Yeah i think I get what you're saying, but some visuals will definately be of help. You're saying that for an animation you like to draw the critical points of the animation, such as the START and END of the swing, then map out the motions in between, then go back in and detail them out, right?
Aye. And 3D-ness would look AWESOME for the spaceship scenes and huge mech monsters in animated cutscene form. For serious. It'd be great to work together and share some knowlege, and I'm all up for learning as much as I can. I love being taught new methods, and God knows you have helped me much on colourization and drawing just from a few tutorials.
Yes, something akin to that. I'll most likely be doing frame by frame animations rather than relying upon things like...oh god brain fart can't remember....uh...motion tweens, yeah. I'll be combining flash with photoshop most probably to do the animations. I'm learning environments right now, so pretty soon I'll have some experience in layeing backgrounds to get that movement effect. Characters will be done frame by frame in flash to make sure the movement is smoothe as a skeleton animation, exported to photoshop for CG colouring and effects, then back into flash to render animations. If we can get a hold of more experienced 3D modelers, we could easily do 2d/3d smashup scenes. My knowlege of animation is limited to 2D I'm afraid, for now. I'm learning 3D as best I can though.
Chris Crocker will be so proud of you. <3 I love Chris. Haha.
I don't watch much TV. Just Steve Wilkos really. That guy is godly.
Full active Star Ocean introduced, which now every game is mostly trying to copy...and failing.
That's fine. Haha. I was just making sure you weren't getting overwhelmed or anything, and if you were I was going to help you a bit (and shirk my spriting responsibilities...whoo!). As for the colouring/shading method, that's up to you. Whatever you want to make consistent throughout the art for the game. It may be easier on you to take a simple route so you won't be working double on things. Once I get your style down, I'll be able to mimic it into Flash animation, so I'm going to study how you do each character before attempting to make the anime cutscenes with the flash team. Really, I like giving EkIchi artists some flexibility when it comes to style. I can go with whatever. Anything looks great to me as long as it is consistent.
The second one there is very visually pleasing. Nice work.
Thanks. Yeah with the prologue I had to set the setting I wanted because I have no effing clue of anything KH-related, yet wanted a KH-esque feel without having to play the games to know what it was all about. I originally intended this to be a straightforward fiction, but I also love letting the audience participate a bit, making it more of roleplay-fiction than a straight-up fanfiction. It won't be solely dictated by the audience because I have set paths already planned for each choice. The choices I give merely determine which I will post up. So it really is a set story, but I like letting those who love to roleplay a chanc to feel as if they get to know the characters by direct interaction instead of just saying 'she did this.' There will still be elements of surprise as well. Still waiting to see if someone wants the Jax or Xixian branch to start us off. I've gotten some feedback via pms and chats, but none on the thread, and the thread is what counts, as far as I'm concerned. Haha. I may open the choices up on DA as well, where people are also following the story. It was a KHV-exclusive thing, but if I get more feedback from DA, I'll open it there as well. Thanks for the input. I'll take it to heart. I hope to have chapter one up as soon as someone helps me determine which route I should take.
Yeah we have another writer for SO:FA. How the Kayci sketches coming along, Sai? I've been brushing up my spriting skills and have started spriting one of the enemy characters people will face early on in the game. I'm good at people/character animation but I really need to work on my special fx spriting...blah. My internet crashed horribly few hours ago, which explains my absense....Took that time to clear off my computer o some junk to make it (hopefully) run faster. For musick, my brother has FL Studio. We could share possibly. I'd have to find a way to zip it up and send it your way, Rainbow.
This makes about four writers we have now that know a bit about Star Ocean. I just say read up on character bios and the plot generalization so far and then we can start spoutng ideas and getting the characters fleshed out enough to write some details in.
Myes. I own many forums and have in the past, but shut down allof them except forums I work on now. The rest got too much to put up with whilst trying to manage the others. And I have been absent from them anyhow due to my ever-crashing internet connection. Le sigh. But I'm back up to working speed now. Haha! You'll be a godsend to the team. It is difficult to find those who know Star Ocean enough to help out much.
Oh realleh? I go run off to fave it then! Mwaha!
Yes. I need to set my internet settings back so I can access the development forums. I'll PM you the link so we can meet up over there. If I could get MSN to work, it'd be nice to have an IM session as well. Basically that song I showed you beforehand is the theme to the game we'll be working on together. Sai is actually on the team as well as the main character artist. I think once we've got a nice demo, we can show KHV what we're made of. Haha. Let me go grab the link and Pm it to you after I get my settings back...this internet stuff is a pain. Pretty much our first small project is a Star Ocean fan-rpg. If you've played the games in the series, you'll notice it relies heavily on character relation systems and an epic storyline with extreeme customization for item creations and whatnot. Have you played Star Ocean before?
Beautiful work. You are the master of sigantures, I assure you that.
Yeah I haven't researched those yet. I'm deducing that is a key + blade...meaning a key with a blade at the end for attacking things with? I'm most likely wrong, but yeah, whateva.
The purpose of my team is to build it with younger gen and grow a company by having people learn as they produce works. You'll be stretching your creativity to the max by coming up with deep events and character growth to put into our RPG. That means developing plot, private actions (look up star ocean for more on this), and skill systems.
Good work. I also practice hands much. They are the worst thing to draw for me. Haha. You do them pretty well.
Reminds me of the inside of all of my notebooks. Haha. Doodlers rule.
I never do understand...what is a keyblade? Either way it looks awesome.