"Thank you-wait!"Riku was too late to say that was the wrong train they wanted as the window closed. "Way to go, Mr.Rich. You got tickets for the wrong train."Roxas slowly applauded. "Well, it was the last train left..."Sora gave a sad sigh. "S-Sorry you guys couldn't get the right train..."The mystery man said. Valerie was looking at the young man, knowing something was amiss.
Riku went up to the ticket woman, going into his bag. "I hope this can cover it for me and my friends." Valerie, Roxas, and the mystery man felt their jaws drop when they saw Riku with so much munny. He's loaded....! Sora just smiled, glad that Riku was there to help them out.
"New Years.....?"Roxas and the mystery man sounded confused. "New years?!"Sora and Valerie sounded suprised. "Wow...where did the echos come from?"Riku gave the group a small look of amusement.
"Do you know him...?"Roxas saw Valeries face. "Know him? Don't YOU guys know who that is? It's-"Valerie was interupted when the mystery guy noticed them. "OH look, maybe he recognized you."Sora smiled. Riku noticed the 'Oh no' look on Valerie's face, confused. "Uh....hey, I couldn'y help but notice you guys...um...do you know where I am? I just kinda....got here and...."The young man noticed Valerie. "Is she okay?"He asked. Valerie looked...stunned to say the least.
Terra/Aqua forevaaaaaa. But anyway SoKai does have its moments, but I feel that its more...overshadowed by the other pairings.
"I wonder how it would work out if we used our currency anywa-"As they approached the station Valerie seemed to come to a standstill. There was a young man around their age-maybe Rikus- standing around the train station, looking alittle lost. The mystery guy had raven black hair barely grazing his shoulders and upon turning to the group revealed blue-green eyes, almost like a pale aquamarine color. Valerie's jaw dropped instantly at the sight. "Uh...Valerie?"Sora waved his hand in Valerie's face. Roxas looked to the mysterious man, wondering if he was a nobody or just some stranger. Riku looked to Valerie, wondering what caused the girl to be so speechless.
You forgot this scene Sora:Oh no Riku, let me help you walk*puts Rikus arm around him* Riku:Thanks.... Sora:What are friends for.....*secretly gropes Rikus butt* ..... Lie all you want, you know it happened. Terra/Aqua is adorable.... and I do admit SoKai has its moments but... it's just overshadowed by the other pairings....:\
"I....guess so...."Sora said. "Who would....."Roxas stopped when he saw Riku coming towards them. "Sora, are you alright?"Riku asked, concerned. "Yeah, Kairi and I are fine."Sora said, smiling. Roxas, however, was giving Riku the biggest death glare possible. "Wait....how... did....what is this, I don't even..."Valerie was still lost. "While I'm confused as well, we don't have time to try and understand things. We need to get to the station."Riku said. "Right! Its this-a-way!"Sora pointed the way. Valerie was poking Roxas, making sure the blonde was real. "Will you stop?!"Roxas was alittle annoyed.
"Riku, something's wrong!"Valerie yelled. Sora could feel the part of his heart finnaly being pried free, a painful feeling indeed. Almost as the suddenly as the pain began there was a bright flash. Riku saw the bright flash from behind him, turning to see what was going on. The light cleared, Sora shaking off the now gone pain. "What was-" "Oowww...."The voice caught all of their attention. Valerie saw that the bright light revealed Roxas and Naminé, both looking winded. "WHOA!"Valerie jumped. Who, what, how, huh?!she was confused BIG TIME. Riku saw Roxas and Naminé a look of pure shock on his face. But...how...?
OOC:FUUUUUTUUUUUURE~XD But for now, where the hell is Jeffy so our group can get to the train station.XD
Like I said,l ignore that....I don't even know what I was saying and I said it like 5 minutes ago. But yeah, Pairings like AkuRoku and RikuSo/SoRiku are just the kind of pairings that are popular based on certain moments in the game. For AkuRoku it was the whole "make me have a heart" and Axel trying to convince Roxas not to leave scene...and for RikuxSora....I think we all know what scenes stood out the most.
Yeah but Sora x Riku is the OTP of all KH games. Just think about it, with all the hints they gave out it's more canon than Sora and Kairi at this point. Sorry Disney, but nice try and making the game kid friendly anyway. the Squeenix hald just took over.XD EDIT:But then again, this thread is talking about AkuRoku, so just ignore my post in general.XD
OOC:Who IS going to be Yen Sid? Because I think we could all probably share him since we're only going to really be in the tower for the MoM exam and thats it....I think.XD
OOC:Wait.... OH, you cheater!Not landing in Twilight Town first..... BIC: Sora was trying to hear what the spell was, but it was the language of darkness-there was no way he would understand it. "Guuuys! we're going to leave you behiiind~"Valerie was walking after Riku, not wanting to be left behind by the silverette. "Oh, c-coming!"Sora said. But the moment the incantation stopped Sora felt an immense pain in his heart. Gah...wh-what the? "Sora...?"Valerie saw Sora wince, carefully taking Kisa. "I-I'm fine..."Sora lied, trying to keep going. He could feel a part of his heart as if someone was trying to pry it free...the area where Roxas was kept away....
OOC:Tecnicly there are 3 scenarios. Where you both pass, where one passes and the other fails, or when neither of you pass. If you ask me I think option three would happened if you two were even allowed to take the test in the first place. BIC: "The stations this way...."Riku headed in the direction of the station. Valerie followed like a duckling. Sora was about to follow when he swear he could hear...what sounded like someone casting a spell. "Did you guys hear that?"he asked. "hear what?"Valerie looked around. Riku wasn't bothering with the nonsense, going ahead.
"Yeah....."Sora couldn't help but smile. His eyes seemed to look...lighter, less of an intense shade of blue. Riku didn't notice, trying to shake off the effects of teleporting to another world. "Oh wow, this place is huge.... Which way is the train station again?"Valerie took a quick peek around.
"Unfortunately."Valerie sighed. "But they keep forgetting! we have the spell book. so unless they take it from us, we'll be fine."Riku said. "Oh, you are so lucky they weren't here to hear that Riku."Sora said, joking of course. "Everyone keep together..."Riku said, huddling everyone together so they could teleport safely. Valerie grabbed Chester while Sora held Kisa tighter. OOC:....gosh darnit...*goes to find how the spell went again* EDIT: FOUND IIIIIIT~:3 BIC: "Mystith Rhunethic Lenane, Curasten Blartha Nurona.... Mystith Rhunethic Lenane, Curasten Blartha Nurona!" and again they were off, the light clearing to reveal them in the land of eternal dusk. "Woooooow, it's bigger than it looked like in the game..."Valerie was the first to make a comment. Sora just looked around, a part of his heart feeling right at home.
"So close..."Sora frowned. "Now how are we going to get to Twilight Town...?"Valerie whined. Riku felt the small Shadow heartless tugging at his bag. "Not now, Ch-"Riku looked at his bag, the realization hitting him. "Oh, for the love of-"he groaned. "What? what's wrong?"Valerie asked. Riku said nothing, just pulled out the brown spellbook. "Oh....that works... But we really shouldn't be repeatedly using it just because we feel lazy..."Sora said. "Sora, we don't have a choice this time. Those two aren't meant to be Keyblade masters."Riku frowned. "they could tottaly take over. the universe would be dooooomed."Valerie said, a bit overdramatic.
Sora groaned in annoyance. he was SO close...he saw Riku and Valerie catching up with him, Riku looking up to see the gummi take off. "FFFFFFFFFF"Valerie was trying not to swear at the sight. Chester saw Riku still had his bag, tiliting its head.
"HEEEY!"Sora dodged the fires, holding Kisa close. If the gummi ship went into the air there was no way he could make a jump for it while holding Kisa. He kept running, hoping he could make it JUST before the ship went airborn. Riku and Valerie saw the gummi ship, Riku finnaly putting Valerie down. "we gotta run. Hurry!"Riku sprinted towards the gummi. Valerie whined, but rushed after Riku anyway.