Base went from raring to dazed in the same course of time it took for Alice and the Horseman to simply vanish. He just stood there, transfixed, with his Keyblade ready; but useless. "...Now what...?" He said to to the quiet room. He'd been pumped for a big fight and all that came to was: nothing. "Sooooo..." In the spirit of comradery, Base allowed his Keyblade to go the same way Alice and the Horseman had gone (Namely: Vanishing) and so much in the spirit of comradery, tackled Beuce to the ground in order to help the two young men get the fight out of their system. "Beuce and Base Boss Battle!" He shouted as he wrestled.
[/url]Lucia went ahead of the crowd, but it was only when she started to bark that Cyprus took notice she was so far ahead. The slightest sound from Lucia was something even he rarely heard, but Cyprus knew it the instant he heard it. Without drawing much attention from the students, he walked briskly outside and looked about, his feet planted firmly on the cobblestone. Another bark to his left told him immediately that whatever Lucia had occupied herself with, it was closer to the Font Square Fountain. His supposition was affirmed in the fact he saw a single woman sitting on a gray, stony bench in the middle of the fenced in enclosure within the square; he recognized the woman, and noted he saw her as rarely as Lucia ever barked. The woman posed no threat, but even to him she looked eerily calm with her back to the Pokémon Center while Lucia sat behind her on the other side of the fence, barking to the creepily complacent Meteorologist, Professor Aspen. Just as briskly as he had exited the building, Cyprus approached her, the woman, he knew as fellow staff, who dressed in white with two-tone bob-cut hair; most of it was white with one partial side a dark navy blue. She was a tiny thing, 5’0 on the dot and curvaceous. Even as he sat beside her, her calm was unsettling, and Cyprus knew what that meant: Professor Aspen had a somewhat unstable anxiety issue and her calmest attitude was to cloak that she was in a state of deep contemplation about something she greatly worried about. It was never good. “Hello, Professor Aspen.” He tried to ease her with a friendly greeting, calming Lucia by rubbing her snout. [/url]“Asp, Cyprus. Aspen sounds so very formal. I don’t know how many times I’ve told you.” Her voice was as calm as the tides on a serene beach, but as dark and tumultuous as the seas in a storm. “You’ve told me before.” Cyprus admitted plaintively. “We live on an island.” It was as though she were merely stating an interesting factoid than making a statement, with her expression so plain. “Yes, Asp, we do.” “Tropical.” She was a woman of very few words. “Absolutely.” “Absolutely,… you know we get Tropical storms and occasional Hurricanes.” Her tone was darker, and it finally clued Cyprus in to what she wanted to say, but her lips were so tightly pursed together. “We’ve had them before. What does it look like this time?” “Hurricane.” She replied, bowing her head. “Exceptionally bad?” At this point, Cyprus was just making conversation and humoring the Professor’s visit. He was not truly unsettled until he noticed she did not reply; her silence was the worst thing to hear. “Is it really?” “Catastrophic. Disastrous. It does not look good by any means.” Cyprus always toyed with the idea that English was not Professor Aspen’s first language, as her sentence were always so minimal and choppy, but with choice words; maybe she just did not talk. After all, he did rarely see her out and about. “What sort of precautions should be taken?” Cyprus was as sober as a crypt, with his first priority being to protect the students and the second to make sure the school would continue to run. “The buildings should be able to handle it. Most, anyway. The Center will be most safe, as always. No one can leave the island until it passes.” “My biggest worry then is actually incoming students. It’s always a possibility. How much time do we have, Aspen?” Lucia seemed as intent on his words as Professor Aspen did, but Asp's eyes darted on Cyprus morosely when he used her surname in entirety. “Just a few days. It actually could hit tomorrow and last for a few days. The storm is a little tricky to track.” “Then we should be prepared as soon as possible. I’ll have to cancel orientations for now.” “Can the student help?” Oddly enough, it felt to Cyprus as though this was the first direct question he’d ever heard from Aspen; for a scientist, she was not openly curious in conversation. “If it puts them out of harm’s way instead of in it.” Cyprus agreed with a nod. “Tell your students to come to me then. I know exactly what to do to avoid calamity.” [/url]Professor Cyprus stood and looked across the square. “Everyone, please alert all students to gather in the Font Garden. Professor Asp,” He almost added “en”, but restrained it, “Has important news. A storm is coming.”
▼Puppeteer's Name: Sebax ▼Puppet: Kyla Garnet ▼Age: 17 ▼Sex: Asexual Girl ▼Photograph: ♀ ▼Personality: She screams a great deal, but is generally and eeirly silent. She is prone to fits of passive-aggressive rage and sobbing. She's afraid to eat or sleep. The only way she can do either is by listening to music. ▼History: She is placed in the Hospital after years of being taken care of by her kind Grandparents. She was abused by her parents[2], and faced constant ridicule in school for being "too perfect to be real". ▼Diagnosed Psychological Disorder(s): General Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Possesses an excessive and overbearing amount of strong fears that compete with her ability to function normally. Originally misdiagnosed as a Schizophrenic due to the fact there would be times out of isolation from her fears that resulted in alleviated symptoms. ▼Talents: Voice modulation, composing music, singing, painting, drawing. ▼Hobbies: Hobbies fit talents. She spends almost all her hours alone, which is forced due to her adverse reaction to being placed in the company of those unfamiliar to her. ▼Favorite Things: Being alone, very choice members of her family, Classical music, ▼Fears: [2] Fear of being touched- Aphenphosmphobia Brain disease- Meningitophobia Demons- Demonophobia or Daemonophobia Dreams- Oneirophobia Nudity- Gymnophobia or Nudophobia. Poisoned, being- Toxiphobia, Toxophobia, or Toxicophobia Ridiculed, being- Catagelophobia or Katagelophobia Self, being seen or looked at- Scopophobia or Scoptophobia ▼Hospitalized: 1 year and 352 Days ▼Favorite Song: "Take the Pill"[Explicit]- Emilie Autumn Notes: [1]She has not been sexually abused, despite having been abused. [2] Helped me with the list of Phobias. [3]Thanks to Maka and Hyuge for their individual analyses that helped in improving the overall quality of Kyla Garnet.
All I need is your handle and I can then add you to the PA Study Hall chat, which will keep you up to date on events in the RP.
As an actor, I never consider myself too old to at least dress-up in a costume. As a college student, I can potentially get away with trick-or-treating; when I actually did reach the age where I was getting too old, then my little sister was born. Over the course of my life, I really have yet to outgrow the concept whether you're talking about my affinity for characters or the Candybeard I had for the past seven years; or my actual childhood as well. xD Happy Halloween
Hey, Sixx, welcome to PokAcademy! Do you have a Skype account?
I remember talking to you about this months ago, but it remained the case I would have never been to get the funds to make the event at all. :/ I'm sure I said it at some point that I sincerely hoped the mission would be a success, and it sure sounds like it was! I truly believe this is a great initiative. It was a love for Disney that led to a love of Kingdom Hearts; two very different in essence, actually. I've dreamed of one day seeing something KH-related in the parks, and you, good people (Especially you, Cutsceneaddict) are evidently turning that dream shared by many into a reality. Here's to hoping I can make 2014!
[/url] The command Professor Cyprus had over his students was always assisted by his unbelievable and infallible memory of who they were before he ever met them as students. Some students would come in for personal interviews and others would send in resumes with pictures of them and their Pokémon. He never forgot a face. Notably, Cyprus nodded at the two newer students. “I can reassure you: you are not late by any means. By arriving a day later than the start of term, you are not much more behind than those who came the day of. Others will arrive months well after this, and they will be in no danger of any sort.” Professor Cyprus cupped his hands behind his back, and stood straight; dignified. “PokAcademy is largely a personal journey. We are simply here to guide you and set you on your way.” With that the Professor turned his attention towards Nurse Joy. “Ring up Professor Lexi and Professor Stratana, if you please.” [/url] “Right away, Professor.” Nurse Joy nodded, and the two rings side by side on her eyebrow tinkled together. Nurse Joy walked over to the Waiting Room’s PC and booted up the connected phone. A few taps of a few keys was all it took. “All set, Professor Cyprus.” “Hello?” Professor Lexi’s voice came over the PA system of the Waiting Room. “Thank you, Nurse.” Cyprus nodded slightly to Joy. “Lexi, we need two Starter Pokémon delivered to the Pokémon Center. Can you oblige?” “Sure, right away. Just have the students say which Pokémon, and we’ll deliver it right over.” “Splendid.” Professor Cyprus looked to the two new faces. “Garett, how about you go first? Equitas?” He directed the two of them to the counter where, underneath, was a small machine used for the instant transport of Pokéballs to the Center. “We will then be leaving directly afterwards to visit the Gym for another Orientation. Round up, everyone.” Just state the name of your desired Starter and write the receiving as well via the machine. There you go, Garett and Equitas, you have your Pokémon in the same post you requested them in. Everyone, follow the order to head over to the entrance of the Pokémon Center. You may even leave the building, if you wish.
"I think I'd be more afraid of the thought of a giant floating hungry head that eats whole horses and who knows what else." Base noticed the flaw in Beuce's reasoning. "But I think it was a good plan, Beuce." Base stood up and dusted himself off while he caught up with the current events. "I really don't pass out this often." He noted; thinking aloud. "It's strange, really. I think it's even worse since we came here... this place is soooo..." He searched for the right word. "Overpowering."
Base awoke with a start. "Krowley and Luna are kissing? Is that why he's walking around without a mask? What does Krowley look like?" Base asked at a pace that surpassed his speech at any other time. "Wait a minute... who's voice was that...?" His eyes blinked to see Beuce looking down at him, and he noticed also that Beuce happened to be sitting on him. "GET OFF! WHAT HAPPENED ANYWAY!" Base pushed Beuce off, furious at the shortness of breath he had because of the white haired individual compressing his lung space with his rear end.
This "Thor" reference, I like it. Another!
Mine as well. I had an idea for a Horror RP (Takes place in a mental asylum and was inspired by Jayn's Cupid's Brew as well), but then PokAcademy picked back up. I need some fright back in my activity.
Admissions Office ● Lounge ● Dorms ● Information Desk ‘Shortly after acquiring a job, be sure to try and lose it by being fired directly by the Head-of-Command; check’ Nurse Joy sarcastically jabbed at herself for her earlier folly and the embarrassment that last through. Even though she was dressed in her heavily modified uniform, she still felt like she was walking around the hall in her underwear; it was unsettling a feeling for her. It lingered all the way until she began her demonstration of the trading machine; two students were already awaiting her when she got there. “Morning, Kiddos.” She said cheerily, even though the two “kiddos” were here age. “Today, we’re going to learn about Trading. It’s not so much that the machine is difficult to use; just put the Pokémon of your choice in either placeholder under one of the tubes, and then you press the big green button by the screen that says “Trade”. You’ll see the Pokémon inside the balls once the machine is going, and by the end: you will have the Pokémon you wanted to have, but now the balls are designated with your student ID. In a little while, you will be paired with another trainer, and you will not be allowed to trade with them for the remainder of the school year, except in circumstances allowed by the Headmaster. Hope I gave you some good advice.” Joy took the two Pokéballs the students had out and placed them in opposite placeholders of the machine nearest them; with a click of another button, the two placeholders were tightly sealed as a plastic barrier dropped down to tube the balls in. It was then that Nurse Joy noticed the waiting room of Pokémon Center, and tilted her head to the side. “Professor, I think you should come check this out.” Professor Cyprus rubbed his temples to soothe his burning headache brought on by the mere sound of Nurse Joy’s fried voice. “Yes? What is it?” Lucia was, as always, at his heels. Equitas and Garett have not yet received their Starters. I am trying to ease them into the story, so now is the opportunity to implement one or both of the new characters. Diopside and Topaz are in the middle of a Trade. Everyone else can participate, as always, in whatever they feel fit. We will be departing when at least one of the new characters posts in a 24 hour period, starting 10 PM EST.
As a former cast member of the wonderful Musical that is the stage version of "Beauty and the Beast", I instantly was right back in the mindset that I had then. I studied this movie like it was my life, and I can definitely say that you captured the essence at first: a little too much; it felt much more "Beauty and the Beast" sheer rip-off, word for word. Then Mew. Then the witty uses of the Pokemon and Villagers, especially replacing the wig maker and the wig lady with Jesse and James and replacing Gaston with Gary and Lefou with Meowth. Oh my dear God, the casting of Meowth was absolutely perfect! I cried with laughter. I want to see more of this; particularly to see what sort of other enchantments befell characters like Lumierre or Cogsworth. If they are pokemon, I can almost guess which ones everybody is. Good work. I loved this.
I watch the RP section, so that's why I'm here so quickly. I looked through this thread and the main RP. Two things: On the RP thread, there is a fault in the coding where "Bestiary" appears at the bottom of the page in []'s I like this. Give me a minute to read through this thread, and I will very much consider joining. It reminds me a bit of Code Lyoko or Spy Kids 3. EDIT: Player Name: Randal "Rand" Royale Age/Appearance: 20 Fun Fact: He's a PC elitist. Smart. Hacker. Dark, narcissitic; takes his "Kingly" name a little too literally. Console: PC Player Name: Paine Rafe Age/Appearance: 18 Fun Fact: Her "nickname" is Paipai. It's derogatory and she doesn't like it. Basically, it's the same as calling her "Tits" while using a pun on her first name. Cultured; musical; can play virtually any instrument with ease. Spatial thinker; philosopher. Lazy when it comes to physical activity. Console: PS3 Spoiler: Note to self I am putting this here so I don't forget; not so much to tell you. Royale: Animi/Lion-Sorceror Rafe: Machina-Evoker
I wish people would write replies to my stories. Le sigh.
View attachment 36954 Swing to swing, Base removed the last of the Spades from the playing field; they saw dancing notes above their heads instead of stars after he was done with them. The last Deuce had his bell rung on the latest of the sprees Base endured. By then, he was tiring, and knew he was just about spent. "Cure!" He cast for Krowley instead, since he had seen the comrade struggle a bit more since a certain point of the lengthy battle. He was certain this was the most exhausting of all the battles the young Keyblade wielder had fought beside the armored friend in; he noticed just how he had to fight anything or overcome any obstacle without the individual who still held a bit of mystery to him. "This is for all the guidance, chief." He said of the spell before passing out flat on his back.
79 word . w o r d Well... I'm out.
Okay then, thanks. word . w o r d
76. We should all just give up. Just throw in the towel. Especially since I have class in twenty minutes. No really, how do I bypass the twenty character minimum?