard hissing noise and was attacked by a bunch of dusks he was being attacked when all of a sudden the same keyblade that he had in the dream appeared in his hand. He easily took them out and stared at the blade.