What is a good name for a transformation system. 'Awakening' has been overdone and overused by some of the worst games out there. The name would denote when one awakens a celestial being and uses their powers as their own, thus becoming one with them, not a summon. I'm stumped on ideas...
E.P.I.C. I shall give him my babies indeed.
Younger. I love my two younger brothers and like to set examples for them. Its nice to know they can look up to me as the oldest.
Don't worry...my lack of grounding is made up in emotional and sometimes physical abuse. Haha. I hope you get ungrounded soon. I'm pretty sure its no fun at all. Also, I looked over the forums and theres much more game developers that I ever noticed. I love how rife this forum is with creative individuals. Glee! <3
Sweet! Another game designer. I have my own indie game dev team as well, and much on my plate, or else I'd lend a hand. There are many wonderful artists here, not sure if any of them sprite. I do sprite, though. If I ever free up some time and you need help in the future, I'll be sure to look you back up.
That sucks....I haven't been grounded in a long time. I almost forget what its like.
Sai just showed off the lovely sketch of our team's game's main character and it ruled so hard. How are you doin'? Haha. I'm working on games as usual.
I support that theory. Haha.
I'll make a bigger one, yes. Haha. I was just messing around on MS Paint to make the superchibi one. I'll make star-ocean-esque sprites of some of the Organization so I can get in some practice. I'll post up sometime soon. By star-ocean-esque I mean like this: (Behold image from the most epic game evar) Like this. <3 Which is what SO:FA will also look like. Haha.
Have a great night! Thanks again for the wonderful art. Can't wait to have it active in game!
Take as much time as you need. I'm very happy with this one already. Haha.
It rules! It so rules! I love what you did with her clothing, too. So much better than my original sketch.
Haha. Don't worry. I know its going to be great. <3
Is there someone else with the name?
Wow! Awesome signature. Oh someone else mentions the name Sephiroth <3 That's the name of one of my good friends I knew in juniour high. He was such a great friend.
Chibi poke-age. I was trying to see just how small I could make a chibi sprite, because I'm used to making huge (and I mean huge) sprites that are in proportions. I is be proud of myself with this. Those are small feets/legs, yes.
It's a sprite. And chibi. Its going to be small. <3 That's what makes it so cute.
My boyfriend said quote "That is so x3-worthy". I think he's right. Chibi sprite Marly for the wins.
Thanks for the information and tips. This will help..well, a heck of a lot when making things animation-wise for those action-filled cutscenes. Sketch looks great honestly. I never knew it about the animation getting closer - quicker and less-stuffed-together frames until now. That will really come in handy for my practice. I shall runs off and spread the knowlege I have gained!!! Mwahaha. Knowlege is powah.
I've actually never thought about it that way before...and yes, that should definately help with most scenes indeed. I'll be posting the animation tutorials you and I do on my forums so the animators can learn from it as well. I actually have a few scenarios in mind anime-wise for SOFA <---haha sofa.