Assassin's Creed: Origins - PS4
It is with great sadness we have to report the death of a voice actor involved with the 'Kingdom Hearts' series. Robert Guillaume, better known to Disney fans as the voice of Rafiki from 'The Lion KIng', a role he reprised in Kingdom Hearts II, has died in his home in Los Angeles today at the age of 89 after battling prostate cancer. Our thoughts are with his friends and family who are mourning his loss. Source: The Sun
This isn't a re-release. Just bundling the two PS4 collections together to be bought as a single item
Keychains modeled after the five Foretellers' Keyblades have been announced by Square-Enix to be released in March. The keychains are currently available for pre-order for $17.99 each until November 2nd, after which it'll cost $19.99 to pre-order each one. Check out the keychains below: View attachment 48145 View attachment 48146 View attachment 48147 View attachment 48148 View attachment 48149 View attachment 48150 View attachment 48151 View attachment 48152 View attachment 48153 View attachment 48154 You can pre-order each individual keychain from the following links: Ira's Keyblade Aced's Keyblade Invi's Keyblade Gula's Keyblade Ava's Keyblade
View attachment 48118 A 'Kingdom Hearts'-themed watch has been announced for release by Japanese online retailer ZOZOTOWN under its Rendez-Vous brand as part of the retailer's adult Disney Lifestyle collection. Only 50 of these watches will be available when they go on sale October 28th at 1:00 p.m. JST, and they will each cost ¥ 21,800 (about $193.39). Check out images of the watch below: View attachment 48108 View attachment 48109 View attachment 48110 View attachment 48111 View attachment 48112 View attachment 48113 View attachment 48114 View attachment 48115 View attachment 48116 View attachment 48117 Source: DTimes
View attachment 48080 At the grand opening of Square-Enix Cafe Osaka, attendees were surprised by the appearance of both 'Kingdom Hearts' series director, Tetsuya Nomura, and executive producer, Shinji Hasimoto, with Nomura (along with other members of the dev team) providing some new information on the series: Sora's height is 160 cm (roughly 5'3''). As for Xehanort, they can't give an exact height but perhaps more than 180cm (roughly 5'11'') They have decided on heights for the other characters, but are unsure if they want to announce it Staff members usually travel abroad as Square Enix delegates to meet with Disney. Sea Salt Ice Creams at the event have winner sticks among them at the event which are able to be exchanged for a free coaster. They worked hard to host the Café, and maybe there are no more chances to do so, so Nomura asked everyone to enjoy that month. "Firstly, when Mr. Hashimoto went to sign my copy, he said, "Please get a signature from the creators first. I'll write in the remaining gap after that," when I was thanking the developers. He's so nice." "Then, "I love Saix and Axel so we're waiting for more infos!!!" I said to Mr. Nomura in a passionate way." Spoiler: Major Union X[cross] Spoilers In Union X[cross] Ven is himself (personality and memories). In other words, it is the real Ven. Kairi and Riku's new clothes are pretty similar (There's a hood. However changes are still made daily.) Initial art was only shown here during the short presentation The story of Union X[cross] will not be completed in KH3 (not everything will be addressed in KH3) Like other Disney characters, you can consider Sora's birthday to be the day of his screen debut (March 28) Young Xehanort and Xemnas are still under development since their reveal in recent trailers, so adjustments are being made to their faces. Because changes have been made since KH2, adjustments such as lengthening the jaw is difficult. (Yamasaki) There is demand for figurines of supporting characters and Organization XIII. Nomura will think about it Although it has been confirmed that D23 was the place to present new information for KH3, it is undecided where the next one will be revealed There are no plans to release a Nomura art collection at the moment There are no plans for selling a promotional trailer collection for the time being When asked if any character other than Sora will be playable, Nomura comments that such a world exists where this possible, but he can't currently say who it'll be Source: & KHInsider
Some new KH merchandise was revealed earlier today, and is now available for pre-order on AmiAmi. First off, KH-themed mugs: View attachment 48077 The mugs will be released in January, and can be pre-ordered for ¥ 1,830 (about $16.28), a 15% reduction from the listing price! The Heartless mug can be pre-ordered here, while the two different Sora mugs can be ordered here and here. Next up is a new 'Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ[chi]' medal box set: The box set will be released next month in November, and can be pre-ordered here for ¥ 5,120 (about $45.56), also a 15% reduction from the listing price!
New poster: And of course, the new trailer:
Destiny's Embrace, better known to KH fans as Kairi's Keyblade, is now available as a necklace from ThinkGeek! The necklace, made of metal and enamel, is on sale for $19.99.
Columbus Day? What's that? Last I checked, today's Indigenous Peoples' Day.
~Nintendo High School~ Spoiler: BGM [0:00-1:10] Sgt. Calhoun and her fellow J.I.A. agents slowly marched towards the principal's room, finding Al Mualim sitting alone behind his desk, looking at them... "Elise, what a surprise to see you here today. Are these friends of yours?" Al Mualim greeted his student with a smile that quickly began to fade away, "I must say, this is a really bad time to discuss any school-related issues you have." "In the name of the Parliament of the Republic of Japan, you are under arrest, sir," Calhoun told Al Mualim as she and Spy Fox took out their guns, Bon Bon took out her pocket knife, and Elise took out her katana. "Are you threatening me, Madame?" Al Mualim questioned Sgt. Calhoun. "The parliament will decide the fates of you and Harold Saxon," Tamora responded. "I AM THE PARLIAMENT," Al Mualim angrily retorted. "Not yet," Calhoun replied. Getting up from his seat, Al Mualim grabbed two katanas from under his desk, commenting, "It's treason then..." Al Mualim then let out a high pitched screech as he spun while jumping towards the others, who all backed away into the hallway, watching as the principal landed in front of them. Glaring at Calhoun and the others, Al Mualim was able to quickly impale Spy Fox and Elise with his katanas, immediately killing both of them as he then swung his katanas to try and hit Calhoun as she tried dodging Al Mualim's attacks. "I got him!" Bon Bon exclaimed as she lunged towards Al Mualim. Sensing her attack, Al Mualim did a backflip, avoiding Bon Bon's attack, who instead crashed onto the floor. Al Mualim then impaled Bon Bon with both of his katanas as he landed, killing her as well. Gasping upon noticing that she was the only one in her group left, Calhoun quickly grabbed the deceased Elise's katana, deciding that it would be the best weapon to use against Al Mualim. And just as she did that, Al Mualim went for the attack, swinging his katanas at Calhoun, who was able to deflect the attack with Elise's katana. The two then continued their swordfight throughout the hallway, with Al Mualim feeling surprised at how good Calhoun was using a katana. As the fight went on, Calhoun swung her katana towards Al Mualim, who ducked to avoid the attack, and pointed his right katana close to Calhoun's chest. Just as Al Mualim was about to go for a kill, Calhoun blocked the attack with her katana as her blade and Al Mualim's two blades were locked against each other, with Calhoun and Al Mualim glaring at each other as this was happening. [1:10-1:31] Meanwhile, outside the school building, a Corridor of Darkness appeared, with Xehanort stepping out... Upon hearing a commotion from inside the building, Xehanort's heart sank, hoping he wasn't too late as he rushed inside, while the Corridor of Darkness disappeared behind him. [1:32-2:06] Back inside, Al Mualim and Calhoun continued with their battle in a hallway, with the two constantly swinging their katanas at the other trying to get the upper hand, damaging several lockers, doors, and parts of the wall in the process. And as the two got close to the area near the teacher's lounge, Al Mualim was getting restless, with his eyes beginning to glow as he transferred a massive amount of energy into one of his katanas, sending a powerful blast towards Calhoun as he swung it in her direction. Calhoun, however, was able to leap away from danger, with the blast completely obliterating the area near the teacher's lounge, as well as creating a big opening in the wall showing the Tokyo skyline in the distance. Getting back on her feet, Calhoun stared at Al Mualim as the two were trying to figure the other's move. Going for the attack, Al Mualim swung both of his katanas at Calhoun who yet again awas able to block the incoming attack. This time, however, Calhoun pushed Al Mualim back, and kicked both of his hands, causing him to drop his katanas as he fell on the floor, and giving the J.I.A. agent the upper hand. Frightened, Al Mualim crawled towards the ledge of the opening on the wall caused by the earlier blast as Calhoun pointed her katana at him while slowly approaching the principal. And as that happened, Xehanort rushed towards them as he finally arrived to the scene... "You are under arrest, sir," Calhoun told Al Mualim before noticing Xehanort's arrival, raising her hand to the boy to indicate she had the situation under control. Standing silently, Xehanort watched as Al Mualim stared at him with a desperate look on his face, telling the boy, "Xehanort, I told you it would come to this. I was right. Our enemies will abandon their ideals to keep the world as it is! They don't believe in democracy!" "The oppression of the Crystal Order will never return!" Calhoun exclaimed to Al Mualim, "You have lost." "No," Al Mualim retorted, "No, NO! You will die!" Al Mualim then shot lightning bolts from his hands towards Calhoun to electrocute her, only for her to quickly deflect the lightning with her katana while Xehanort backed away for his own safety. "SHE'S A TRAITOR!" Al Mualim shouted to Xehanort as he kept shooting lightning from his hands. "HE IS THE TRAITOR!" Calhoun cried to Xehanort as she was deflecting the lightning back towards Al Mualim. "I can help immortalize Gaston and Trixie... as well as help you discover the secrets behind your Keyblade!" Al Mualim pleaded to Xehanort as he was getting hit by the lightning Calhoun was deflecting from him, "You must choose!" "Don't listen to him Xehanort!" Calhoun yelled as she continued deflecting lightning back at Al Mualim. "Don't let her kill me!" Al Mualim cried to Xehanort, who tried looking away from the sight of Al Mualim suffering, "I can't hold it any longer... I... I can't... I... I've... become... too weak. Xehanort, HELP ME! HELP ME!" Spoiler: BGM The exhausted Al Mualim eventually stopped shooting lightning from his hands, with Calhoun finally relieved to see the Crystal Order leader weakened, pointing her katana at him. "I... I... I can't hold on any longer," Al Mualim commented while panting. "You know what? Forget about arresting you," Calhoun told Al Mualim, "I am going to end this once and for all." "You can't," Xehanort replied to Calhoun, finally speaking out, "He must stand trial." "He and Harold Saxon are pretty much in control of the Parliament and the courts," Calhoun retorted, "They're both too dangerous to be left alive!" "I'm too weak... oh... don't kill me, please!" Al Mualim pleaded to Calhoun. "It's not the right thing to do, and you should know that," Xehanort told Calhoun, "He must live!" Ignoring Xehanort's words, Calhoun was intent on killing Al Mualim. "Please don't!" Al Mualim pleaded to Calhoun again. "I need him!" Xehanort pleaded as well. As Calhoun raised her katana to deliver a killing blow, Al Mualim pleaded, "PLEASE DON'T!" "NOOOO!" Xehanort cried as he quickly summoned his Keyblade and sliced off Calhoun's arm to prevent her from killing Al Mualim, causing the J.I.A. sergeant to scream in pain. Seeing what just happened, Al Mualim grinned, figuring this was his chance to finish off Calhoun. "POWER!" Al Mualim yelled as he shot lightning once again from his hands towards Calhoun, electrocuting her as she continued crying in pain, "UNLIMITED POWER!!!!" As she kept getting electrocuted, Sgt. Tamora Calhoun finally died as Al Mualim used his lightning to send Calhoun's deceased body flying off in the direction of the Tokyo skyline to parts unknown while a sound of thunder roared across the area. The Nintendo High principal then relaxed with a grin on his face as Xehanort was trembling from what happened, saying, "What have I done?" As Xehanort abruptly sat on a chair from the teacher's lounge and dropped his Keyblade, Al Mualim finally got up. The principal slowly approached Xehanort, glancing at his Keyblade on the floor as he passed by it before picking it up. "You're fulfilling your destiny, Xehanort," Al Mualim told Xehanort, "You have to believe me... when I heard that Gaston and Trixie died, my heart broke. I truly wish they were still with us right now. But it doesn't have to end this way for them. Together, we can work towards our ultimate goal, and dedicate our victory in their honor. Gaston and Trixie will live on forever, Xehanort." After listening to Al Mualim's words, Xehanort replied with a nod, saying, "Y-you're right. They must be honored." "Good," Al Mualim replied, grinning. "Forgive me for ever doubting you," Xehanort told Al Mualim, "I should've trusted your judgment the whole time." "Do not worry, my dear boy. All is forgiven," Al Mualim replied as he handed Xehanort his Keyblade, "I have never been more proud of you than I am now." Once given back his Keyblade, Xehanort got down on the floor, kneeling to Al Mualim as he he said, "From now on, I will do everything you tell me to." "Good, good..." Al Mualim commented, "A very valuable member of the brotherhood you have become Xehanort. I believe you not only deserve a higher rank, but also a new title... yes, that's it. Henceforth, you shall be referred to as... Master Xehanort." "Thank you, my liege," the newly christened Master Xehanort thanked Al Mualim. "Rise," Al Mualim ordered Master Xehanort, who did as he was told, "I must summon Harold and the others. There is much to discuss." Al Mualim then started walking towards the stairs to head to the rooftop while being followed by Master Xehanort. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~J.I.A. Prison Facility (a.k.a. The Fridge) - Rooftop~ As the Quinjet they were in landed on the rooftop of the Fridge, Alan and John Garret stepped out of the plane walking towards the entrance as Garret told Alan, "It's a hundred floors. The only way in is through the roof." As the two approached the entrance, Patricia Roland stepped out to greet them, surprised by their appearance... "Agent Garret, Alan... didn't expect you two here at this time," Patricia told the two, "What brings you to the Fridge?" "Well, something came up," Alan responded. "Oh really? What is it?" Patricia questioned. "This," Alan replied as he quickly took out his gun and shot Patricia point-blank in the head, killing her. "Well, now that that's taken care of, let's go in and free some of our guys," Garret commented as he and Alan entered the prison facility. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hino Family Shrine~ "Rei," Grandpa Hino called out to his granddaughter as he entered the innermost room and found Rei there, "Breakfast's ready if you want. No rush though. Take your time." Sighing as he walked away, Grandpa's voice was noticeably more depressing than usual given the events of the previous day. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Tokyo Cathedral~ As Matt Murdock was seated in a pew next to his Oshawott, Foggy, siletnly praying, he sensed Emma and her Espurr, Mimi, approach them... "Mr. Murdock," Emma greeted the demon lawyer, "You're praying for yesterday's victims too?" "I always come here to pray, tragedy or not," Murdock replied, "Still, prayer is definitely needed in these dark times." "Osha..." Foggy concurred. "You're right," Emma replied, "By the way, Yang left for a funeral service for some of the victims from yesterday. God rest their souls." "Amen," Murdock concurred. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Castelia City, Unova, U.S.A. - Harbor~ As the group got out of the ship, they were greeted by two limos. One to take Olaf to the Yankee stadium, and the other to take Demande and the others to the United Nations building. "Well, this is where we must part ways, my snowman friend," Demande told Olaf, "Do enjoy your time at the game." "Don't worry, I will," Olaf responded, smiling for the first time in the day, "And you guys enjoy your U.N. summit thingy. I'll be sure to get you some Yankee souvenirs!" "Take care, Olaf," Hans said, waving goodbye to Olaf as he got on his limo and it drove away. "Well, that's that," King Candy/Turbo commented, "We'd best get going. Don't wanna be late for a very important summit." "Right," Hans concurred, "Let's get in, Anna." Opening one of the limo's door, Saphir looked at Elsa while blushing, telling her, "You go first, Elsa." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Tsukino Household~ 'Wait... was she was holding my hand the whole time?' Darien thought to himself as he noticed Serena waking up, 'Strange... I should be bothered by it. But... how come I'm not?" "Oh, almost forgot," Rini said a she grabbed the bottle of antibiotics Ikuko gave to Serena, plus a bottle of water, handing them to Darien, "Miss Claire said you have to take two of these every morning and every night." "Miss Claire, huh?" Darien wondered out loud as he was looking at the label on the antibiotics bottle. "Yeah, she's our neighbor who works as a nurse," Rini replied, "She helped save your life when we found you yesterday." "I see," Darien commented as he swallowed two of the pills while drinking water, "By the way, thanks, Rini. And you too Ca- er..." "Her name's Serena," Rini corrected Darien. "Right," Darien replied as he looked at Serena, "Thank you, Serena. And to your family as well. I owe you one." "Darien, can I ask a question," Rini asked Darien, "Who's Ephemer?" "Wh-what did you just say?" Darien questioned Rini, wondering if she mentioned the name of the boy he knew from his dream. "Ephemer," Rini repeated, "Right before you woke up, you mentioned a few names. I think they were names. But, I can't remember any of them, except for the last one you mentioned. Ephemer." "Right..." Darien commented, guessing that he must've blurted out names of individuals from his dream while he was asleep, "To be honest... I don't know. It was a person in my dream. Or at least I think it was a dream... I don't know..." "Right..." Rini said as she sat next to Darien, "Is it alright if I sit next to you?" "Umm, sure," Darien replied. Smiling, Rini hugged Darien, surprising him, as she said, "I'm really glad you're okay, Darien. I thought you were going to die. But... you're safe now." 'This feeling that I have... I can't explain it, but it's the same feeling I got when I first met her,' Darien thought to himself as he watched Rini hugging him, 'It almost feels... natural.' "Don't worry, Rini. I'm fine now," Darien replied as he patted her on the shoulder. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following segments were written on @NutheadBros 's behalf: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Abandoned Mansion~ "Well, Kairi was the one who told me about this place. Never expected you to be an 'Old Mansion in the Woods'-type person. But eh, whatever," Kai replied as she followed Naminé, "By the way, I know you're a Nintendo High student, so I just wanted to say my condolences for what happened yesterday. I'm sure it's gotta be tough for your school to go through such a tragedy, huh?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Sora's and Roxas's Home~ Roxas, Sora, and Kairi were quietly seated at the dining table, eating the pancakes that Roxas made while Kairi was trying to figure out what to say to break the silence. "So... where are your parents?" Kairi asked. "Taking care of errands," Sora replied, "By the way, good thing none of us went to the Imperial Palace yesterday." "Yeah, guess we were lucky, huh?" Kairi commented, "But wait, what about your cousin?" "You mean Vanitas? He went. But he's okay though," Roxas answered. "And now he's attending the funeral for Gaston and Trixie given how close he was with them," Sora added. "Right..." Kairi replied, "Hard to believe individuals you just pass by in school are suddenly gone." As Roxas and Sora nodded in agreement and continued with their breakfast, Kairi thought to herself, 'If anything were to happen to Sora... I don't know what I'd do.' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Vector Building~ Arriving to the building's parking lot on the groundfloor, C.C. and her fellow Rising Tide members were running up to try and find Aoi Kazue as soon as possible. However, they soon stopped as they noticed Wilhelm standing in their way. "Well, well, well... if it isn't the Rising Tide," Wilhelm commented while grinning. "We're not here to fight," C.C. responded, "We're just here for Aoi Kazue. Hand him over, and we'll leave in peace." "Aoi Kazue, you say?" Wilhelm questioned before laughing hysterically. "What's so funny?" Dawn asked Wilhelm. As soon as he stopped laughing, Wilhelm said, "If you're looking for Aoi Kazue, then let me gladly introduce you to him." Wilhelm then snapped his fingers, and the nearby elevators opened up to reveal Darth Vader, silently looking at the Rising Tide members while his slow and creepy breaths could be heard throughout the parking lot. Spoiler: BGM "You?!" C.C. cried, remembering Vader from an earlier duel. "You wanted Aoi Kazue, did you not?" Wilhelm questioned C.C., "Well here he is!" "No... that can't be him... it's impossible!" C.C. retorted. "Oh, but it is," Wilhelm said, "The person you see is indeed Aoi Kazue, albeit with a reprogrammed mind, no memory of his past, and going by the name of Darth Vader. Go ahead Vader, say hello to our guests. They came here just for you." As Vader slowly approached the group, nearly everyone got in a defensive position, ready to attack him, except for C.C., pleading to the others, "Wait, girls! Let me talk to him. A little heart-to-heart might jog his memory." "Heart? You can't convince me that... thing... has a heart, C.C.," Cynthia responded. "That's not true," C.C. retorted, "The Aoi Kazue that Kai talked about... he had something." Walking towards Vader, C.C. told him, "Hey, you used to be called 'Aoi Kazue', right? Something was done to you to mess with your memory. You're a little confused, but that's okay. C'mon... remember, Aoi!" Without saying a word, Vader raised his right hand, and then a nearby car levitated, flying straight towards C.C. "C.C.!!" Kallena and Pyrrha cried as they both rushed and pushed C.C. out of harm's way. "I don't think Vader... is quite the brother Kai remembers," Cynthia commented as he rushed towards Vader, trying to punch and kick him while he masterfully dodged every attack. As Kallen and Pyrrha helped C.C. up, she told them, "I still think there's a bit of Aoi inside Vader. He just needs time, that's all." The Rising Tide members then gasped as they noticed Vader knocking out Cynthia inside the elevator he came from. As he took out his lightsaber to finish her off, C.C. rushed towards Vader and Cynthia, crying, "Aoi, DON'T!" But before C.C. could see what happened, the elevator doors closed, hearing the elevator go up. "Aoi... why?" C.C. said to herself. "That's what we do. Put the most precious memories in the back of our minds where they're safe," Wilhelm told C.C. "You..." C.C. angrily replied as she took out her lightsaber, "You're gonna pay for this." "Hehe, a challenge then? I accept," Wilhelm stated, "The Rising Tide ends today!"