I went from Zero to Hero in no time flat; Zero to hero: Just like that.
That makes me a Zero. :C I don't know if all of these zeroes actually count. I'm pretty sure it should just count as 2 points total for guys and the score is set to 50.
Zero. This is a little fun, I won't lie.
Unfortunately, I had Gender reassignment surgery in the past eight minutes. Three. Kidding. I think we men just one. We are the stronger sex, Grrrrr! Beer, fighting, football, and junk! ... I really hope no one takes my posts seriously...
F-F-F-F-Five in the hizzouse.
Lucky number seven; it's almost heaven.
Nine. Now this gets interesting.
An even eleven is in order.
Nice try, but only the King can do that. 13
13. Phew. It almost looked like the girls had a chance for a second there.
15. Well. This escalated quickly.
This will hopefu14y remedy your situation.
Reestablishing 14 as a standard. Good day.
And then came 14. A rather ripe number for picking.
This is to say 16 shall be the new standard.
Thou shall not pass 17! This is my decree to meet the 20 character word requirement.
17... she puts up a good fight...
17. You were right again. You're on a roll.
17. Yup, Zelda, you were right.