I do have to warn you guys, I'll probably start having a spazz attack in 4 minutes. just letting you know. EDIT:YESS MIDNIGHT MERRY CHRISTMAS OH HECK YEAH ITS CHRISTMAS WOOOOOOOO!!!!!! CHRISTMAAAAAAAAS!>O<
11 to be exact, woo-hoo! Now I see why in the stories it tells how not a creature was stirring, everyone but my mom and I are asleep and its so quiet.XD
If anything I'll try to sleep in the living room since the Christmas tree is placed in there. That way morning would be immediate present time. But then again, couches are not comfortable sleeping places.
I usually wake up, go to my moms room, and rest there with a pillow blocking the sun from my eyes. But for Christmas my little brother would be my alarm if I went to sleep.
Yesh. 30 minutes until Christmas? No problem! The other 6 hours might be another story as time progresses, however.XD
and I love how the moment I got on the computer I felt recharged like that*snaps* I must be like a recharchable battery or something.XD
speaking of waiting, only 42 minutes left! Oh gosh, I sound like the gril from that one commercial counting down the days and minutes and seconds until Christmas.XD
It was tottaly an accident when I sneaked a peak at my presents. and I saw three things that I wanted and I was like "8D" and unwrapping them I'll probably be super excited again.XD
Oh wow... but anyway there is now and hour and 5 minutes until Christnas. Just 6 more hours after that and it's present tiiime.
To YOUTUBE! XD YUSH!:ninjacat: But in all seriousness I've been watching Christmas stuff all day to get my family in the Christmas spirit. I'm tired as heck but want to stay up until I get my presents. I have a good feeling on some of my gifts.:3
Then in my time zone there is one hour and 35 minutes until Christmas day. I think I spent all of my energy earlier being so excited about it.... Now I'm struggling to stay awake. Sleep, I want it. But I must stay awake! *head droops slightly from exhaustion*@-@; anyone got any ideas of staying awake?
"Um....any idea how to get him out?"The group had found Equius. Riku sighed and got to a computer, typing a few things to try and free the chocobo. Valerie looked at the giant bird in awe.
There wasn't much security issues for the group since all efforts were in...trying to stop Eden. That gave the great oppurtunity for them to look around for Equius. "Heeeere, choco choco.... warkwarkwaaaark."Valerie started trying to make chocobo noises. Sora just gave her an odd look. "I'm pretty sure chocobos don't sound like that."Riku said. "Well what do you know, you've never heard Equius or a chocobo in general."Valerie said.
"whoa, talk about fireworks."Valerie looked up, seeing the explosions. "yep, she's up there. Maybe if we find Equius(OMG I hope I spelled it right) we'll find Eden..."Riku went inside. "Riku! Don't leave us behind!"Sora went after Riku, Valerie being last to enter.
"I think this is it..."The trio had arrived at a building, hoping it was the right one. "Remember-stealth."Riku said. "Oh please, stealth is my middle name."Valerie smirked. "Somehow, I highly doubg that..."Sora said in a skeptical tone.
Riku shushed the bickering duo yet again, noticing faint embers like it was from a far off distance. "Bingo. Now all we need to do is follow the fire."He whispered. "Well, better than following the spiders."Valerie said in a joking tone. "Spiders...?"Sora gave the shorter brunette a confused look. "You wouldn't get the reference, Sora..."With that the trio snuck through the virtual city to find Eden.
"So...anyone have any ideas where Eden is?"Valerie asked. "Probably with that imposter evil Terra guy..."Sora said. "Terranort."Valerie corrected. "Will you two be quiet?! I don't want us to be caught again."Riku snapped. Chester shadowing the group, wanting to find Eden as well.
OOC:UGGGGH! FINE! If you're not going to post, Jeffrey-then FINE! I am done!>-< BIC: After the very complicated and long explanation of how the Ansem the Wise was a Data copy and what had happened to the system the group had set out to find Eden and escape... "I don't see why we're going to help her."Riku gave a small huff. "Because she's Eden. Just because she turned evil doesn't mean we can't help her out."Valerie explained. Sora sighed, just wanting to get back to Kisa. They saw security programs and hid, trying not to be caught again.
Paranoid || 10% 49% Schizoid |||||||||||||| 54% 53% Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 62% 53% Antisocial |||| 18% 47% Borderline |||||| 22% 47% Histrionic |||||||||||| 50% 43% Narcissistic |||||| 22% 41% Avoidant || 10% 39% Dependent |||| 18% 37% Obsessive-Compulsive |||| 14% 40% So I guess I'm.... somewhat crazy?XD
OOC:Jeffrey I swear on all that is Equestria if you do not post I am going to MURDER you.*le huff*