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  1. Vexen_Is_God
    Yeah, I'm not so great.

    He's the only reason I even do alot of things I did. This kind of stings.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 10, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Vexen_Is_God
    Favourite Food: Cheeseburger Hamburger Helper, and most Meats
    Favourite Snack: Cheese Crackers (I love cheese), Carrots, Celery with Peanut Butter and Raisens
    Favourite Drink: Orange Juice

    Least Favourite Food: Chocolate, Sweets, Most Candies
    Least Favourite Drink: Soda of any kind, Tea
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Vexen_Is_God
    Yeah...I hate being used....I don't care who it is using me, Vexen or not (and I did like him a heck of a lot), I don't tolerate it whatsoever. I'm pretty ticked off.

    Love the sketches.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 10, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Vexen_Is_God
    Exactly....I'mbeing experimented on, and don't even know it, apparently.

    I've also decided because of :

    Alkasirn Alkasirn: What I noticed is:
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: -Vexen is against how love is a valid emotion and all that. -Vexen didn't like it when you got real close to him or snuck into his lab. -Vexen suddenly reverses 100%, lets you kiss him, lets you in his lab, etc., and didn't gradually get there, it was just *bam* done. -Vexen says you're the subject of an experiment you don't know about
    Larxene Larxene: ...ya i know thats weird <_<
    Larxene Larxene: which is why im scared now
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: The only thing I can think of to complete that list is "Vexen uses an experiment to see if his theories of love are correct or not"
    Larxene Larxene: Ugh i dont want to be experimented on
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Truly, if he's of the scientific sort, he'll want to see how accurate his theories are ._.

    That I will do this:

    Larxene Larxene: I think its time for vexen to die ^^
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: D8!!!!!!!! D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Always a chance I could be wrong though D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: D8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: D8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^!!!!!!
    Larxene Larxene: No beleieve me ur right. -_-;;; and now he should die.
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: D8 Nues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: How can I be right? You see him everyday, you'd have a better idea on what's happening than someone who just gets little bits of info
    Larxene Larxene: because ur always right DX
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: and an ad just randomly popped up when my internet was off
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: I'm rarely right ,_,
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Shi-Shi~! Cmon! Don't go and kill Vexen ._.
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: You'd have to remake a DA account all over again too if you did! XD
    Larxene Larxene: he needs to die
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: NUUUUUUU
    Larxene Larxene: Why do u care -_-
    Larxene Larxene: U should be saying GO SHI~!
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Wai? ._.
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: And I care because Vexen is a fellow scientist 8B
    Larxene Larxene: Ya hurry and ap so we can slaughter vexen together ^^
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: ,_,
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: and I'd feel insanely bad if there was a fatal misunderstanding because of a small assumption...
    Larxene Larxene: I wouldnt
    Larxene Larxene: ^^
    Larxene Larxene: Id just like th eblood
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: ._. but, see, it's MY assumption. So I'd feel bad if it led to anything
    Larxene Larxene: Vexen is ******ed anyway. so KILLLL
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: DX
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Coming from someone who was waking him up from the waist down before DX
    Larxene Larxene: -_-__-
    Larxene Larxene: *-__-
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: DX Sorry
    Larxene Larxene: yaaa
    Larxene Larxene: sur eu are
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: ,_,
    Larxene Larxene: go to bed or something
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Cmon Shi-Shi~ *points at you*
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: DX!
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Actually I will go to bed soon
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: But still! DX!
    Larxene Larxene: ya
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: Don't kill the Vexen DX!!!
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: it's past Thanksgivings anyway ._.
    Larxene Larxene: U cant stop me
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: I can try DX
    Larxene Larxene: good luck with that ^^
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: ,_,
    Larxene Larxene: The good thing: because i have completely converted them to demonkind pretty much, no multiples of themselves exist sooooo kiling him would mean no mor evexen anywhere EVAR~
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: DX
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: So if we realize this is a mistake?
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: "Oops sorry Vexen. Hope that's enough to make you feel better"
    Larxene Larxene: No id just say screw him he was old anyway he might as well died of old age -_-
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: I thought he was in his 30s
    Larxene Larxene: old enough
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: That's a good... 30% of his natural life if he doesn't go off making life preserving potions or something
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: *sighs* Cmon Shi-Shi~, don't kill him.
    Alkasirn Alkasirn: He might be experimenting on himself and you're more like his assistant, and he just chose bad words to describe it. ._. ...
    Larxene Larxene: well he can experiment in teh afterlife
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 10, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Vexen_Is_God
    no...that was two of my friends talking...i am known as larxene to them, so vexen was talking about me to my boyfriend.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 10, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Vexen_Is_God
    Ugh. This conversation scares me.

    Alkasirn: Hmm. Who are you?
    Vexen: I am Vexen.
    Alkasirn: Ah. Imagine that.
    Vexen: Imagine what?
    Alkasirn: That you're Vexen.
    Alkasirn: So, how are things with Larxene?
    Vexen: It depends on what you mean. Everything is going exactly how I planned.
    Alkasirn: What was your plan?
    Vexen: Well when it all comes to fruition we will see, won't we?
    Alkasirn: You will, but I probably won't.
    Vexen: Well look at that. It seems it is working so soon.
    Alkasirn: What do you mean by that?
    Vexen: Larxene is the perfect subject for experimentation. Don't you agree?
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Vexen_Is_God
    Nice. If I see him I'll give him the nice comments you guys made. Since I know who made this now.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Vexen_Is_God
    I couldn't read the handwriting...Haha...

    I feel dumb.
    Post by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics