Yeah, I'm not so great. He's the only reason I even do alot of things I did. This kind of stings.
Favourite Food: Cheeseburger Hamburger Helper, and most Meats Favourite Snack: Cheese Crackers (I love cheese), Carrots, Celery with Peanut Butter and Raisens Favourite Drink: Orange Juice Least Favourite Food: Chocolate, Sweets, Most Candies Least Favourite Drink: Soda of any kind, Tea
Yeah...I hate being used....I don't care who it is using me, Vexen or not (and I did like him a heck of a lot), I don't tolerate it whatsoever. I'm pretty ticked off. Love the sketches.
Exactly....I'mbeing experimented on, and don't even know it, apparently. I've also decided because of : Alkasirn Alkasirn: What I noticed is: Alkasirn Alkasirn: -Vexen is against how love is a valid emotion and all that. -Vexen didn't like it when you got real close to him or snuck into his lab. -Vexen suddenly reverses 100%, lets you kiss him, lets you in his lab, etc., and didn't gradually get there, it was just *bam* done. -Vexen says you're the subject of an experiment you don't know about Larxene Larxene: ...ya i know thats weird <_< Larxene Larxene: which is why im scared now Alkasirn Alkasirn: The only thing I can think of to complete that list is "Vexen uses an experiment to see if his theories of love are correct or not" Larxene Larxene: Ugh i dont want to be experimented on Alkasirn Alkasirn: Truly, if he's of the scientific sort, he'll want to see how accurate his theories are ._. That I will do this: Larxene Larxene: I think its time for vexen to die ^^ Alkasirn Alkasirn: D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alkasirn Alkasirn: D8!!!!!!!! D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alkasirn Alkasirn: Always a chance I could be wrong though D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alkasirn Alkasirn: D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alkasirn Alkasirn: D8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^!!!!!! Larxene Larxene: No beleieve me ur right. -_-;;; and now he should die. Alkasirn Alkasirn: D8 Nues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alkasirn Alkasirn: How can I be right? You see him everyday, you'd have a better idea on what's happening than someone who just gets little bits of info Larxene Larxene: because ur always right DX Alkasirn Alkasirn: and an ad just randomly popped up when my internet was off Alkasirn Alkasirn: I'm rarely right ,_, Alkasirn Alkasirn: Shi-Shi~! Cmon! Don't go and kill Vexen ._. Alkasirn Alkasirn: You'd have to remake a DA account all over again too if you did! XD Larxene Larxene: he needs to die Alkasirn Alkasirn: NUUUUUUU Larxene Larxene: Why do u care -_- Larxene Larxene: U should be saying GO SHI~! Alkasirn Alkasirn: Wai? ._. Alkasirn Alkasirn: And I care because Vexen is a fellow scientist 8B Larxene Larxene: Ya hurry and ap so we can slaughter vexen together ^^ Alkasirn Alkasirn: ,_, Alkasirn Alkasirn: and I'd feel insanely bad if there was a fatal misunderstanding because of a small assumption... Larxene Larxene: I wouldnt Larxene Larxene: ^^ Larxene Larxene: Id just like th eblood Alkasirn Alkasirn: ._. but, see, it's MY assumption. So I'd feel bad if it led to anything Larxene Larxene: Vexen is ******ed anyway. so KILLLL Alkasirn Alkasirn: DX Alkasirn Alkasirn: Coming from someone who was waking him up from the waist down before DX Larxene Larxene: -_-__- Larxene Larxene: *-__- Alkasirn Alkasirn: DX Sorry Larxene Larxene: yaaa Larxene Larxene: sur eu are Alkasirn Alkasirn: ,_, Larxene Larxene: go to bed or something Alkasirn Alkasirn: Cmon Shi-Shi~ *points at you* Alkasirn Alkasirn: DX! Alkasirn Alkasirn: Actually I will go to bed soon Alkasirn Alkasirn: But still! DX! Larxene Larxene: ya Alkasirn Alkasirn: Don't kill the Vexen DX!!! Alkasirn Alkasirn: it's past Thanksgivings anyway ._. Larxene Larxene: U cant stop me Alkasirn Alkasirn: I can try DX Larxene Larxene: good luck with that ^^ Alkasirn Alkasirn: ,_, Larxene Larxene: The good thing: because i have completely converted them to demonkind pretty much, no multiples of themselves exist sooooo kiling him would mean no mor evexen anywhere EVAR~ Alkasirn Alkasirn: DX Alkasirn Alkasirn: So if we realize this is a mistake? Alkasirn Alkasirn: "Oops sorry Vexen. Hope that's enough to make you feel better" Larxene Larxene: No id just say screw him he was old anyway he might as well died of old age -_- Alkasirn Alkasirn: I thought he was in his 30s Larxene Larxene: old enough Alkasirn Alkasirn: That's a good... 30% of his natural life if he doesn't go off making life preserving potions or something Alkasirn Alkasirn: *sighs* Cmon Shi-Shi~, don't kill him. Alkasirn Alkasirn: He might be experimenting on himself and you're more like his assistant, and he just chose bad words to describe it. ._. ... Larxene Larxene: well he can experiment in teh afterlife
no...that was two of my friends talking...i am known as larxene to them, so vexen was talking about me to my boyfriend.
Ugh. This conversation scares me. Alkasirn: Hmm. Who are you? Vexen: I am Vexen. Alkasirn: Ah. Imagine that. Vexen: Imagine what? Alkasirn: That you're Vexen. Alkasirn: So, how are things with Larxene? Vexen: It depends on what you mean. Everything is going exactly how I planned. Alkasirn: What was your plan? Vexen: Well when it all comes to fruition we will see, won't we? Alkasirn: You will, but I probably won't. Vexen: Well look at that. It seems it is working so soon. Alkasirn: What do you mean by that? Vexen: Larxene is the perfect subject for experimentation. Don't you agree?
Nice. If I see him I'll give him the nice comments you guys made. Since I know who made this now.
I couldn't read the handwriting...Haha... I feel dumb.