Hello! How are you doing?
Thou shalt not have any Gods before me... That means that at a time, there were other gods acknowledged and in existence to other humans. The Mesopotamian region was full of deity lore and even Yahweh originally came from Levant area/Canaanite pantheon beliefs, before it was elevated to the status of being on par with El, who was the head of that pantheon. In the end, the Hebrew people elevated this deity to compete against another named Baal, which also meant 'god' or 'lord' to the Canaanites. Yahweh and Baal at one time if I remember correctly, were regarded as brothers who were sons of El. People love to think that this deity was always monotheistic as were the believers, but no, evidence shows otherwise, even in the Bible with the stealing of names to make some deities into demons etc. In the end, this deity was made out to be selfish and it wanted dominion over the people that it was declared to have freed from Egypt. The area of Mesopotamia was often in strife and war and the desire to also promote gods to higher statuses etc was part of conquest. No Other gods before me.. it's clear what it means. If in doubt, read the Bible again. So when people say 'In God we Trust', no, they are not meaning Vishnu, Thor, Odin, Ra, Marduk, Asherah etc. They are referring to the monotheistic deity Jehova, Elohim (which El was another deity or also means 'God, which was a title), Yahweh, Allah. I really would have thought anyone knew that it meant this deity and no other. Funny that anyone of another religion than Christianity seems to know it, but some Christians seem to want to play it off that it's not true. Also, again, this was not the original motto of the U.S. This was added in the 1950s. It is a newer thing and was not something that needed to be done in the first place but to placate a bunch of zealot Christians who thought it was great to put on the coin. In the end, I will still use the coin etc whether it has it or not. I would like to see it gone, not because I am an atheist, but because it is biased against everyone of any other faith than that of the Abrahamic god. It's selecting a group of people to make happy while ignoring others, whether they believe in something else or choose not to or are undecided. It does not represent us as Americans. It instead represents some of us who fear losing ground because something that they stuck on wrongfully in the first place could be removed and something else better could be put there. Now tell me this: What is wrong with this? E Pluribus Unum - which means from Latin "Out of Many, One." That is our traditional motto. I like it much more. What would be wrong with putting our actual motto down instead of this farce?
Some myths are fascinating to have around and to read up on. A good story is quite entertaining. However, I fail to see why the truth of how something occurred or still does reoccur etc, is any less fascinating than a good yarn. One is fun to tell as a story, but the other is the truth and is intriguing and a powerful thing in its own way. I like to read the old west tales, mythologies, fables etc, as they are fun and it's interesting to also ponder how people thought them up. I just don't think that these leave 'mystery' as some people suggest. More that they give answers in a way that satisfies some curiosity in a fun way. Many people for some reason seem to fear that understanding science takes away the mystery of life but I would seriously beg to differ with that. Science and philosophy go hand in hand and for every question answered, more questions arise. There is so much out there to learn, study and a person can feel free to even go explore and discover things on their own too. We can be part of our world more with this than we can from any 'story' given to us. As I am training in archeology and also study rocks and geology, biology etc... I have really been amazed at some of the things I have been able to hold in my hands, or dig through the dirt and find. I can tell layers of earth and what it means. I've seen Lucy up front and held skulls of beings from thousands or hundreds of thousands of years ago. Seen tools that are extremely old. Studied various flora and fauna, etc. You can really touch, see, taste, smell, .. you can just be a real part of life through science that I think too many people forget about and assume it's so boring. We cannot answer everything, regardless of what a person believes. The moment we choose to stop learning and stop caring is the moment we limit ourselves to the experiences of life. Also, those of us who actually like to explore and find out things... maybe some are like anyone else in any other occupation and want to be reknown for something... but others of us just like to explore and know our world and space etc for what we can know it for. It's not about -we- want to be remembered but more like we want to remember and know our surroundings for what they are. There are glory hounds out there in any field of life. Some people though just really are more appeased by sating curiosity and keeping the brain working through life.
There are many threads that are merely closed and not deleted in quite a few sections. This is done for a reason. Sometimes people like to go back and look over older threads for answers to things or to just even relive some old amusing time they had with a thread. There is no reason, therefore, to delete them. I can see why you feel these would be pointless and even redundant but many other people do not feel that is the case so they will remain. I hope this explains more why we do not delete old threads but merely close them after a time duration, or the solution is given in some areas. We only delete threads if they are inappropriate, breaking rules of the site.
If you go into the BBS section, just like any other section to another game, you are going to find theories, debates and spoilers. That's just the way it goes. Since the game is not out yet, if you go into the section, you are kind of asking to get some spoilers so I'd suggest you just wait on going there or read the topics to see if it sounds 'spoilerish' or not. Going to have to say no to this. However, small request guys, that if you do have some serious spoiler info, try to put *spoiler* in the topic somehow. In conclusion though, just about anything to some people can be a spoiler so if others are worried about this, all I can really say is what I did above. Closing since answered.
I agree with what others said and I thought the 'injury' on her face was actually meant to be Kairi blushing, or just having rosy cheeks. Kairi was clearly the better artist and it was a good thing too or probably Namine would have really had some horrible drawings for us to see. Sora has all the imagination in the world, but I think he truly does have trouble putting it down on paper. xD
It is weird to think that two 14 year olds and a 15 year old would figure that they could 'leave the world' by taking a raft. However, I think that was just meant to start them on their journey. They had the idea possibly to go on the raft, it leads them somewhere, they keep going through adventure etc, and somehow get off the planet. It was a bit too childish for 14+ year olds of today, and maybe the characters should have been placed more at like.. 11 or something, but it would also kill other aspects of the story to have done so. So, excusing their naivete, the other point is that Kairi came to them from the water. She was clearly not from around there and it had the other two kids curious, especially Riku. If Riku surmised, either on his own or by the voice in the cave, that she was from another world and somehow she was brought to Destiny Islands via the water... it makes a bit more sense to assume that a raft might be fine to make the journey to wherever she came from. After all, how did she survive in the water? It couldn't have been that long of a trip, one might think, right? I think in the end we just have to say the kids were a bit naive but also the circumstances of Kairi's arrival and knowing she quite possibly was not from the world, either by her very limited memories, the voice in the cave, or by her mannerisms etc that others watched were attributing factors. We may sigh at their naivete some, but in the end, that was a major part of the problem Sora and Riku faced throughout KH.. learning to understand the galaxy out there and how actual cruel people operate. They both tripped up and Sora just was fortunate he met the good guys first to help him. By KH2 they both are not so innocent anymore.
The actual name 'Tidus' is pronounced Tai-dus. However, in these games, for some reason, characters say Teedus and others say Taidus. I tend to go by the actual pronunciation of the name since I'd heard it long before I ever played KH games. Just seems more right sounding.
Doing fine, thanks :) Hope you're doing well too.
You would want to make it on a server with chanserv and nickserv..then register your nick, then register the channel. If you register to your nick before going in the channel, it should recognize you as founder to the room. I do like irc as it is a good chat place you can do a lot of functions on that elsewhere you can't. I totally though missed out on our chat room when it existed.
This won't really work on a forums and what you are asking for in a sense is accomplished by new people posting in the Introduction area. Quite a few members respond in greeting to a newcomer. Seeing as it cannot be done on a forums and the concept of meeting new people is done in one section already, the idea this time has to be a no. Closing since the decision is pretty well made by inability as well as lack of purpose of the idea. Thanks though for suggestion.
I barely ever get hangovers. trick is to drink water or soda too somewhere in there. *throws confetti*
Happy New Year! I am not more drunk than last year. Yet.
Yeah, I agree, the Kanye part was smooth. xD
I lol'd. I remember the person -vaguely- ~
Not the right place for this. Moving it to the spam zone.
I have a death wish.
Of course we will, which is what should happen anyway. As many people whine about space exploration etc being a 'waste of money', I think it's one of those things that is going to save humanity... especially if we can't get smart and cut down emissions and we keep having issues with over population here. I'd like to see people of varying nations work together but it's normal each is also going to do its own thing as they have been.
Apophis has little chance of actually colliding with the earth but it is still a good idea to come up with plans etc to deal with the threats ahead of time and even build things in the event should such a weird thing come about that would be more of a threat. I do think it's something we should be prepared for ahead of time because things can happen. We're just a medium sized planet in a vast sea of stars and asteroids etc.
The title of that article is kind of misleading. It does make someone assume the guy legally married a bunch of pixels. xD That aside, the guy doesn't seem that odd to me. There are some concepts of characters in games or books etc that people adore and could wish were real. He simply really admires the type of character this girl is and how she is ideal to him. It is silly to 'marry' the girl but I do get where he's coming from and hope someday he pulls away some from the computer and can go out and find a real girl that has some of the characteristics he wants. Expectations are a bad thing in many ways but we all want some things in a desired partner. I wouldn't call him delusional or anything, but would say that maybe some people do need some assistance in being more sociable or they do get left behind. Plenty of us out there have trouble finding the ideal 'other' because we are either not looking or we are expecting too much from someone else.