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  1. Repliku
    Axel strolled into the giant house and looked around a moment. Some gun shots could be heard outside as he kicked the door shut and wandered further in. "Those cops sure aren't happy." He pulled out his invitation and then glanced around the place... finding a couch, he plopped down on it, putting his feet up on the table. His arms outstretched and he locked his fingers then behind his head. "Ahhh yeah.. someone bring me something to drink."
    Post by: Repliku, Oct 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Repliku
    Profile Post

    You're welcome. :)

    You're welcome. :)
    Profile Post by Repliku for BlazBlue Calamity, Oct 21, 2009
  3. Repliku
  4. Repliku
    What a not so fun experience. I guess I'd either just blow it off or try talking to her and say that you were not being a perv and don't really also want to tell people what really happened because it would be very humiliating for her so if she and you can be neutral on this issue, it's probably the best for both your reps. Tell her you would have tried to help her but rather than looking away respectfully, there was really not much at the time you feel you could have done there and the next best thing you can do is to say nothing to anyone who asks what happens because that can tarnish her more than anyone else.

    Hope things get better for you. These things tend to die down as long as the people in the center of the situation don't go on about it and add fuel to the fire.
    Post by: Repliku, Oct 19, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  5. Repliku
    Buttscratcher! Buttscratcher! Get your buttscratcher.. yeah.. now I have that skit in my head. Thanks. xD
    Post by: Repliku, Oct 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Repliku
    The song actually is kinda catchy once you get into it. >.> Then again, I've listened to other Indian songs and like some a lot. I have weird taste in music. The video however.. made me laugh. Freaking bizarre.
    Post by: Repliku, Oct 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Repliku
    Because they failed. They needed a pick me up. Maybe you should stop being so perfect. You affected the curve so that people could have passed. :p

    Why did you not mow the lawn?
    Post by: Repliku, Oct 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Repliku
    Well... it's not like you need to stick anything UP THERE. Wash your darn bunghole already.
    Post by: Repliku, Oct 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Repliku
    Because I needed a change and was bored. It'll go back to Repliku in a little while most likely. xD

    Ummie.. mauve.

    Your English grammar book.

    I'd ban 'em. Can't have trolls around as awesome as me. -.-

    We're going to have a lot of cloudy days with all those people. xD
    Post by: Repliku, Oct 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Repliku
  11. Repliku
    It's because he bothered to comment on it, probably. I agree the writing style was shabby. But yeah, Twilight itself annoys me and the vampires sparkling is just one reason. However, there's a point to say that I also don't have to dwell on it and as said, I have other obsessions I love that others go 'wrryy?' about. We all like to get into somethings and other people are going to bash it because they don't get why.
    Post by: Repliku, Oct 17, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  12. Repliku
    Okay, but at least you have some hope and there's something that can happen. People have been freed from wrongful imprisonment. Point is the death penalty means that person can never be free or compensated. If someone is wrongfully held, they even get money compensation back to catch up with their lives and a public apology so people know the person is not the criminal and they can move on.

    Himmler was an office desk murderer who sent out people to do killings of people who were helpless too. They tried to tone down the impact on the soldiers by using gas chambers. Before you say 'but the Jews, Gypsies argument here is are irrelevant', the Einsatzgruppen were pretty well taught that these people were the most dangerous thing to leave untouched for Germany, likening them to the worst of criminals. If murder of people who were helpless was too much for the Einsatzgruppen SS, despite all their mental conditioning, I'm failing to see how it is not harmful to anyone else's state of mind unless the person is a sociopath and they get off on it.

    Even the way we deal with meat butchers anymore and killing animals on farms has been altered so that people don't have to feel 'as bad' about it. I would hardly consider someone a hypocrite for 'wanting' something to happen and not being capable of doing it. There are times I would say some jerks really do seem to deserve death over life.. but at the same time, that's rage talking. If someone is helpless and contained, I would have a hard time dealing with killing the person and I'm a former soldier. I -know- conflict. It is not the same and it's rather cowardly. You have to be one very cold person to kill people that are helpless whether they've done horrible things or not, and also horribly judgmental. I ponder if any of them felt guilt over the people they killed wrongfully. If not, maybe they need to be in line too.

    Because it's -death- essentially, no one saves -more money- with capital punishment. To make death clean costs money so that you don't have people that crack easily or psychopaths at the controls, and people can bury their loved one after without a bullet to the head. After all, the person committed the crime, not the ones who may care about that person. Lawyers will go to retrial and we will pay to represent someone if the people cannot afford lawyers as is their rights. Appeals galore happen, especially because in some cases, it's not a 'black and white' issue of why someone snapped and murdered someone else. Also there are so many people on death row that it's backed up because the practice must be done a specific way. 10 to 20 years is too long to wait for -death- because then you are in anyway for years in prison.

    I respect your view, though we differ here, but just had to wonder one thing. Why in the world do you -think- it's something new when capital punishment has been around for hundreds/thousands of years? It's the older more barbaric thing to do really, with roots in the Bible, in medieval times, the Dark Ages, the Puritans did it, the Middle East and quite a few countries still practice it and some states do it and have since the wild west times. I do feel the prison and rehab conditions need altered to fit the times more, but I highly doubt stepping backwards is the cure when we have much better methods at our disposal if we wanted to apply ourselves.
    Post by: Repliku, Oct 17, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  13. Repliku
    You won't like me when I'm angry. *hulks out*

    Uh.. pink.

    It has just begun.

    I have to have a reason to ban myself. Likely it would be 'because I pushed the wrong button'.

    Nope, I figure it's pointless to hide.

    I'm too lazy so probably never. xD

    The Urnfied Culture was a culture in Europe during the Bronze age and it's somewhere in America, but you can get to it by train to Australia.

    Hell no. This site sucks monkey balls!!!! I come here as a way of mental torture. I'm such a masochist.

    So that means there -are- enough buns. Double negatives. darn.

    I'll draw you one when my computer stops being a butt nugget. :(
    Post by: Repliku, Oct 17, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Repliku
    I'd like Axel or Zexion. I LOVE the Ansem Retorts. xD

    Axel preferrably.
    Post by: Repliku, Oct 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Repliku
    ICSP ICSP yo~
    Post by: Repliku, Oct 17, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Repliku
    Your dad sounds cool haha.

    And Courage the Cowardly Dog.. I miss that show. Good times.
    Post by: Repliku, Oct 17, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Repliku
    I find this both funny and appalling. Another example of how some humans have to take things to extremes and ruin things for others because some others don't agree with them.

    I can't stand Twilight. Thought the books sucked. Can't stand the characters because they are whiny emo butt tards and I'd personally love to beat the crap out of Edward for being such a selfish ******cake and give the girl a mirror and tell her she's not so 'different' as she emos on, then have some girl whoop her into shape. Hope they come after me for saying so now. *ker******. I'll be waiting. xD

    There are people who like Twilight that are just fine. I can't get away from them because some of them are my friends, darn it!!! I'm certainly not going to hurt my friends who like the series in any way (except for the occasional bashing when they bring it up repeatedly xD). After all, we all put up with our likes and obsessions whether any of us can't stand them. We just tend to be decent and not bring up the subject 30 times in a day with the person if we know they don't like it... while we talk to others about the subject who do. That's called -respect-. When someone is all super defensive over something, no one else's opinion matters unless that person is willing to squee with you in agreement. I could never really do more than lightly tease Twilight and give my opinion 'it sucks' to my friends, just as they have made fun of me for the Star Wars obsession or KH obsession I have had etc. It doesn't mean I think my friends suck. After all, they've dealt with me and my lame obsessions too. We all have tons of other things to relate on and be silly over.

    Hope any of those absurd over-angsty violent Twiliters have gotten some legal charges because ungh.. selfish morons.
    Post by: Repliku, Oct 17, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  18. Repliku
    Okay.. well it's not even necessarily an issue of 'immoral'. It's logic. I doubt you would support the death penalty if it was you accused of a crime wrongfully that is bloody enough to get you on Death Row and there's nothing you can say or do about it because people are literally fanning and waiting for your death because they believe you are awful and took people away from them etc. Everyone can feel a desire for revenge but if it is misguided especially, that person who suffers gets no justice him or herself. What about the person's family or friends who lost that person and knew he or she did not do the crime? Also, we're not talking one or two mistaken deaths. There are quite a few mistakes that happen. Isn't that -also- murder?

    Also, do you feel you could sit there and give people death because you feel you are justified in having them killed? The people that do these things can be debatable at just how right they are in the head. People paid to kill others in this 'line em up' way will have problems and some gain PTSD or other mental traumas when things catch up to them. Why put the burden of killing people who are already caught, apprehended and rather helpless in someone's hands so they too are killers? Lethal injection is still killing and there has been serious debate about how much more 'humane' it is despite how 'neat' and clean the death is. There is a difference between killing someone in the field of battle or a cop having to take down a spree killer to stop him or her from shooting people up, or having to take down someone in your home that snuck in and holds you at gunpoint VS taking a person out of a cage and tying them down, having people around who want to see vengeance served, and doing the act of killing a person who can't do crap to anyone at that point. To me, it's freaking cowardly and it really does only serve as ultimate revenge. There's no justice in it as it is a Final Solution when a final solution may not have even been necessary and it could just be the wrong choice all along.
    Post by: Repliku, Oct 17, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  19. Repliku
    I ponder why the hell you are making me take drugs. Drugs are BAD! Naughty Mistorpheus.

    Oh whoops. The Red wire. I want to see Michael Bay Assplosions.
    Post by: Repliku, Oct 17, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Repliku
    Well, I bought a DS pretty much to be able to play this game since I'm not a Nintendo fanboy by any means really. Was it worth it?

    The graphics are really great to me. I have to say it's one of the better graphic games I've seen for the DS. Sometimes when I do fast actions the screen gets dark, but otherwise the graphics have been pretty decent. They are at or above KH1 standards, but not quite on par with KH2's, though close.

    The story to me is alright. You get some tidbits on the Organization and the story mainly revolves around Roxas and Xion, with Axel tossed in. You don't get as much on the other Org members as I might have wanted but the story is not bad. The tale does come out slowly though and the missions can seem kind of redundant and drag on to me. It's repetitive in story mode but as you progress passed quite a few 'days' things pick up.

    I think the coolest thing about the game is the Mission Mode itself which allows you to be able to play missions as the Org members and also as other characters in the KH series such as Sora, Riku and King Mickey. You can also do missions with other people and so it can be a lot of fun.

    Was it worth it? I won't say it's the greatest game out there because to me it's just a bit above 'okay' but if I did not play it, I'd feel like I missed out on part of the KH story so it was worth it to me. Now I just have to debate whether I will keep the DS or give it to someone else as a gift since there are only about 2 or 3 other games I may ever play on this thing. xD
    Post by: Repliku, Oct 17, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX