Read from 'y' to 'i' on your keyboard. What does it say?
Who also headbutts his enemies. =P And yes, that final battle was fun. The music made up for the fact that it took me two hours to beat the god...
Hahaha. Thanks. xD I'm almost finished with my second play through as the female protagonist. I'm gonna do a third just so I can save Shinjiro. Oh...
I was thinking, is that Minato in your avatar? Or am I just tired and seeing things?
I LOVE your avatar and profile picture. xD
[I feel like I wanna play this game again.]
Final Fantasy IX, Donkey Kong Country and the original Monster Hunter. Words cannot describe the nostalgia I feel when I load my MH save file and I hear that beautiful theme of orchestra music. Monster Hunter theme: And the best theme for a monster in that game:
Wait... there's a year 13 at high school in New Zealand? .___.
The female one is alright I guess. Quite a different perspective compared to the male one. Instead of the usual depressing blue theme you get bright pink colours. xD
雪月花(unveil Ver.) by Asriel
I got the ISO from a friend (I know it's naughty and all but my friend was pestering me to play it on the ISO file). About 5 days later I finished the game. I have to say, although it's the first Persona game that I've played, it was bloody brilliant. I'm playing through for a second time as the female MC. 8D
He's just jealous of Yuri's manly long hair.
Yuri Lowell is the most badass Tales of character yet. So are Raven and Repede.
So P3P came out a while ago. Has anyone played it yet? :lolface:
When a friend of mine first told me about this, I had my doubts. But after watching a couple of videos on this, it actually looks really interesting. I might try out Tekken vs Street Fighter first, since I'm used to the controls on Tekken. I sort of fail at playing Street Fighter at the moment. >.>;
Yeah. I had to walk to school.
I can not believe no one has recommended this game yet: Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town Only difference between the two games is that you're a boy in one and a girl in the other but still, they're bother really fun to play if you just want to relax.
Oh it's a sparrow. lol I've been wanting to play Okami for a while but I haven't been able to find a copy of the game anywhere. D:
Mum woke me up at 5.50am this morning. xD
That owl... the fire it has is so pretty... @_@