Valkyrie -Lioleia Mix- by abingdon boys school This song is the best song ever.
レクイエム by Angela Aki
I was out wondering about one day and I found this really weird thing called 'life', being the curious person I was I decided to investigate it and I got sucked into this weird vortex thingy and ended up in this weird place. After a couple of months, I managed to find my way out of it and restored peace to all of the worlds.
Ah okay, I was just looking for a KH tag, usually I'd make them myself but my mood hasn't exactly been the greatest and I've had a nasty case of...
Oh hello there guys.
climb up to the top by Ami Suzuki
Awesome BlazBlue sig is awesome. :lolface: Would you be able to make a tag with this please? ;O; I'd put...
[IMG] Can I use this in my signature please? O: I don't mind if I can't, but it would be awesome if I could.
Spoiler [I actually have a reason to come here again! O:]
I could have sworn Rob shaved his head.
Like usual, your avatars look gorgeous, I must steal your secrets on how to make them this good. >:C Also: Can I use this one pl0x? 8D
His name is Mr. Fishy and he is a Cephadrome, this is a photo of him with his two bros: Spoiler Isn't he adorable?
Oh dear god, not in the bathroom. If only they didn't have wings, then we could have put them out in the big paddock behind the house. ;-;
:lolface: lolfiller
Is that Cirno I see in your avatar? 8D
*poke* Honey, its your turn to look after the children. ;-; I need to earn some money to buy food for them... They eat so much. ;-;
For some reason I have the sudden urge to poke you with a stick.
Thank you~ *reps*