We stayed so close together Friends forever My mind so clear and helpless My heart beats faster This feeling when I'm with you Breathe with me Take me so i can see The true meaning of love Take my hand and fly away Away from all the troubles Everyone breaking our love That is them this is us We are in love Our friends beside us smiling Giving me confidence I feel thise sense We are perfect Don't go and leave me cold Hold my hand and kiss me A poem I made for my bestest buddy DESTINYSTAR!!! Hey DS if he hurts you you know we're here
~My blood flows like magic~ Your smile is like a rainbow Protect me forever Love me til' the day you die This is so tragic I held on You let go My heart beat slower My smile faded The nights got colder I listen to your cries Everything was a lie The puzzle piece didn't fit I thought you were my prince This is our last goodbye We laughed and screamed Our bond was broken Our hearts shaken You pushed me away Don't forget Our love was magical Our laughs were music Your smile was gold Our kiss was sweet Our hands were warm You were my knight Time struck midnight The story was lost ~This was suppose to be a fairytale~ A poem I made for my friends.We're all havin' love problems.There is still magic in that smile ^^
Okay I just noticed this a few days ago that the "N" in Deathnote is slanted see the image below.What do you think it means?
L represents the detectives name. Just name things that start with L that stays with the topic Ex. Topic: House L= Lamp Starting NOW
these are the pics I drew some are very light cuz of my scanner http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc210/Japanime95/saskue.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc210/Japanime95/rukia.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc210/Japanime95/Loved.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc210/Japanime95/gaara.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc210/Japanime95/lovelysora.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc210/Japanime95/sora-1.jpg
I've been wondering about the anime Bleach....the first time I ever watched it I wondered why it was called "BLEACH" State your opionions here
Being depressed This whole week has been going slow and sad.Everyday I get more depressed for a wierd reason.Today(friday) sums it all up at a boring dance.I've been always thinking about myself as "ugly" ,but my friend cloud's buddy has helped me with that problem already.Where I live it is raining so that is making me more sad.Coe here if you are depressed so other people can cheer you up.
A simple cookie can make someone do anything.I'm bored so we just have a cookie.GOOOOOOO!!!!
Its something I made for DestinyStar my EMO buddy ^^ She is the best!The picture is a little faded cuz the stupid scanner http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc210/Japanime95/annaandzeke.jpg
Something thats been on my mind tonight. LIFE? What is life?Please give me your own opinion on it. <---- Self Explanatory
uhhh....its just a place where you hang around doing all sorts of crazy things.Lets start it with a simple COOKIE.
Ok another poll.Chocolate can be used many ways which is the best? I don't like chocolate so yeah....
I've been wondering for the past two days which is better coke or Pepsi they are both one of the most popular sodas.
What is your favorite candy? Mine is Now and Later ^^.
lol my uncle showed me this.LOL this is an example of a computer freak.
You are a new student at a brand new boarding school for girls and boys.You just go on living a normal life in a normal school.There is no weapons like swords and guns. Rules *Nothing sexual *kissing is acceptable *Keep things under pg-13 *No weapons *Can be up to 3 chracters Form Name: Age: Appearance: Name:chuck Age:17 Appearance:http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?...&pageOffset=17 Name:Jane Age:17 Appearance:http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g57/Fantasy_Blood_Rose/Anime/34266608.jpg Name: Nny Age: 17 Appearance: http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c6...3zYobuJ_ph.jpg
You pick a character from a game,anime,or manga and play them in Anime Heaven.Anime Heaven is like a regular heaven filled with dead anime people.So your character is died so you have to play what he/she will do there.Make sure you keep things appropriate. RULES *No killing other characters(they're dead already so yea) *you can be up to 3 characters *You have to get your character from an anime,manga,or game(can't make upyour own) *Keep things under PG-13 *You can be a zombie or anything dead. FORM: Name: Game/manga/anime: Age: Appearance: Attitude toward being dead: Name:Yuna Game/manga/anime:Final Fantasy X Age:17 Appearance: The one on the right. Attitude toward being dead:She is sad. Name:tidus Game/manga/anime:ff X Age:22 Appearance:http://www.ffshrine.org/ajunction/ar..._tidus_hug.JPG Attitude toward being dead:hate those guys that killed us Name: nightmare Game/manga/anime: soul calibur 1,2,3,4 Age: ???? Appearance: Attitude toward being dead: nothing has changed and he want to destroy siegfried Name: siegfried Game/manga/anime: soul calibur 3,4 Age: 29 Appearance: Attitude toward being dead: want to send nightmare to hell Name: mitsurugi Game/manga/anime: all soul calibur games Age: 30 Appearance: Attitude toward being dead: he wants still the best katana Name:locke Game/manga/anime:final fantasy 6 Age:17 Appearance:http://www.apsylus.com/art/rpgfanart/ff6.jpg one on the left Attitude toward being dead:still wants to be the best "treasure hunter",stealer,there ever was Name:Edward Cullen Game/manga/anime:Twilight Age:17 Appearance: Attitude toward being dead:mixed Name:Isabella Swan Game/manga/anime:Twilight Age:17 Appearance: Attitude toward being dead:mixed Name: Riku Game/manga/anime: DN Angel Age: 15 Appearance: http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u..._2007/riku.gif Attitude toward being dead: dark and kind Name: Eve Game/manga/anime: Black Cat Age: I think she is in her teens Appearance: http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c3...10ed8afd37.png Attitude toward being dead: doesnt care much but perfer to live Name: Sven Volfied Game/Manga/Anime: Black Cat Appearance: Attitude Toward Being Dead: Honorable if for the right cause. Name: Sora Game/manga/anime: Kingdom Hearts 2 Age: 15 Appearance: You should know KH fans Attitude toward being dead: Kinda depressed and quiet (don't ask why. XP)
Who is tired right now?
Humans lived on Earth for many years,but before humans were demons.Those demons were called Death Gods.They had the power to kill any human or animal.The victims of this horrible crime didn't die in peace.They would stay in the living world as spirits.Suffering from the things they can't have.The demons would torture those spirits for all their sins they have done.As humans grew stronger the demons disappeared.Years later Death Gods appeared again,but weren't as strong.They were seperated in groups of six.One group named Zhi discovered another part of demon's power.They were able to take shape of a human being.When demons became humans certain humans were given the power of a death god.An organization named Tenshi (Angel) was created by an unknown man.They would eliminate any Death Gods and would steal powers from humans for their own use.Who will rule? You maybe a human or demon OR be in the Tenshi organization.(your choice)Pick one and go to that section.(don't need to read everything) Humans: Humans can only get powers if they find a Death God or kill one.So before getting your powers you have to seek out for a demon.Also it will be harder because of the Tenshi organization.You also can create your own group or organization,but it can't be made to rule the world.Also when you get your powers you don't sleep,eat,and you can never become a normal human again. Form for human Name: Age: Bio: Weapon: Appearance: Demons: Demons are able to get their powers naturally.They don't sleep or eat.They don't have feelings.They are intellegent in strategy and calculation.Demons can turn into humans and back into demons.There are some demons that like being humans than demons and use a spell to turn them into humans permanetly.They all of different and unique powers.(I'll group you up) Form for Demons: Name: Group name: (if you have one) Ability: Weapons: Bio: other: Appearance: Tenshi: Tenshi members are serious and never silly.They always suceed in their missions.(sometimes)They are humans that kill Death Gods and steal powers from humans.They are usually killing at night.They try to hide information about the powers.They have weapons that each have a power of there own. Tenshi form: Name: Weapon: Ability: Attitude: Age: Appearance: Rules *nothing sexual (kissing is acceptable) *keep things under PG-13 *blood is fine *Cussing is only acceptable if you say it like this b**h *You can be up to 3 people *Don't control other characters. *HAVE FUN Name:Jin Age:16 Weapons:Three swords and four guns Bio:She is strong and intellegent.Never backs down a dare.Suffers from amnesia. Appearance: Name: Jade Group name: none yet Ability: Fire/Transformtion/Mimic Weapons: in pic Bio: ? other: none Appearance: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x...10/vampkat.jpg Name: Xaerun Group name: Hmm.. I'll work on it. For now, 'Nobody' will suffice. Ability: Insane speed. Can actually run 'through' people (similar to Sephiroth's attack) Weapons: Dual swords. One is like Soul Eater but completely black (named Way to Dusk) the other is katana-like, named Nightbringer. Both are of medium length. Bio: Has lost all of his memories and will make any alliances required to get them back. other: Favourite (and signature) attack: Blitz (Rushes towards enemy almost too fast for the eye to follow, and attacks extremely fast with swords, finishing actually on the other side of the enemy. Appearance: 6"1', black hair similar to Riku's, Organization XIII cloak (although not allied to them), hazel eyes. Something seems odd about his back... Name: Rosalie Weapon: Echoing Origins Ability: water, ice, and teleportin Attitude: cold, serious, determined, secretive Age: 15 Appearance: http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q...darkpuddle.jpg Name: Jaro Age: 14 Bio: Uhh, I'll get to this when I have time... Weapon: [Click] Appearance: [Click] Name:zidane Age:15 Bio:nice guy Weapon:sword Appearance:http://www.ffmaniacs.com/ff9/imgff9/zidane.jpg Name: raxtion Age: 64 Bio: he is very skilled while he's not trying to kill the death gods he will still protect himself and his friends Weapon: sword and shield Appearance: Name: Nero Weapon: Red Queen http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/e...w/redqueen.jpg Ability: His right arm is a demon arm that can suck the energy out of an enemy Attitude: Aggressive, uncaring, may be destructive, occasionally cocky Age: 17 Appearance:http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o...ngs/knight.jpg
UHHH....yea :stupid: lol ok yea this is my poem i made when I was in class A black butterfly flies into the night The moon flows through the beautiful sea All the lighted stars start to take flight Red ribbons start to wrap around me The darken night mixes into lighten sky The petal of a white rose starts to fall Whited doves escape and started to fly All the darken shadows hear your call All the stars lighted the darken moon The morning so noisy and never calm Silently the darkness comes creeping soon The dreams of others settles in your cold palm Cold and warm the rains starts to drip Then you feel tears flowing on your lip. This is a short one i made Who am I I turn and look to see I always try Who can I be I'm finally free I spread my wings and fly I finally found the key I start to cry I am me