The youngest of our members is eleven. I think age wouldn't be a problem. Haha.
Myes. <---my boyfriend loves to say that....yes with an m. You do if you wish to.
Writers are needed the very most actually...from dialogue writers to event planners. We're extreemely low on those. Our main bulk is programmers and artists.
Theres an easy spot on just about any position. Save for coding, I believe. If you want to do sfx or musik, I reccommend finding a good composition program like FL Studio (which is what my bother uses). Writers and artists are also always welcome as well.
What area would you want to go into again? My team takes beginners and experienced folk alike. May not be the fastest of teams, but it is a place where people with similar passions can learn and grow together. I recently went to the bookstore to find books on 3ds max, but didn't find anything. Ther are guides online, but my net connection is terrible so trying to work from that is suicide. Haha.
So far I find it more difficult to asemble a SERIOUS team who wishes to work than the actual process of making a game difficult.
I'm female I think. Le sigh. Yeah. Female. Most people believe I am male for some reason. Haha. That's beside the point. Renegade, if you truely have had a loss, feel free to talk to me. Via PM or whatever. Sometimes it feels good to just rant about it to someone.
I wish I had school again, or college. Life is just too free these days so I spend it all up making games and doing art and outside work. 3Ds Max is a toughie to learn. I'm getting into 3D modeling and animation...for gaming purposes. Anyone here know much about it? Good luck getting free Sai. Haha. I know having so many things to do can be well...hectick. And stressful to some extents. But lok at it this way, it is better to be busy than to be bored. At least in my opinion.
If this is true, I'm sorry for your loss. I have lost more friends to death this year than any other year, so it can be hard, especially if the person is really close to you. Laughing is a normal reaction as well as saying you didn't care because sometimeswe must do these things in order to keep our composure. It is a subconsious way to cover up how we really feel. I'll pray you can work this out. Best of luck. Haha. Your and your girlfriend remind me of my boyfriend...he is also egotistical and hates the whole world. The only person he has ever cared about is me. I'm probably the exact opposite of him. I care a bit too mch for everyone and that gets me in big trouble.
That bites. Haha. I need to buy you a mic. We usually sing for people via MSN or YIM (me and my brother). Sometimes my friends and I get on mic and sing together. Haha. Back when Kazuki-san was my friend, we'd take turn singing songs. He has a lovely voice for j-pop. terrorofdeath8 on YIM if you want to add me. terrorofdeath8 at on MSN.
Haha. I doubt that. You probably sing great. I don't sing well (according to me), but I sing all of the time because that's how I vent. My band is making an entire album dedicated to Organization XIII. Called 'XIII'. Go figure! Do you have any instant messengers? I'd love to hear you sing. I really wish I had a soft, sweet innocent voice while singing, but my voice is just overly powerful so I mostly sing rock/metal. I do attempt to imitate a softer voice at times. Usually to no avail. Most people call me 'Evanesence'. Becaus I'm mistaken for the lead singer much of the time.....
As a musician (I'm a singer/songwriter myself...) for some reason....I usually like musick for the message it conveys either by lyricks or by the actual musick composition. For some reason I'm back listening to Rammstein because of that. My favourite musick video visually of all time is Rammstein's 'Mein Teil'. The message and reason behind the video/song may be grotesque and twisted, but the symbolisms and the way they go about portraying that meaning visually an musickally just takes my breath away each time I watch the video.
No problem. Thanks for commenting on my fic. Favourite song...hmmm...probably the Theme to Star Ocean: Fallen Angels/SpherEternity. I'm a huge fan of my brother's compositions and my friend's works. But for now, so far, probably that. In songs unrelated to friends/relatives...I'm a bit diverse in musick. I listen to/sing whatever I feel at the moment, from German Rock to Swedish Technopop to Indian Lullabys... I'm a musick freak so my collection spans a variety of genres and cultures. I also love game musick a ton, and have so many OSTs its not funny. But number one song is Star Ocean: Fallen Angels, which is in production. That song just fills me with so much emotions it makes my skin prick up. ^ The song. ^
I'm really digging the clothing design here. Nice colour choices as well. Keep it up.
Very nice sketch. The pose is awe-inspiring and the proportions are done rather well. Will we see a lined and coloured version soon?
No problem. I love when people make things and create things, so I dash around trying to support anywhere I can, and trying to view it....I really hate the internet here. No matter how many times I reload the page or slide the sliderbar it always gets stuck near right at halfway through your video. Internet epicphailness. Le sigh. I'll try to watch it on my brother's laptop later. It may work on his a bit more than on my cheapo desktop.
On my craptastic internet connection I only got to watch a little over half of it. Love it though, even if I don't know the pairing/characters. 5/5 stars. Nice choice of song and the rhythm of the images placed together are excellent. I hope you make more. I'll leave a comment on YouTube as well. <3
My real first name scrambled up with an additional X is Haxess. Ha. Good luck figuring mine out. Its easy, huh?
I feel awesome today! I need to reset my internet settings so I can go back on my game making forums. I had to change settings in order to download my favourite mmorpg which they have up and running again after shutting it down for some time. So exciting! I also have turned into a helpless Loxothel fangirl. I blame Vexen for making such beautiful childrens. You can guess what name I took to make Loxothel with - OTHELLO. Haha. My fanfic is up in creativty section. It is interactive fiction, meanin I have to wait for comments in order to continue (I don't think people notice that). It is kind of like playing a RPG. So haul butt over there and choose so I can get a move on so we can hurry up and get to Loxothel into the storyline. Link to the story s in my signature (click on Loxothel there). I'm also making sprites of the characters, probably going to animate. This will help me brush up on my spriting/animation skills so I can make my games easier. Yes. I also now own Vexen's virginity as of yesterday! GO ME!