Awesomecakes! I love the blood, the action, the dialogue, the VEXEN! I'm complete opposite of some people in that I rather prefer long, detailed chapters so I can better picture things in my head without visual reference. I'm voting for Sephiroth to win, as he is the name of my friend. Haha. Every time he is mentioned I see my friend fighting with Roxas or the Cloud person and I'm like this is so cool! GO SILVER (my nickname for him)! I hope Larxene or Zexion gets a battle in somewhere. I'd love to see Zexion versus Vexen or something.
I'm making various sprites of TwiLit Between characters. You can guess who I'm starting out with....LOXOTHEL! <3 I hope to have the entire cast soon. Low quality images bcause photobucket rapes the quality of bmp uploads. C & C I'm almost through with him for this pose. Might animate him or something later. Haha. VX Sprites I've also been working on RPG Maker VX-styled sprites for the characters. I'm almost done with Jax's walking motions. Here's the front side of Jax: ** You may use any sprites/sprite sets I make for anything you wish. You don't even have to credit me if you wouldn't like to. These are free for use for anything RPG Maker, or any other creative means you can find for them.**
Cute! I like him already. Does he have a name?
Actually this is looking pretty good. Keep it up and don't dare think of quitting yet.
Mission accomplished.
Very nice work! I love your style and the colours.
Oh my goodness! Vexy is so sexy with my favourite colours. <33 You rule! Thanks so much. Love them.
Yeah. I'm a Loxothel fan. Just quick work. Nothing special. I wish my tablet would make clean line-art though. It is killing me.
That all of my friends like the artwork I make for them for Christmas Gifts.
Nice chapter. Now I will wait for the next.
I'm currently reading Zeonark's Kingdom Hearts: Time and Space fanfic. It rules.
Oh I love action! This one had blood in it, too. <3 Funny. I used to have a friend named Sephiroth back in juniour high school. Haha. I used to name my video game heros after him much back when we played RPGs together. Looks like the plot is thickening! I can't wait for more.
I certainly hope you are right about that. I'm actually VERY new at colouring on photoshop especially. Not many people know that. I also have to line and clean up the lines. Hmmm...I'm thinking I'll outline the background a bit, too with clean lines and see if I'd rather have a lined, unlined, or partially lines version. What I'm thinking is...I make the lines then put them toa setting where they aren't as hard or crisp as say, the character or object lines, on some parts, especially when it gets further away from the front of the image. I don't know, I'm a noob at this. Hahaha.
Thanks. I hope to make it look friggin epix when I'm done, seeing as Loxothel is my favourite character. Haha.
I'm good. Just posted up TwiLit between prologue. Haha. Yeah, I have my work cut out for me for that wallpaper...
.:The TwiLit Between:. Between Darkness and Light…lies Another World…Twilit by The Memories of the Lost Ones, Beings Shunned by Both Light and Darkness. …That Realm is called The TwiLit Between… **NOTE** Before some of you start complaining, please note that this takes place in an entirely alternate universe than Kingdom Hearts. I have NEVER played through a KH game before in my life, so trying to recreate something following the storyline would end in utter failure. This fan fiction simply chronicles the life of the next generation Organization in a completely different time/space setting. Just think of it as the Org’s alternate world life or something. I’ll cut the personalities as close as I can, as well as the motives. Please enjoy the fan fiction. I wrote it as simple as I could, just for you younger members! -Character Guide- **This character guide will introduce the main characters of the story. The list will be updated as more and more characters are introduced, so keep checking back.** Spoiler **Xixian** (Shi-shy-ann) Age: 13 Sex: Female Element: Flame Weapon: Extendable Finger Nails Personality: Quiet, Contemplative, Business-oriented, Hard Worker Relative: Axel Number: XI AKA: The Undying Blaze Xixian is the offspring of Axel in this alter-verse fiction. Unlike her father, she isn’t as cheery or laid back, but rather cold and sometimes calculating. Her cute appearance is usually used to elicit information from very prominent resources. Her element is flame and she has full control over such so much that she can produce a lasting fire constantly and consistently without tiring. She also wields long extendable and retractable fingernails as weapons. Her strength lies in intelligence, will, and endurance. Her weaknesses are only shown in her inability to have fun, so she takes things too seriously. **Jax** (Jayks) Age: 17 Sex: Male Element: Star Weapon: 12-tailed Whip Personality: Commanding, Boastful, Strong Leader, Wise Relative: Saix Number: II AKA: The Guiding Light Jax is the offspring of Saix in this alter verse fiction. Speaking strongly, he likes to be looked up to and in control of situations. When trouble is afoot he remains calm and instructs others on how to go about things. He is not above a good idle conversation, but actually believes the group should get to know one another on a personal level. His element is star and his 12-tailed whip represents each of the Astrologickal Signs of the Zodiac. His strength lies in the ability to inspire others and lead them into doing positive things. His weakness is prevalent in his vanity as sometimes he allows things to go straight to his head. -Stats- Spoiler **This is a place where I will keep track of the stats of the main characters as they go throughout the story. If you get lost on how your favourite character is doing, you can always come back here to check up on them.** Health denotes the physical status and wounds. Stamina denotes the fatigue level and how much a character can perform strenuous actions. Mood denotes a characters current emotion. Dyn denotes the currency a character holds. Location denotes where a character is located at this point in time. -More to be added as needed.- Spoiler -Xixian- Health: 100 (max) Stamina: 100 (max) Mood: Awed Dyn: 50 Location: Huelw Square - Fountain -Jax- Health: 100 (max) Stamina: 100 (max) Mood: Lethargic/Tired Dyn: 150 Location: Huelw Square - Fountain Prologue - The Blank Pages Between the light realm and the realm of darkness lies a thin sheath that contains a world in itself. This world, created by the myriad of memories left by those who are lost forever, is unbeknownst to most inhabitants save for the ones who live there. The beings who call this place home, the Lost Ones, are neither accepted by light or by darkness. Instead they are forced to forever roam the pathways of twilight. This world in which Lost Ones dwell is called The TwiLit Between. In an alternate universe, the last of the Organization XIII’s members fell to the hands of the key blade masters. Thus ends the era of Organization XIII and their plans to become whole once more by collecting hearts of others. Once their lives were snuffed they became nothing. From the realm of darkness and the realm of light, two beings were spat into the space between. These beings were neither human nor alien, neither a brother to void or to fullness. Each displeased with how the space sat dusty and empty of life, they sat out to populate the area by collecting the faint data strings of incomplete souls. Thus the Lost Ones were born from near nothingness. Each being only had a fragment of soul and heart, but a body made up of flesh and blood. Many of the Lost Ones mourned their existence, stating they would rather be nothing than forever lost. The two founders were donned with names, Lucridel and Asphifth. Lucridel, the being elicited from the dark world, held pity towards the Lost Ones who cried out. Taking on the form of a young boy, he decided to dwell with the Lost Ones in order to study them so that he could better ascertain their existence and find a solution to the problem. Asphifth, the being emerging from the light realm, felt that such an effort was pointless. This being believed that if the Lost Ones were to gain complete souls and hearts, that they would rebel. Asphifth was a winner of minds…the being influenced many Lost Ones to side with revering the founders as gods. Soon enough the entire realm was divided. Amid this constant struggle between the two factions, the Organization’s data was reconfigured enough to bring about their physical forms. In total, twelve Organization members were recovered: Xemnas, Xigbar, Saix, Lexaeus, Xaldin, Axel, Vexen, Zexion, Marluxia, Demyx, Luxord, and Larxene. The twelve collectively decided upon building ideal lives for themselves in this new realm whilst searching for plans to resurrect their souls into more complete beings. As time passed, the factions became more divided, eventually separating themselves into ten majour branches…half generally siding with Lucridel and half siding with Asphifth. Lost Ones still struggled to find a way to merge themselves into either the Light or Dark realms. In a golden year for the TwiLit Between, Lucridel discovered that the entire surroundings were indeed composed of fragmented memories of each Lost One, the pieces slowly converging in order to someday turn the place into a completed universe. Catching wind of this discovery, Asphifth and the groups of Lost Ones under the being’s control sought out individual pages of memories in order to rewire the entire pathway between Light and Dark. The war was just beginning… Bostun Aire, the largest of the divisions in which sided with Lucridel, housed the Organization and their now teenaged offspring. It was renowned for its successful businesses and beautiful scenery. Geniuses budded from the area and began creating artificial nature, learning how to manipulate the elements to their desires. In one of Bostun Aire’s well-populated areas, Huelw Square, a fate-twisting event was about to take place. For there beside a fountain for wishing…was a page on which nothing was written. ------- CURRENT CHOICE! Yes, the readers do ge to participate in the evolving storyline here. Whever I say CHOICE!, I will provide a few options. The FIRST person to comment to choose an option will be the one chosen. With this you will be able to sway entre scenes, interact in battles, and change character moods among other things. So be sure to keep an eye out for the CHOICE! in the storyline. Current CHOICE! (pending) Prevous CHOICE! A.) Chapter one starts out focusing on Xixian. B.) Chapter one starts out focusing on Jax. -CHOSEN! Choice A will be taken, chosen by Destined.- Xixian's plot beginning will be posted soon. Keep an eye peeled. ------- - Vexen ~ OTHER TWILIT BETWEEN GOODS ~ WallPapers: Wallpaper 1: Duo (Jax and Holoxe) Wallpaper 2: Icy Divine (Loxothel) Character Icons: Xixian
Going to show WIP with this wallpaper. The purpose of this one is to practice BaCkGrOuNdS - something I suck at. I've decided my best method of approach was to sketch a plan, do an underpainting, and then layer after layer of details on top until the final product is reached. As you can see, I chose an ice cave setting, fit for Loxothel, one of the main characters of my upcoming fanfic, TwiLit between. He is the offspring of Vexen. You can see another sketch of a character in the background. Her name is Nerxa, and she will also be in this wallpaper. Anyway, I've got the entire sketch done, some lines on Loxothel, and you can see me start the underpainting here. I hope my planned method works for me... Yes, the right side is cut of in a stylish manner. The text will run down the side there instead of being plastered onto the image like in the last wallpaper, for those of you who saw it here. I'll update this thread each time I make some progress, so you can see the artwork grow. And stay tuned for the prologue of the fic. It is coming rather soon. - Vexen
Love love love it. Nice colouring, too. Larxene's expression is so cute here.
I'm so predictable. Le sigh. When you make a DA, link me so I can watch you.
Do you have a Deviant Art account? I want to stalk your arts. Mwahaha.