mai Charduck wuld ttly pwn all of u
God damn double post. >>;
It's the dancing turian, so it's always ok. xD
I liked Dragon Age 2, it was fun while it lasted but it wasn't as memorable as Origins. In Origins, you had one set goal; gather an army and defeat the darkspawn and then you had 50-60 hours of content to get through. Dragon Age 2's story felt like it was all over the place and it had no goal really it was basically: Spoiler go gather money,go on expedition and lose a sibling. Act one complete. Do stuff for Arishok, he gets butthurt later on and attacks the city, Hawke kills him, they are now the champion, Act two complete. Hawke is now stuck between Orsino and Meredith as they argue about ******ed crap and blame it on Hawke, do more random crap, stuff happens, BLOOD MAGES OUT OF NOWHERE, Anders is a terrorist, side with someone, Act 3 complete. I thought it was an awesome game on my first playthrough but as I went through my second, third and fourth playthrough, I started to noticed a lot of things they were lazy on and I noticed a lot of glitches and bugs as well. I mainly thinking the delay was a good thing because look at what happened to Dragon Age 2 when they rushed it to come out in eight months but yeah, we'll find out how good this game when it's released and then make out judgements.
This video has made me very very sad. ):
I don't have it much anymore, but hot chips and ice-cream tastes surprisingly nice. Another thing I love eating (not so strange) is butter and raw sugar on bread. It tastes awesome.
Size: 400x120 Image: Spoiler Text : Font: Color scheme: Nice and blue please. Preferably dark background with the blue coming off of Liara but whatever works for you. ^__^ Border: No thank you. :D
I learned about sex when I was about 9. I heard my aunty talking about how her niece was pregnant one day and when I got home I asked my mum how women had children. Being a medical student at the time, she had a lot of textbooks about this stuff so she got one out and gave me a very detailed explination about where babies come from and how it's done... while showing me very colourful diagrams as she went on. I agree with you Famous, a lot of porn gives sex a bad representation. It's because of that that I went red-faced and silent whenever someone even mentioned the word sex from year 8 up until a month after I graduated last year, all because I could not imagine myself making dirty sounds. >___>;
I know some people are complaining that it's been delayed but that's kinda of a good thing in my opinion, gives them more time to work on it. A lot is riding on this game for me, since Dragon Age 2 was a big disappointment for me. I really hope that Mass Effect 3 will be an amazing game.
Spoiler I went from being a redhead to having black hair in a couple of months. lol
That would be awesome.
I am so jelly. If my PSP wasn't dead, I'd probably have my HR9 hunter to protect me. ;_____;
Portal 2 was a pretty awesome game. It was entertaining and it made me laugh at some points. Spoiler The singing turrets at the end made me cry tears of joy.
Sweet mother of god- I think I just drooled then.
Shepard from Mass Effect. ... I'm okay with this.
Reptar, I think I've fallen in love with you.
Darkandroid, you look awesome. Also I want your N7 hoodie- *shot* Spaze, you look very pretty. c: I seriously need to get more sleep. @___@ Spoiler
It's awesome. Thanks. c:
between 300 pixels and 400 pixels would be awesome. :D
Would you be able to make a gif of the awesome dancing turian? Cookies shall be rewarded.