"Leon, lets take her to Aerith. She'll be able to fix her up."Yuffie said. "Not to mention those nasty fingers..."she gave a small shudder. If you can still walk, its this way."she went a few steps, making sure Eden could walk or not. ------------- Sora groaned, the pain going from minor aches to actual cramps. "K-Kairi...I think I need to sit down..."he went out of the circle, sitting on a log placed to be a bench. Valerie noticed this, wondering what was wrong. Riku was regaining the feeling in his legs, noticing Sora sitting down and rubbing his stomach gently. Uh-oh....
"Is everyone okay?"Yuffie looked to the two, wondering if everything was alright between Leons injury and Edens leg. "Maybe we should take a break to get your leg fixed up."she suggested. ------------ Meanwhile Sora was having the time of his life at the festival.... Occaisionally, however, he got small pains. Its nothing, Sora....He reassured himself. Riku watched the circle of dancers, concerned for Sora. "Look at him...he could have the baby any day now and he's still stubborn as a goat..."He shook his head. "Hey, Riku! Sure you and Jeffy don't want to join us?"Valerie asked from the circle. "I'm fine..."Riku shook his head, thinking. Sora held in a yelp at a pain in his stomach. Okay, now it's starting to hurt... N-No need to worry though, probably fake contractions...He nodded at his reassurance. Riku looked at Sora, realizing something. Sora could have the baby any day now... A baby girl... Our baby girl.... I'd be a father...oh Shiva, I'd be a father...Riku almost stumbled, his legs feeling like jello.
Valerie recognized what everyone was dancing. Its the dance at the end of the Hetalia movie! Cool! he couldn't help but join along. Riku was watching the circle, smiling at Sora and Kairi. "Glad to know everyones having a good time..."he said. Sora felt a minor pain in his stomach once more, ignoring it. Ha! I haven't had this much fun in a while.... ------------- "That was great, you guys!"Yuffie applauded.
Looks like Leon doesn't want to lose against an inexperienced fighter again...Yuffie smirked at the battle. -------------- "C'mon, lets dance nooow!"Valerie had finished eating. "Alright, alright. Just join in the group and copy them."Riku said. Valerie went into the circle of people, giggling. Sora felt a small ache in his stomache, figuring it as him being full. "C'mon, you two. Can't let her have all the fun."Sora smiled. "No thank you. I'll watch."Riku said. "Fine, me and Kairi will have fun on our own. Right Kai?"Sora smiled, the small ache going away.
Riku nodded, giving a small smile. Suddenly the music playing changed, people starting to group together. "Whats going on?"Valerie asked, eating. "Oh, its one of the dances we know on the islands. I wouldn't call it native but-" "ooh, can we try?!"Valerie asked. "After we all have our fill."Sora said. "Which could be a while with Sora..."Riku said. "Hey!"Sora gave Riku a small look. "Oh, don't tease him, Ri."Valerie huffed.
"I found fooood!"Valerie had gotten some food, Sora and herself digging in. Everyone around them seemed to be having a great time. "Why did we choose a kid at heart for a best friend again, Kairi?"Riku joked. Sora gave the both of them his infamous mad glare. "I heard that!" ------------ Yuffie was still watching the fight, taking nots of Edens fighting style for when they battled.
"Me too!"Valerie followed Jeffrey. "Me three..."Sora said. "You would've been able to have lunch with me and Kairi if you had stayed still."Riku said. Sora just stuck his tongue out, going to get something to eat. "Stubborn as a goat...."Riku sighed.
"C'mon, we should go. The suns setting."Riku said. "Alright!"Valerie jumped in joy while Sora grabbed Riku by the arm. ~(Festival introduction tiiime)~ "Thank you, everyone, for all your hard work. I know its been tough returning life to normal after the attack, but we managed to pull through!"The crowd cheered at the mayors speech, the group arriving right on time. "Now, as a reward for everyones hard work, I now declare the festival to begin!"The crowd cheered, music starting to play. "Alright! A festival. Does it have food? and games? and dances?"Valerie smiled. "Yes." "Maybe." "And yes."Sora and Riku said the last one in unison. ---------------- "C'mon Squalleon!"Yuffie was watching the spar, excited for her turn already.
OOC:Well for your side they just got to Radiant Garden and Eden is sparring with Leon to train. Other than that nothign really happened on our groups side.XD BIC: "What are you guys doing here?"Sora turned around to see Riku. "Nothing. Bored out of our minds too."Valerie said. "Well, you're in luck. The preperations are all done and the festival should start tonight."Riku said. "Sweet!" "Awesome!"Sora and Valerie were both excited.
"Well, feel free to go to Rikus house if you need to rest. Here, I'll lead you guys there!"Sora grabbed Valerie and Jeffrey by the arm. "Rikus house? sweeet!"Valerie smiled.
"yep. Poor guy..."Valerie said. "Well glad to know you guys don't still hate him after your argument."Sora sighed in relief. -*cues epic battle music for Eden and Leons battle*- Yuffie was watching the fight, eyes wide in awe and excitement.
"Alright. Looks like you're up first, Squalleon..."Yuffie went to give the two brawlers some space.
"Oh! Oh! Riku still has his bag, right?"Valerie came up with an idea. "He could use the teleportation spell and get us out of here..."she said. "I dunno... It might work but.... to go between worlds might need alot of energy with the spell..."Sora said, frowning slightly. ---------------------------- "Alright! If you want an in between you have the people!"Yuffie said. "So which one do you wanna fight, me or Squalleon here?"she gestured to Leon.
Yuffie opened her mouth as if preparing a speech long tutorial on combat. "Hey, Leon- you're better at explaining than I am, why don't you explain it?"she asked.
"Nah, just had a sneeze. weird."Valerie shrugged. "Well with how things are going the festival should be ready soon...at least the festival will have lots of entertainment."Sora smiled. "You wanna leave as bad as the rest of us do, don't you?"Valerie asked. "yeeesss.... But we're stuck here though, aren't we?"Sora sighed in defeat. "Eeyup."Valerie said, simply as possible. ------------- "Dunno, but it looks like our drifter!"Yuffie followed the signal fire, curious. "I wonder why this girl has such a grudge on Sora...."
"Wait, then how-HEY! Don't go off without us!"Yuffie warned. She huffed, crossing her arms. "I wonder what kind of mean world she came from..."she frowned. -------- "Sorry, Sora- we have nothing for y-for yo....fo y-"Valerie suddenly sneezed. "Oh, bless you. That was out of nowhere."Sora was a bit suprised at the sneeze.
"Oh, well that explains-"Yuffie took in what Eden said. "Wait, what?"she did a doubletake at the information. "Huh! Never figured with that hair that Sora was a girl..."she said, shrugging her shoulders.
"Hmm....Well, we were kinda hoping to show Sora too...but if he's not coming... I mean, he played a major role helping us out.... true the first time was a complete accident but-"Yuffie paused. "Speaking of which, how has Sora been doing?"she asked.
"And more recently an upgrade for the world that had already existed in his computer! We installed it right away, though we haven't tested it out to see what kind of upgrades there were to the system yet."Yuffie shrugged. "But for some reason ever since we upgraded Tron hasn't made contact...I wonder why..."she shook it off. "But you guys are here for training. You probably wouldn't care about that. ------------- "Raaaawr."Valerie said, hearing the small chuckle from Sora. "We heeeard yooou~"She said in a sing-song voice. "Sorry...I just wanted to see if you guys were doing anything good... Riku and Kairi won't let me help with the preperations..."Sora came out of hiding.
"Yup! the big HQ for our top-secret...well, not stop secret but super important.....group."Yuffie shrugged at her lack of details. "If you really want to train, Leon and I discovered something super cool while going into Ansems computer! Tell them what we found, Squalleon!"she seemed to be full of excitement.