If only we had a working TARDIS. :c
I really hope it's not going to be a Dragon Age II. Things will be thrown across the room and broken if it is. I'm still going to pre-order the game but if turns out to be crap I'm probably just going to trade it back in and get the pirated version off of my boyfriend.
Oh the nostalgia. I still remember when bttp9999 was flaming pretty much everyone in the Graphic Art section. Or when Amber had her cookie castle. And when Renegade was around. Oh the memories~
Edit: **** I just noticed I used the same render as Monochrome.
It was mainly a test to get my smudge tool settings at the just right settings to blend stuff in nicely. It took a couple of hours but I got them. I mainly blending Lightning's head in so much because the edges of the render looked really blocky and it looked out of place with the rest of the tag. Anyways, here's another version. Changed the text and turned it up a bit and made sure Lightning's head wasn't so blended in:
I am so creative with titles. *coughcough* Messed around with the settings on the smudge tool with this one. v1 (textless) v2 (with text) As always, I suck at text placement. I'll work on the text some more and post another version in a day or two. Forgot to mention, used a couple of fractals and a flare image that Jade made.
I'm not that good at giving critique/advice (it's been a while since I have) but I'll try my best. You did okay for your first time using a C4D render. I suggest that next time you use a C4D render in a sig, make sure it fits in with the rest of the colour scheme (or somehow change the hue of it to match) because the green looks out of place. The renders you used stand out a bit too much for my liking as well, try blending them into the sig a little more next time with some smudging or overlay it with some brushes so they don't stand out as much. Another thing I noticed in both tags is that the text placement is off as well, it's not always a good idea to put the text into the corners of a tag because it usually distracts people from the focal point.
I agree with Fallen King, #1 looks nice but 2-5 look messy. It's not good to put the render in the centre of the tag every time, it can get a bit repetitive, try putting the render in different areas of the tag for a change of pace. Just wondering, are you using Photoshop or GIMP?
First time I've made a tag in about two years, I think. I finally got CS3 a few weeks ago and thought I might try and take up making tags again. I am rusty as hell, I'm not entirely satisfied with this but it's a start. Four versions because I am an indecisive person and I can't make up my bloody mind. v1 v2 v3 v4 I really need to start practicing again, never good to stop doing something for two years. orz
Looks badass. Thanks Wolfie. :D
Well that's one way for a country to make some money.
I think we need some new blood in this family. xD
blood sacrifice - Betwixt&Between
I've known quite a few people who have had Autism, Downs Syndrome and a couple of people with Dyslexia. My little cousin and boyfriend have got Aspergers.
Might as well get back into this now that I have photoshop again. At this moment in time, I will only make avatars since I really need to brush up on my signature making skills again. I'll add a template for signatures once I've gotten back into the swing of things so yeah, only avatar requests for now. I will take signature requests now. - Decent quality images please. I can't work with low-quality images. - Be nice or else I will ignore you completely. - Put 'made by Bareri-San' or something in your signature if you can please. - No images from DeviantArt whatsoever. - Rep is appreciated but not necessary. xD Avatar Size: (100x100 to 150x150) Image: Other: Signature Size: (default is 400x150) Image: Other: Avatar examples: Spoiler Signature Examples: Spoiler Waiting List - - - - -
Another thing I am hoping for, if Shepard has to sacrifice themself in one of the endings, it better be epic because I will not settle for any less. I do not want another Pressly death. >:C
Braces aren't that bad. I still had chewy lollies and stuff when I had my braces on and I was fine, I just made sure that I brushed my teeth more. xD
If that's the case then it seems like Ho-Oh is tearing their invisible penis to shreds.
Silhouettic - Birds of Tokyo
Everyone looks awesome. There are so many pretty (and handsome) people on this forum. :D Spoiler Just wearing a pimp hat my boyfriend got me for my 17th birthday last year.