OOC:So we don't get left behind again..... BIC:Sora squeaked as Eden rushed past him, suprised. w-was that Eden?he was alittle shocked. Chester was right behind Sora, alittle confused. "OH crap! Eden!"he gasped in realization, starting to run before the gummi ship made liftoff. ----------- "RIKU! Put me down you....you ruffian!"Valerie snapped. "You don't even know what that is..."Riku said. "of course I do, you brute! Now put me down!"Valerie hated her current 'danmsel in distres' pose.
Riku saw that Valerie wasn't going to recover anytime soon and carried the girl bridal style. "Heeeey! heyheyheyheyhey!"Valerie protested as Riku ran off. "Put me doooown!" "when we get to the gummi."Riku said. Sora had gotten Kisa, taking the....calm approach to the gummi ship since he had Kisa in his arms. He couldn't help but chuckle at the idea that the others were running like a chicken with its head chopped off.
Valerie was basically sprinting to the gummi ship, having to stop for oxygen. "Aaaaiiiiir...."she was panting hard. Sora had went to get Kisa, saying he'd join them later at the gummi ship. Riku had caught up, seeing the poor small brunette gasping for air. "Really? Out of energy already?"he asked. "Shut...up..."Valerie huffed.
"So what is it?"Valerie had reunited with Sora and Riku and has lead them to the machine. "Oh! I think this can get us out of here!"Sora said. "I'll try and figure it out. I managed to free Equius, I can handle this..."Riku started messing with the keyboard. He pressed a certain key, a light engulfing the group and teleporting them back to the outside. "To the gummi ship!" "and hurry!"Valerie rushed away. "I hope Jeffrey and Kairi got out okay..."Riku said, only to realize Sora and Valerie were leaving him behind. "Of course..."he sighed in annoyance before going after the duo.
Valerie examined the machine that had transported Eden away, lookign at the disc powering it. A program disc....? Is this machine a program? but most of them look like people... "I gotta find the others..."she left her daggers at machine as a reminder to where it was, running off to find her comrades.
The trio had split up to find a way out, Valerie walking around not too far from the machine. Nothing was giving any hint to the young girl that there even WAS a way out. What if Eden got out already? what if she joined up with Gexln? What if they're planning on taking over the universe! What if-Valerie's panicked thoughts were interupted by a faint glimpse of the machine as she walked past it. "what the....?"she didn'ty know if she was seeing things or if the machine was really there. "What...what is this thing?"she had NO idea what it was...
The other group was trying to find their own way out of the world. Who knew how long they had been in there, but they were definately getting tired of being in the same place. Valerie was just plain bored, Sora was worried about Kisa, and Riku.... just wanted to get out of there before they got into more trouble.
Riku, Sora, and Valerie had gotten out of the building safely with the lack of security. "Sora, do you know how we can get out of here?"Riku asked. "Nu-uh... I know there was a machine that could do it, but that was before the upgrade."Sora frowned. "Greeeeat...."Valerie huffe din annoyance.
Terranort seemed to be...amused by this User, giving a small smirk. "Very well, but you and you're bird will have to find your way out of the system after you escape from here..."with that, he opened a panel that was a shortcut out. OOC:Happy?XD
Yeah yeah....
OOC:Uuuuughhhh..... Fine. improvisation go..... BIC: "I could tell you....but why would I trust a user? especially one such as yourself. why...I wouldn't be suprised if you destroyed this world if I let you escape..."Terranort didn't seem phased by the threats. Data or not, this one had some major courage.
Rawr. I've been enjoying my Christmas gifts, thank you very much.>3<
OOC:Yeah, but that doesn't mean you can't play the villain...(not like you're not doing so already.XD)
OOC:Why can't you do it? Why do I have to?XD
OOC:*has been playing Okami for the past....2 days* BIC: "Lets...just head our way bay down..."Riku said. Sora nodded, Valerie just letting out a small noise.
I didn't get much, but then again we were poor this Christmas with my mom being on Maternity leave. I goooot: cavity inducing goodness that is candy Okami Pikmin This reeally cool shirt with blue sparkled angel wings on it. more shirts that were okay.... I kinda wanted TWEWY(for DDD purposes) but I still love my presents.(or lack there of.XD)
Riku had lost sight of the bird, catching his breath from bot exhaustion and the heat getting to him. "Oh great...now what..."he groaned. Sora and Valerie finnaly caught up to the silverette. Valerie panting in exhaustion. "whew....who turned up the heat...?"Sora asked.
"Heeeeey!Wait for usss!"Valerie yelled as the bird sped off. Riku chased after the bird, only because doing so would lead him to Eden. it took Valerie and Sora a few seconds before the facts kicked in and they hurried after Riku.
"Got it!"It took a minute or so but the caged Equius was free. "Yes!"Sora and Valerie cheered. "Now to get Eden so we can all get out of her."Riku said.
CHRISTMAS!*dances in joy*