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  1. Meilin Lee
    So after looking into it, it appears that, unfortunately, North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) won't be getting her songs on Spotify for the time being.

    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jan 8, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Meilin Lee
    Well they did say it would be released this year, so we're closer than ever.

    Anyway, welcome to KHV. Just follow the rules and be sure to have a good time here.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jan 6, 2018 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. Meilin Lee
  4. Meilin Lee
    The King Mickey S.H.Figuarts figure revealed around half a year ago is set to be released this month on January 26th! The figure will be sold for ¥4,536 (roughly $40.23). Check out images of the figure below:

    Source: Tamashii Web
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jan 1, 2018, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Meilin Lee
    I was gonna say no, but I just saw my parents emptying out their closet and getting rid of old documents and receipts. So, I'm sorta a yes.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Dec 26, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Meilin Lee
    ~Nintendo High School - Rooftop~


    As Al Mualim and Master Xehanort were joined by the others, with rain continuing to fall on them while being accompanied by the sound of thunder, Al Mualim told Xehanort, "With this failed attempt on my life, it is obvious that we must act fast. Should our enemies learn what has happened here... they will kill us, along with all members of parliament out of suspicion." "I agree," Master Xehanort replied, "Our enemies' next move will be against the Japanese government." "Every single one of our enemies, whether they be Sailor Scouts, Rangers, or even Riders, including your friend, Hiccup, is now an enemy of the Republic of Japan," Al Mualim told Master Xehanort. "I understand, my liege," Xehanort concurred. "We must move quickly. Our enemies are relentless," Al Mualim commented, "If they are not all destroyed, it would be a third world war without end." Al Mualim then turned to face Master Xehanort, telling him, "First, I want you to go to the NATO headquarters here in Tokyo." Walking over to Master Xehanort, Saxon handed him a flash drive, adding, "Upload this in the main computer over there. It'll send out a virus throughout the world that'll decimate every country's military within minutes. We will catch them off balance."

    "Do what must be done, Lord Xehanort," Al Mualim told Master Xehanort, "Do not hesitate, show no mercy. Only then will Gaston and Trixie be immortalized, and their sacrifice have meaning." "What about all our other enemies spread across the world?" Master Xehanort asked, "And not just the Scouts, Rangers, and Riders like you mentioned earlier, but we have others besides them." "Their betrayal will be dealt with. After you have completed your task in the NATO headquarters, go to the United Nations summit taking place in Castelia City. Wipe out Regis and every world leader not associated with our cause. Once more, Earth will return to being a single nation. And... we shall have... peace," Al Mualim replied to Master Xehanort, grinning.


    ~The British Ministry of Magic HQ - London, U.K.~


    As the British Minister of Magic, Dolores Umbridge, was in her office, reading a message from Al Mualim on an enchanted parchment, she heard a knock on the door. "Come in," Umbridge replied. The door opened, and in came Croix Meridies, Umbridge's protege...


    "Ah, Miss Meridies," Umbridge greeted Croix, "I take it you're ready to show me your proposal for the Sorcery Solution System?" "Of course," Croix responded as one of her sorcery units hovered inside the office while she closed the door. The sorcery unit then projected an image on the wall, showing a witch using a smartphone, with Croix explaining, "As you fully know, Minister, once the world belongs to the Crystal Order, any form of subversive activity will need to be extinguished immediately. The best way to avoid such activity would be to attack the source before it could spread. Now in terms of those with magical abilities, the solution comes in the form of the Sorcery Solution System, or 'SSS' for short. Under the SSS, every wand in the world belonging to witches and wizards will be confiscated and disposed of properly. In order to use magic, witches and wizards will have to use a smartphone with an app that I designed myself installed in it, just like the witch you see in this picture. The app will work exactly like a wand, allowing witches and wizards to use magic just as they have before, only in a more modern way. And the best part is that all magical activity will be monitored. Any suspicious magical activity will trigger a response by the authorities, who will then deal with any potential subversion, depending on the situation, of course." As Croix's sorcery unit projected another image on the wall (this time, of a certain wand), Croix continued, "Nevertheless, there will be those who prefer things the old way, wanting to use a wand instead of a smartphone app. And I respect such choices. Luckily, the SSS has a solution for this sort of problem. After confiscating every wand in the world, a standardized wand, which you can see right here, will be available for those wishing to use magic just as they have before. It works and acts exactly like a normal wand. There is one difference, however. It is electronic in nature, and thus, can track all magical activity it is being used for, just like my smartphone app. So in the end, whether it is with an app or a wand, all magical activity will be tracked, and no witch or wizard would dare start any sort of rebellion." "Marvelous," Umbridge commended Croix, "It seems I've taught you well." "Well, I have learned from the best, of course. Thank you, Minister," Croix thanked Umbridge. "Speaking of the Sorcery Solution System, I have just received a note from Al Mualim in Tokyo," Umbridge replied, "There was an attempt on his life, but thankfully, this attempt has been thwarted. He has decided to move forward with the Crystal Order's ultimate plan. Today, the world falls, including the Ministry of Magic." "I see," Croix commented as she was digesting the information Umbridge just told her, "It's about time. For too long have wizards and witches in this country gone through such injustice. Now that injustice will finally end. And I can assure you, Minister, that the SSS will be ready to launch immediately." "Excellent," Umbridge replied with a grin, "Al Mualim will be happy to hear that."


    ~J.I.A. Prison Facility (a.k.a. The Fridge)~


    Using a particle plasma beam gun he grabbed from the building's weapons cache, Garret blasted a wall, creating a hole that would allow the building's prisoners get out. As the prisoners were coughing from the smoke caused by the blast while they were exiting, Garret was telling them, "You're welcome, gentlemen!"


    "Don't forget to follow your dreams!" Garret continued as Tirek passed by him and Alan, glaring at the two before following the other prisoners. As soon as female prisoners were getting out, Garret was helping them out as well, saying, "Ladies." Eventually, Florent L'Belle, who was taken to the Fridge two days ago, stepped out of the hole as well, angered as he noticed John Garret...


    "You?! You have to be kidding me," L'Belle complained, "I've been in a cell smaller than my shoe closet. I wasn't allowed to eat with a fork, which would have been worse if I'd been allowed to eat anything but meatloaf all day yesterday!" "I did just bust you out," Garret calmly responded. "Yeah, out of a prison you put me in! Do you know what my life was like before I joined the Crystal Order? It was really nice. But because of my association with you guys, this past day and a half was hell. I've had my assets frozen, I've been beaten. You almost ripped my tongue out of my mouth during interrogation!" L'Belle continued complaining. "But I didn't," Garret replied, "I'm regretting that now. And I would've hoped you'd realize that for the sake of not screwing up our operation, I had to make it all look real. Luckily for you, Alexander Pierce got orders from the big guy himself to free all Crystal Order prisoners, and I'm sure you know what that means." Surprised by what he just heard, Florent asked, "T-today's the day? We're really gonna take over today?" "Oh yes," Alan answered. "Get yourself ready," Garret told Florent as he patted his back, "There's one more prisoner we need to free." Alan then followed Garret as they went through the hole, while Florent waked away while pondering what he was just told.


    The following segments include characters belonging to @NutheadBros and @Lunafreya Nox Fleuret , who are being used with their permission:


    ~Tsukino Household~


    'Ephemer... why do I feel like I know that name?' Serena thought to herself after hearing Rini and Darien discuss the name. Luna too felt a sense of familiarity, but not with the name Ephemer, but rather, the names Ira and Aced, which Darien also mentioned in his sleep right before waking up. 'Where have I heard the names Ira and Aced before?' Luna thought to herself. "Say, Darien. Excuse me for asking, but... is it true.. are you really Tuxedo Mask?" Serena asked Darien. Gasping upon hearing the question, Darien questioned, "H-how did you...?" "A lot happened while you were asleep, Darien," Rini told Darien. "It's true," Serena added, "I think we're gonna have a long discussion during breakfast."


    "Serena, Rini... breakfast's ready," Ikuko called out from the kitchen. "Coming!" Serena and Rini responded. "Let's go, Darien," Rini told Darien as she and Serena helped him get up, with Darien simply nodding in reply as the three walked towards the kitchen while Luna followed.


    ~Vector Building~

    After defeating a couple of S-types, C.C. declared, "I don't have time for these S-types! I have to find that guy!" "Go!" Dawn replied, "We can handle ourselves." Nodding, C.C. force-pushed S-types out of the way, running towards the stairs, and quickly going up until she reached the 5th floor, noticing the door open on its own. "Huh, interesting," C.C. said to herself, deciding to investigate the 5th floor as she entered it.


    ~Abandoned Mansion~

    "A prince and princess who loved each other deeply, yet sadly, never lived to see their wedding day," Namine responded to Kai. "Woah... that got depressing pretty quick," Kai commented, "Either way, it's a great drawing, Namine." "Thank you," Namine replied, blushing. "Anyway, how're you feeling today?" Kai asked. "Well, a bit sad for what happened yesterday, and a bit worried for the future," Namine responded. "Worried how, exactly?" Kai asked. "I'm not sure," Namine replied, "It just feels... like nothing will ever be the same again pretty soon."
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Dec 25, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Meilin Lee
    Edited OP with new screenshots.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Dec 23, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Meilin Lee
    If this is indeed real, then it'll sorta make up for the fact we got nothing for Jump Festa this year. But assuming Square-Enix is aware of these images spreading, I hope any world reveal for D23 in February will be for something other than Monsters Inc., otherwise, it would feel like a waste to reveal something that was leaked 2 months earlier.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Dec 16, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Meilin Lee
    This is funny because for a long time, people mistakenly called her a Disney princess. After 20 years though, they're finally correct, sorta...
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Dec 15, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Meilin Lee
    We're gonna get a Simpsons world in KH4 lol

    View attachment 48297
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Dec 14, 2017, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Meilin Lee
    To celebrate Utada Hikaru's new album scheduled for release in 2018, as well as doing a live tour across Japan in the same year (which she hasn't done since 2006), it has been announced that all of Utada Hikaru's songs from "Automatic" (released in 1998) to her 6th album, "Fantôme" (released in 2016), are now available in music subscription services in various major platforms (such as Apple Music). Spotify, however, will get the songs on January 8th. Included among the songs available are the two main 'Kingdom Hearts' themes, "Hikari/Simple & Clean" and "Passion/Sanctuary".


    It appears that North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) won't be getting the songs on Spotify.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Dec 8, 2017, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. Meilin Lee
    Hot Topic has revealed an online exclusive Kingdom Hearts-themed pocket watch necklace now available for sale. Check it out below:

    This necklace can be purchased from here for $24.90. Also, be sure to check out a bunch of other Kingdom Hearts merchandise from Hot Topic for all your holiday shopping!
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Dec 8, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Meilin Lee
    Months ago, it was confirmed that 'Kingdom Hearts' will be making an appearance at D23 Expo Japan 2018, which takes place from February 10, 2018 to February 12, 2018. Now, the official D23 Expo Japan website has confirmed that the KH panel (currently being called "Kingdom Hearts Fan Event") will be taking place at the Disney Magical Theater program during the expo's first day, February 10, 2018. The Kingdom Hearts themed event will run from 4:00 p.m. to 5:20 p.m. JST (2:00 a.m. to 3:20 AM EST).
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Nov 18, 2017, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Meilin Lee
    Square-Enix North America has announced a KH-themed raffle, with the lucky winner getting a 'Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX' original soundtrack signed by series composer, Yoko Shimomura! To enter, you must either have a Square-Enix Members account, or send a postcard. Other stipulations include being at least 18 years old and a current resident of North America. The raffle will run until January 14, 2018 at 11:59 PST. For more information, check out the official rules.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Nov 18, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Meilin Lee
    ~Castelia City, Unova, U.S.A. - Inside Limousine~


    "O-of course, Elsa," Saphir replied, blushing as he sat next to Elsa. Once Demande and King Candy/Turbo joined the others inside, the limousine began heading towards the United Nations building. As the limo was moving, everyone inside heard ringing. "Someone's calling," Demande said as he pressed a button near him, with an LCD screen then appearing near the driver's head, switching on to reveal King Regis live on the screen...


    "Ah, Regis. Good to see you," Demande told Regis, who could see everyone inside the limo. "Good to see you as well, Demande," Regis replied, "I just wanted to make sure you and your guests arrived safely." "Yes, we're all here and accounted for," Demande told the king. "Very good, I'm looking forward to meeting each one of you in person," Regis replied, "I'll be waiting for your arrival at the U.N." "We'll see you there," Demande said as the video call with King Regis ended.


    ~Nintendo High School~


    "My, what a mess," Harold Saxon commented as he arrived to the scene and saw Astral with the corpses, "I've got some guys coming in to take these bodies away." The Japanese Prime Minister then noticed Haytham Kenway and Rassilon arrive behind him and Astral...


    "We came as soon as Al Mualim told us," Haytham said. "Same," Saxon replied. As Haytham and Rassilon observed the damage, Rassilon told Saxon, "Thankfully, this plot against your stepfather was thwarted. If Master Xehanort hadn't intervened, who knows what could've happened." "Master, huh? Is that what that boy, Xehanort, goes by now?" Harold questioned, "Because I have to say, 'Master Xehanort' really has a nice ring to it." "We should go to the rooftop," Haytham told Harold and Astral, "Al Mualim and Master Xehanort are waiting for us." "Right behind you," Saxon replied as he followed Haytham and Rassilon to the stairs.


    ~J.I.A. Prison Facility (a.k.a. The Fridge)~


    As Garret and Alan walked down the prison facility, Garret commented, "First time I came down here was to lock up Johnny Horton. Ever heard of him?" After Alan shook his head in response, John continued, "The guy somehow gave himself these lion's paws for hands. Can you imagine?" "That doesn't seem practical," Alan responded, chuckling. "Everybody's got their own thing, I suppose," Garret added, chuckling as well before noticing a door leading to the building's weapons cache, "Here we go. Follow me." Alan nodded as he followed Garret.


    ~Tsukino Household~


    "Hey, you're awake," Sammy said as he entered and found Darien awake along with Rini, Serena, and Luna, "'Bout time. I'm gonna go tell Mom and Dad. They're gonna want to have a word with you during breakfast." "R-right," Darien responded to Sammy as he left. Sighing, Darien continued, "I'm sorry. I feel like a burden by staying at your home." "Don't worry about it! I'm sure Auntie Ikuko and Uncle Kenji will understand," Rini replied.


    The following segments were written on @NutheadBros 's behalf:


    ~Namine's Room~

    "Wow, neato," Kai commented as she walked around the room, observing Namine's drawings. Upon noticing the drawing of a princess in a white dress and a prince, Kai mentioned, "I really like this one, Namine. Who are these two?"


    ~Sora's and Roxas's Home~


    "Those were some good pancakes. Thank you, Roxas," Kairi thanked Roxas after finishing breakfast. "My pleasure," Roxas replied, smiling as he took the plates away. "So, now what?" Sora asked Kairi. "Well, I don't really have anything to do," Kairi replied. "You can stick around if you want," Sora said, "Roxas and I aren't really doing anything either." "Sure... I suppose I could stay for awhile," Kairi replied as she walked towards the sofa in the living room and lied down.


    ~Vector Building~

    With a snap if his fingers, S-types appeared, surrounding C.C. and the other members of the Rising Tide. "S-types?!" C.C. cried, "You're in cahoots with them?!" "Well, mostly the ones you see right now," Wilhelm replied, "Magnificent, aren't they? I've heard so many stories of how ruthless they can be. And with that knowledge, I knew that I had to make them allies of mine to achieve my goals. I'd love to discuss this more, but... I have other things to take care of." "Get back here!" C.C. yelled as she ran after Wilhelm while he walked away, only to be stopped by a pair of S-types who stood in her way. "C.C., we're gonna have to fight 'em," Dawn informed C.C. as the members of the Rising Tide were getting ready for a battle. Taking a deep breath, C.C. switched her lightsaber on, announcing, "Alright girls... time to fight!"
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Nov 17, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Meilin Lee
    In addition to the Organization XIII King Mickey Funko Pop figure, BoxLunch has also revealed two additional pieces of exclusive 'Kingdom Hearts' merchandise. First off is a woven ring bracelet sold for $12.90 (purchase link):

    Next up is a necklace based on the Kingdom Key D Keyblade, sold for $18.90 (purchase link):

    Elsewhere, a 'Kingdom Hearts' themed watchman beanie featuring the famous stained art glass of Sora is being sold at Hot Topic for $14.90. Check it out below:

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Nov 10, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Meilin Lee
    Profile Post Comment

    It's Amaury

    It's Amaury
    Profile Post Comment by Meilin Lee, Nov 7, 2017
  18. Meilin Lee
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Nov 6, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Meilin Lee
    The 'Kingdom Hearts' Diamond Select Figures, which have been announced earlier this year, will finally be releasing this week in comic shops and specialty stores, and they will include the two following packages:
    • Sora with Kingdom Key, Dusk with articulated support stand, and a Soldier Heartless
    • King Mickey with Star Seeker Keyblade, Axel with chakrams, and a Shadow Heartless
    Additionally, Diamond Select Toys also announced exclusive packages for certain retailers. They are as following:

    • Sora
    • King Mickey with an exclusive Kingdom Key and an exclusive figurine of Pluto with an articulated neck
    • Axel with his chakrams
    Toys "R" Us
    • King Mickey with Star Seeker Keyblade, and Dusk with articulated support stand
    • Axel with chakrams and Shadow Heartless
    • Master Form Sora with Kingdom Key and Soldier Heartless
    • Valor Form Sora with Kingdom Key and Soldier Heartless
    • Sora with Kingdom Key and Soldier Heartless
    • Wisdom Form Sora with Kingdom Key and Soldier Heartless
    Diamond Select Toys also announced a Series 2 line of figures to be released in Spring 2018, and they will include:
    • Roxas with Oathkeeper keyblade, Donald with Mage’s Staff, and Goofy with Shield
    • Aqua with Rainfell Keyblade, and Goofy from Birth By Sleep
    • Pete, Chip & Dale, and Soldier Heartless
    Source: Diamond Select Toys
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Nov 1, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Meilin Lee
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Oct 30, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone