All the Stars - Kendrick Lamar/SZA
And I missed you too! So glad to see things are going well for you. Things haven't been the same since you left (not to mention slow as well). Nevertheless, quite a lot has happened since you left, so I highly recommend taking your time going over the shocking developments in the world of High School Days. And of course, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to get in touch with myself or @NutheadBros. Anyway, seeing as how it's been months since I reserved any characters, I shall be reserving: Bayek [Assassin's Creed] Aya [Assassin's Creed] Khemu [Assassin's Creed] Jeffrey Mace [Marvel/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.] Noctis Lucis Caelum [Final Fantasy XV] Prompto Argentum [Final Fantasy XV]
I gotta say, Sully looks a lot better here than in the trailer. Obviously, we're still months away from the final product, so there is definitely time to fix it. Also, I just noticed that the monster forms of Goofy, Donald, and Sora (I think?) have Pixar eyes.
Edited OP with more images of the Making Of video, giving us a look at how the NPCs will look like when exploring the city
Glad to see that they're opting to use new worlds from here on out. Wonder if this means we'll get to experience some of KH3's new worlds in Union X before exploring them in the actual game.
Actual NPCs About damn time. No more scenes where I'm supposed to pretend the crowd is invisible lol
As expected, a new KH3 trailer was released during the Kingdom Hearts event at D23. Check out the epic new trailer below: In addition to that trailer, a shorter trailer previewing Utada's new song, “Don’t Think Twice”, was also released:
As the Kingdom Hearts event at D23 comes to a close, here is a recap of KH3 information that was revealed during the event: -Monsters Inc. world has been officially confirmed (meaning those leaked images were in fact real) -Marluxia and Vanitas are set to return -Still scheduled to release in 2018 -KH3 will have a new Utada song named "Oath" in Japanese, “Don’t Think Twice” in English -New clothes revealed for Mickey and Riku -Summons return (confirmed ones include Ariel and Dream Eaters) In addition to that, a trailer will be released soon, and will be posted once it is available online. Source: @aibo_ac7
The first news to come out of the Kingdom Hearts event at D23 involves KH content to the mobile Final Fantasy game, Final Fantasy Record Keeper. Check out the trailer above. No word on whether this content will be available in the international version.
D23 Expo Japan 2018 has officially started! And while the KH-themed event is still a few hours away, a lot of Kingdom Hearts merchandise was on display, most of which have been seen before, and some that are new, such as the rubber clips shown in the tweet above. No word yet on whether they will be released outside of Japan.
My memory may be wonky, but I think you still need to complete the data battles to get the 7th orichalcum+
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that referring to Enchanted Dominion (I know they said "new" world, but I feel context is important here. Maybe they meant new for the game itself).
Some photos of the set, including our first look of how the Pokemon would look like (see the image of the billboard): Not sure how I feel about the look of the Pokemon (or even about this entire movie in general...)
View attachment 48526 Square-Enix has announced that a fan event focusing on 'Kingdom Hearts Union X[cross]' will be taking place on April 15 at the House of Blues in Anaheim, California. The event will include activities and the chance to try out new features coming to the game. Most importantly, the event will include the KH series director, Tetsuya Nomura, plus members of the mobile game's dev team (such as the producer, Hironori Okayama) as special guests to discuss 'Union X[cross]'. Tickets will cost $20 (plus any additional taxes and fees), and can be bought from this link starting tomorrow at 12 p.m. PST. Source
Edited OP with new image as the old one was removed for some reason.
After appearing in both LINE: Disney Tsum Tsum and Union X[cross], it appears that an official line of KH-themed Tsum Tsums will finally be available for sale (at least in Japan) based on the image below: The figures include Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, King Mickey, a Shadow Heartless, and a Soldier Heartless. The above image appears to indicate that the Tsum Tsums will be officially announced during the upcoming D23 Expo Japan 2018, taking place from February 10-12.
~Sora's and Roxas's Home~ "Hmm, let me check," Sora replied to Kairi as he grabbed the remote, flipping through the channels after switching the television on. A majority of the channels had the following message being played: "Greetings, citizens of Japan," Malva, announced to those watching, "In light of the tragic events yesterday, Prime Minister Harold Saxon will be delivering a very important speech to the nation, and the world, live from parliament at 4:00 p.m. Please tune in." "Well, you were right," Sora told Kairi, eventually putting the Animal Planet channel on TV, "At least we still got nature shows." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Castelia City, Unova, U.S.A. - Inside Limousine~ Saphir blushed as Elsa held his hand while Demande told Anna and Elsa, "I'm sure Regis will like the both of you. And who knows... he might even be able to introduce you to his son if he really likes you two." The limo eventually got close to the United Nations building. But as the limo was going through an intensive security check at the security checkpoint, Hans and the others noticed a very large group of protesters outside the building's perimeters, protesting a variety of things. With the leaders the world meeting at this time, it'd be a perfect opportunity for protesters to try and get their message across. Many of the signs carried by protesters included messages such as... "END ALL WARS" "CLOSE GUANTANAMO BAY" "DOWN WITH CAPITALISM" "FREE PALESTINE" "U.N. YOUR SILENCE KILLS" "DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE HUMANITARIAN CRISIS IN SYRIA" "NO MORE NUCLEAR WEAPONS" "FIGHT AGAINST WORLD HUNGER" "NICHOLAS CAGE SUCKS" "You get used to it," Hans told Anna and Elsa as he watched the protesters. The limo was finally cleared to enter the premises, driving towards the building's main entrance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Castelia City, Unova, U.S.A. - The United Nations Building~ While Regis was waiting for Demande and the others, he wanted to check on his how his son was doing on his trip, speaking with his adviser, Ignis Scientia, on the phone... "We've just arrived to Johannesburg," Ignis told King Regis over the phone, "We'll be returning home within a week." "Very good," Regis replied, "Be sure to enjoy yourselves in South Africa." "Very well, your majesty," Ignis said, "Anything else you request of me?" "No, just be careful. Look after Noctis as you always do. And... tell him I love him," Regis responded. "Of course," Ignis said as he hung up. "I take it your son is traveling?" T'Chaka, king of the African nation of Wakanda, asked Regis as he approached him... "Yes. To South Africa," Regis replied. "Ah. He'll surely enjoy himself there," T'Chaka said, "But if I'm not mistaken, you would have rather had him here speaking for your country?" "I would have, yes," Regis answered, "But... given the tense situations happening back home... it's probably best that I speak rather than him. He'll definitely get his chance one day." "Yes, I agree," T'Chaka concurred, "I would have brought my son, but he is busy with important matters in Wakanda." "Well, best of luck to him," Regis said. "Thank you, my friend," T'Chaka thanked Regis before noticing a limo pulling up outside through the window, "Another arrival." "Ah, that must be Demande and the others," Regis commented, "I should go meet them." "If you don't mind, I would like to join you in welcoming them as well," T'Chaka replied as he followed Regis to the building entrance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~J.I.A. Prison Facility (a.k.a. The Fridge)~ As he and Alan arrived to the cell holding Bellatrix Lestrange, which was more secure than the rest, John Garret used the particle plasma beam gun he used earlier to open a path into the cell. He and Alan then entered the cell, and found Bellatrix Lestrange on the ground, chained by a special chain inhibiting her powers... "Hey there, Sunshine," Garret greeted Bellatrix as Alan unlocked her chains, "Sorry it took a while to get you out. But, hopefully, this'll make up for it." Taking out a case from a lower pocket on his right leg, Garret handed it to Bellatrix. Opening it, Bellatrix was surprised to see her wand inside, which was confiscated from her ever since she was captured and arrested. "Is it time?" Bellatrix questioned, "Is today really the day?" "Yup," Garret responded. "Hail the Crystal Order," Alan added. As she was processing what she was being informed, a smile began to form on Bellatrix's face. Eventually, Bellatrix began to laugh hysterically as she got up, marched out of her cell, swinging her wand as she was blasting the other cells she was passing by before reaching a wall. Blasting the wall with her wand, Bellatrix created an opening, giving her a view of the outside, high in the building. "HAIL THE CRYSTAL ORDER! HAHAHA!" Bellatrix yelled as she flicked her wand, creating a projection of the Crystal Order logo in the sky while continuing to laugh maniacally. "Just between you and me, that b*** is crazy," Alan whispered to John Garret. "Yeah, but she's our crazy b***," Garret responded, chuckling. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Tsukino Household~ As Darien was having breakfast with the Tsukinos, he couldn't help but feel there was an awkward silence in the kitchen, with Kenji and Ikuko not looking at him as they silently ate breakfast. "Anyway... thank you, for what you did," Darien said, trying to break the silence. "Don't mention it," Ikuko responded, "Any friend of Rini's is welcome here." "And of course, as Muppets fans, my wife and I are thankful for what you did during the Muppet Telethon," Kenji added, "You are the Tuxedo Mask guy who saved the show that night, aren't you?" "So, I guess the cat's out of the bag," Darien replied, "How did you know?" "Two agents from the J.I.A. came by yesterday. Asked if we saw you or a couple other guys, saying that you were a dangerous terrorist," Kenji answered as he took a sip of coffee, "They revealed that you also went by the identity of 'Tuxedo Mask.' But we lied, telling them that we haven't seen Tuxedo Mask since the Muppet Telethon. Now I don't feel comfortable lying to government agents, especially with what's been happening, but I felt it was the right thing to do. So I'm asking you one thing, Darien. Prove to me that I did the right thing." As Darien was processing what he was told, something Kenji said caught his attention. "Wait... what has been happening?" Darien questioned. As the Tsukinos silently looked at each other, Rini got up from her seat, went to grab today's newspaper, and handed it to Darien, telling him, "Here you go, Darien." Looking at the front page, Darien's heart sank as he read the front page article, detailing what happened the previous night in the Imperial Palace. While stunned to learn that his neighbor, Gaston, was killed, Darien was more horrified to learn that Harriet Jones was dead as well, with Harold Saxon taking her place as prime minister of Japan. "It's a national day of mourning," Ikuko told Darien as he was still reading. "Which is why Dad isn't at work, and why neither me, Serena, nor Rini are at school," Sammy added. "We were originally going to go there yesterday, but when Rini found you, we couldn't leave you unattended," Kenji added, "I guess we dodged a bullet, huh?" While still stunned from learning about what happened, Darien turned the pages of the newspaper, and found another article containing photos of himself, Nick Fury, Skye, Shining Armor, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, Baymax, and Hiro Hamada, with the article mentioning those whose photos are shown as former government agents accused of treason against Japan. Putting the newspaper away, Darien covered his face, stressed out by everything he had just learned. "I understand that it's a lot to take in," Ikuko told Darien, "But please, let us help you. Tell us your side of the story." "My side?" Darien questioned as he looked at Ikuko, "Heh, you wouldn't believe me even if I told you." "Try us," Kenji replied. "Please, Darien," Rini added, "Whatever it is, they'll understand. I'm sure." Looking at Rini, Darien sighed as he said, "Alright, alright. I'll talk." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following segment is written on @NutheadBros 's behalf: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Vector Building - 5th Floor~ Arriving to the 5th floor, C.C. noticed the entire floor was empty, and was looking around before noticing Wilhelm and Darth Vader were waiting for her. Glaring at Wilhelm, C.C. said, "I'm only going to say this once. Change Aoi back to his former self." "Yes. Under the right parameters, I might," Wilhelm replied. "Huh?" a surprised C.C. wondered out loud. "Let's make a deal," Wilhelm announced, "Leave the Rising Tide. Join me, take over Vader's place, and I'll change him back to Aoi." "Join you?" C.C. questioned Wilhelm, "I... I can't. I can never join forces with someone who causes pain to others. Forget it!" "Ha! Flawed reasoning," Wilhelm mocked C.C., "I'll have to take you by force." Spoiler: BGM As he was leaving the hallway, Wilhelm signaled Vader to attack C.C. Switching his lightsaber on, Vader rushed towards C.C., who quickly switched her lightsaber on to defend herself. "Aoi, why can't I get through to you?!" C.C. cried as she was blocking attacks from Vader. "Fight, C.C.!" a familiar voice yelled out to C.C. from behind. Turning around, C.C. gasped as she saw Cynthia, alive and well. "Cynthia!" a relieved C.C. cried while continuing to deflect Vader's attacks, "You're okay! I can't believe it!" "Yes. I think Aoi heard you. Long enough for me to escape," Cynthia responded, "You can do it. You can get through to him! C.C., you have to fight him!" "But Cynthia! How can I-" C.C. questioned Cynthia before being interrupted from an incoming attack from Vader, dodging away from it. "You can use your Force abilities. It will bring him to his senses," Cynthia replied. Darth Vader then jumped as he tried to slash C.C. from above, only to be blocked by C.C. when he landed, with the two lightsabers locked against each other. "I'll try!" C.C. exclaimed as she pushed Vader away and got into an offensive position, "Let's go, Aoi!"
Ask, and you shall receive. OP updated with news on European release.
Square-Enix have announced that a clock featuring the series' iconic stained glass artwork is now available for pre-order at the Square-Enix NA store. The clock, which features automatic back light for dark spaces, is set for release late August of this year, and can be pre-ordered for $97.99. Check out additional images of the clock below: View attachment 48484 View attachment 48485 View attachment 48486 View attachment 48487 View attachment 48488 EDIT: Also coming to Europe in August! Pre-order form here for €103.49!
View attachment 48482 View attachment 48476 View attachment 48477 View attachment 48478 View attachment 48479 View attachment 48480 View attachment 48481 View attachment 48483 More than 5 years since Solo Remix, TWEWY gets another port entitled "Final Remix", coming this year to the Nintendo Switch! Final Remix will contain: Updated HD visuals Traditional and Joy-Con controls New epilogue scenario focusing on that mysterious girl from Solo Remix