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  1. Sebax
    Based raised an black eyebrow at the odd question. "It was a little weird at first- It happened pretty suddenly actually-, but it's never worn me out just to Summon my Keyblade. I'll admit, the magic does sometimes... It takes a lot to keep from passing out in the heat of battle, but I'm getting better. I think that everyone has their limitations, and, who we are, we have to rise above them. There is no room for limitation when there are people counting on you. To be honest, personally, I draw from the strength I find in others." He looked to his new acquaintance with sincerity. "Follow me around, D'daear. Since it looks like you're a bit out of place and soon to be even farther out of place, I feel like I should help you with your next step. In fact, you should meet Krowley!" He snapped his fingers as the epiphany came to him, and he cast Unbound back to the winds. "Come on, we'll go look for him. He's probably with Master Eraqus." Base had met the Master of Keyblades back on his downtime in his first trip to Land of Departure. "Just need a word from you, and we can head right there."
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 11, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Sebax
    Not many writers I find over the internet tend to grasp the concept of First-Person narrative. In my opinion, it should look like this post above. First-Person narrative is the most personal and is the most like acting, as it portrays the full character with their own world and perceptions (Both personal and general, such as what is given in Professor Grey's personal account and the general history of the Nephilim, respectively) in an environment that must move in tandem with the characters that would be found still in a Third-Person narrative. The ultimate goal is reaching the audience with the central character, but also keeping them hooked to the world attached; such is accomplished here. Professor Grey becomes a living, breathing person in only a few paragraphs. Outside of the central character, there is texture, sound, and intangible dread that hangs in the make-believe air whilst the curtain of disbelief hangs with it. It's a functioning world that bellies something deeper than the character portrayed while still keeping them directly in thick of it. There's real emotion and real action and there is believable reaction. As far as grammatical structure goes, there is nothing to be desired as the structure works for the scene given and even gives a sort of cinematographic flow to it that feels airy and balanced in contrast, but a touch more light exists with the dark. Grammatical errors: there were only two that I could find. Three paragraphs up from the bottom , line 4, second word: given as "down", when I gather "done" was meant. Second paragraph up from the bottom, line 2, on the right, and in the second sentence of the line: given as "It", when I gather "I" was intended. Overall, a solid read with a solid story that was a refreshing example of First-Person narrative.
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 9, 2013 in forum: Written Works
  3. Sebax
    "Now then, I'll just be stepping out to the hall for the lavatory. Should anyone need me, as we are currently in a state of emergency, be obliged to knock." He advised to the group before setting out down the hall. It was darker than it normally would be, with the hall lights dimmed; it even felt colder. He turned a corner and was all alone. He turned another corner, and he was in the closest Men's room to the Waiting room. It was brighter in the cozy, neatly-tiled square of toiletries and waterworks. It was a while after that he was washing his hands... and the lights went out following the greatest thunder crush to rock the building. He was almost certain that something was afoot outside the door... now where was it? The door had been there a minute ago, but, lost in the dark, he failed to find the knob or door anywhere. He dared not take a step. He wanted to make sure he was facing the right way, or he'd have to wait for his eyes to adjust. A little more searching, and he was relieved to feel his wet grip on the knob... only to find it locked. He checked the knob for any kind of lock, but could not find one; searched the surface of the door for some kind of lock, but could not find one. His heart raced. His large frame hit the door hard as he threw himself against it. He repeated the process, but it was no use against the metallic door. He rested against the door and slumped down to the tile floor, his head banging against the metal door. His eyes were only just adjusting to the darkness when he heard a faint whisper. "hhhhhhtttttrrrr"; it was long, drawn out and eerie. He pressed his ear firmly to the door; the sound came again, but this time clearer, as it was on the other side of the door. Cyprus' heart slowed down as the most grim mood befell him. "Haaauuuuuunnnnterrrrrr" The whisper echoed down the hall. "Haaaaaaaauuuuunnnnnnnterrrrrrrrrrr" It was softer that time, almost antagonizing before a bone-chilling cackle burst throughout the entire Pokemon Center with a sharp feedback over the PA system. In a moment, Cyprus was on his feet and frantically banging against the door with his fists. He had no mind for his own safety, but if that Haunter licked anyone.

    Meanwhile, on the Airstrip...

    "I don't care what anyone says, Victor. I'm not letting those poor little babies drown out there." Victoria tried to shake Victor off one of her ankles and Treecko off of the other. Her hand was almost to the door handle, and it was only an instant later that a single turn let open a floodgate of pink into the tiny cabin. Igglybuff occupied every little bit of space as every single one of the devastated, shivering babies filed from outside onto shelves, under and on top of tables, and some climbed Beuce and Glen as space became increasingly precious.

    Victor had managed to stand up with Price precariously in hand; Treecko seemed to appreciate the lift as it clutched to Victor's shoulder, looking down at the fleshy floor.

    "Nobody is going to hurt them, got it?" Victoria looked down, then all around at the people. "I know it's inconvenient."

    "No kidding, Vicky." Victor shot, followed by an indignant but supportive "Tree!"

    "It's inconvenient to me too." Mr. Briney gathered up a cluster of Igglybuff in a chair and cradled them as he sat in the place he had taken them from. "But let me tell you something. I cared for a Pokemon for many years and cared deeply for the bond that exists between people and Pokemon. Peeko may be gone, but I believe in caring for Pokemon that need it. That is why I told Cyprus that I would transport students to and from the school; so that children may learn how to establish such an ability. Young lady, I can tell you are well on your way to becoming a successful Trainer." Briney nodded at Victoria. "Young man, look around this room and think: "What if I stopped her just so I could be comfy"." He was neither cold nor judgmental as he looked Victor right in the eye. Victor was stunned into silence as he looked down and saw at least a dozen big eyes staring up at him from adorable faces.

    "Thank you..." Victor admitted he needed to hear that. Even Price solemnly bowed his head in respect.

    Briney nodded back in acknowledgement. "And you, young man, should probably keep that Bidoof in a Pokeball for now. I've never seen one before, but I hear they're terribly dangerous creatures when caught." Mr. Briney noted to Beuce.


    Airstrip: Don't hurt the Igglybuff.


    Pokemon Center: What was that noise? What's going on? Mama! D:

    Airstrip: Might as well get to know each other in the now crowded shelter as the storm passes.


    View attachment 37091 Haunter- The Gas Pokemon. "It licks with its gaseous tongue to steal the victim's life force. It lurks in darkness for prey."- Y
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sebax
    He couldn't believe it; this guy was clueless. Base didn't judge him for it, but it appeared that D'daear did not know any of the others. "Do the names Krowley, Beuce, Luna, Cat, Ananta, Etrius, Eon, Steel, Glen, Karina, Flora, Kel, or Raisor mean anything to you? Or at least, I'm sure that's some of their names. I really only know Beuce that well, and nobody really knows Krowley." Base just hoped he wasn't rambling. "If you're not one of the people who go to worlds to correct the balance of Light and Darkness, are you even a Keyblader at least?" As he spoke, he extended his right arm out in front of him; with startling abruptness and sparkling flashes, Unbound appeared in his hands. With a SHINK, he stood up and rested his weapon at his side. "Are you from here, or something?"
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 9, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Sebax
    On the Summit, gazing up at the stars that were ever present at the altitude atop the mountain, Base contemplated many things. Shoes, ships, ceiling wax, cabbages and kings... and wondered if the next world he went to would be arrived to by means of falling into it again; that seemed to be happening a lot lately, and at varying velocities. He had a rather recent bout with cognitive filtering when it came to stars though; whenever he saw stars, he thought of the old man who rescued him and helped train him to be a sorcerer. Or a wizard, or a mage, or whatever he was. Base shook his head and rubbed his eyes before giving a great big yawn. Sitting on a bench by a turn-around target-practice post, Base was all too surprised to find his hand make contact with what felt like a shoulder. Stunned, but coming to his senses from the alert, Base looked to his side and noticed a boy not much younger nor older than he. This boy too was staring up at the stars. Base’s new company was a little bit taller than him, but not so much different in build; both were lean young men. How long had this boy been sitting there? “Uh, pardon me. I thought I knew everyone, but you must have been gone to Kingdom of the Sun or Land of Dragons, because I’ve never seen you before.” He offered his hand for a shake. “My name’s Sebastian Noble, but, if we work together, most call me Base.”
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 8, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Sebax
    Alright, all the MVPs called dibs. I'm putting my name in for Beast's Castle while I still have a chance to do so.
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 8, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  7. Sebax
    “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; turn.” Tuki Shinema went through the steps involved with her dance number with tender and determined care. Her hands were laid one on top of the other as she made a pencil turn in costume. Lights were on, the space was reserved and clear, and her Flapper outfit was tailored and ready for her next big picture “Songwise”, but nobody was there to watch. It was just her in retro clothing, as a girl of sixteen perfected her lead dance number. “Swipe left foot, heel, toe, heel, flap, toe; swipe right foot, heel, toe, heel, spin-Woop!” She miscalculated and landed flat on her rear. “And that: is why you practice out of sight.” She told herself as she blew a drooping black feather out of her face. Physically, the young starlet was trim, pretty, and radiant in youth; her raven hair and her icy blue eyes were mere accents to the sheer beauty of her personage. He stepped up back onto her feet and walked briskly over to the CD player to restart the track, but was impede by the peculiar feeling she as being watched. Her eye narrowed sharply. “It’s quiet… too quite…” She stated with biting emphasis as she turned with lightning speed just in time to catch the arm of an assailant as they tried to pounce on her. Tuki Shinema bore a look of contempt and surprise in one as she faced her masked pursuer. “Yamasko!”

    “Yes, it is I, Yamasko, poacher of wandering souls. I have found you at last, Noibatgirl.” He was a phantom cloaked in a black cloud of cloth; a mystery behind a blank-faced, golden mask.

    Tuki audibly gasped. “How did you know?!” She made a swift kick to the side of Yamasko’s head; an attempt to dislodge the mask that kept his identity a secret.

    “You will soon find out soon enough, Noibat…wait…” Yamasko succeeded in catching her kick in mid-air, proving her attempt a folly before his folly prompted a reaction from a nearby third-party.

    “CUUUUUUUUUT!!” Director Noel Shoecarver waved his arms from his chair, bringing the scene to a close. “You will find out soon enough, Noibatgirl.” He read directly from the script as Yamasko willingly removed his on mask.

    Veteran actor Jack Kennedy shook his head in his shrouded costume, holding his golden mask in hand. “Sorry, Noel. Just lost my motivation for a moment.”

    “Well hold onto it! Because “Noivernman & Noibatgirl is going to smash hit.” Noel proclaimed from the Director’s chair. “Positions. Roll film, Action!” The scene progressed until the end of the days shoot, thus concluding Tuki Shinema’s required scenes for the picture. Essentially, as she left the sound stage to catch a quick bite and a can of lemonade from the vending machine upstairs in the movie theater. She took her lemonade and BLT back to her private dressing room and crashed onto her couch after changing out of her Noibatgirl-as-a-flapper costume and into a pink tank-top with a silhouette of an Audino on the front and grey shorts. She had not had her feet up for five minutes before a rapping sounded from her door. She moaned her discontent and opened the door to find the owner of Pokéstar Studios, Mr. Stu Deeoh.

    “Tuki, Dahling, name ya price and you’ll get it. It’s tha last time I’ll ask, I promise.” His curly blond hair seemed to be missing save for a ring of it circling his cranium and his purple suit was finely pressed, but the look of pitiable sadness on his face led Tuki to believe that he was ten seconds from kneeling to beg for Tuki to stay at the Studio that had employed her for years. It was the third “last” time he swore to stop asking for the young actress to not go on a performance hiatus to attend Nintendo High. Tuki shook her head.

    “Tutors may be enough for Pokemon, but not for me. I want to live a normal life, in a normal school for change.” She tried to reason with the sobbing studio manager.

    Stu Deeoh’s mood improved, but from sad to pointedly concerned. “Have you seen the news recently, dahling? If you want “normal”, then Nintendo High is the last place you should go.”

    Tuki responded by giving a cold, blank stare and said with sarcasm in no short supply, “I am Yamasko… Poacher of Wandering Souls…”

    Deeoh rolled his eyes. “Alright, so no one in writin’ is tryin’ anymah. You still gotta stay at the studio!”

    “No one’s trying in directing either. Or acting. Or anything. It’s not a challenge anymore. I need to get away for a little while.”

    “The problem is: I can’ let you do that though!” Deeoh tried to contend, but wound up a sobbing wreck on the red interior carpet. “Please. I’m beggin’ here.” Deeoh pleaded emphatically.
    Tuki bowed her head in grief. “I didn’t want it to come to this, but you leave me no choice.” She lifted a stashed chocolate bar, hidden in the armrest of her couch, to her lips, ready to take the first calorie-ridden bite in front of Deeoh.

    “Wait, you think this is about marketing?” Stu Deeoh’s head lifted up, his sobs ceasing before he burst out laughing. “Eat a dozen, dahling. We have an army of other size zeroes like you and thinner ones besides them. The reason I’m here though, is that out of all them, you’re the only one with heart in this broken town.”

    “Zubat drops, Mr. Deeoh, it’s all marketing here.”

    “And what is wrong with keepin’ a good image, might I ask?” Stu stood, his shiny dome glistening in the light as his paunch pressed against his purple waistcoat. “Well, for the images that actually get seen anyway.” He sighed. “Okay, so Noivernman and Noibatgirl is a studio sell out. What do you expect? Elite Four member Grimsley, as the rich tycoon slash crime fighter, the buddin’ stahlet, Tuki Shinema, as his daring young ward, and Brycen the Icirris city Gym leader, as the frozen villain who teams up with the plant-based villain, played by Gym Leader Erika from Kanto no less. It’s flashy and inexpensive because half the cast make enough money not being actors and want to see their names in lights, and it is going to make everyone involved very rich whether or not it even sells. Hey, you’re talkin’ to the man who’d never have signed this at all if not for-”

    “Spare the warning not to ever play cards with Noel Shoecarver; I’ve heard it too many times Mr. Deeoh.”

    “Point taken. Okay, fine, Tuki. I get it. I can’t get you to not leave, but at least take me on my offer of a gift from the studios for years of excellent service to the arts. After all, it’s dangerous to go alone.”

    Tuki was exasperated. “Fine.” She gave it some thought, and came to conclusion that Stu Deeoh was actually being sincere… maybe even about all the fluff about heart. She put her heart into the work, but was getting tired of it always being the money and not the craft that had the spotlight.

    TUKI received EGGS from MR. DEEOH…

    “We’ll have you flown ovah straight away. Tokyo, awaits, dahling, and you’ll want to get your affaihs in ordah befah school resumes. Good luck, kid. Tokyo’s a tough town. And that’s me sayin’ dat.” Mr. Deeoh chuckled before leaving the room, allowing for Tuki to pack in solitude.

    A part of her was glad she was able to go in peace, but another part of her was dealing with the fact that she had viewed the situation of her passing wrong. As she zipper up her bag, ready for her journey, she felt guilty for not realizing she wasn’t just viewed as bait for audiences like she thought. She contended by leaving a note on her dressing room door as she left for what could easily be the last time through its portal.

    “Dear, Mr. Deeoh
    Looking forward to working with you again.
    Tuki Shinema, Pokémon Trainer”

    She looked from the note paper to her bag containing the eggs she had received. They were no ordinary eggs; they were Pokémon eggs. She was getting her own Pokémon, instead of rentals. She didn’t quite know why, but the thought of the potential life made her smile from ear to ear as she headed outside.
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sebax
    Name of RP: PokAcademy!
    Synopsis: A school for Trainers, Breeders, and Enthusiasts alike exists on an island where endless possibilities await. Reward Systems, Capture Events, and offered stats allow for expansive gameplay outside of the story.
    Genre: Action/Adventure/Drama
    Link: Story
    OOC Link: Admissions
    Activity: Open, but slow
    Other: You are allowed Three characters, and, as students, you will learn about Pokemon Game aspects yourself through your avatars.
    Created by: Sebax
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Sebax
    Name: Tuki Shinema
    Age: 16
    Occupation: Student, Pokéstar Studios Actor
    Bio: She's an actor, not a trainer, so she's never had her own Pokémon .
    Other: She starts off at the school with just the eggs of each of her Pokémon.

    Name: Il Piantissimo
    Description: A short teen (poorly) disguised as a purple pianta.
    Occupation: Student Athlete; Track star
    Series Character is from: [Super Mario Bros.] (Super Mario Sunshine)
    Other: He's full of himself and thinks he's the best. He lets his grand potential and ability get the best of him. Very Competitive, but a poor sport.

    Name: Stitch Pelekai
    Description: A short blue alien life form
    Occupation: Teacher of Veterinary Science
    Series Character is from: [Disney] (Lilo & Stitch)
    Other: Think Stitch, but in a suit. As indicated by his name, he has

    Leave luck to Heaven: Nintendo High



    Name: Eric
    Description: A former Music teacher at Nintendo High, he was horrifically scarred and eventually fired for the mania the accident caused him.
    Occupation: Former Music Teacher/Full-time Creep
    Series Character is from: Andrew Lloyd Webber's and Joel Schumacher's "Phantom of the Opera".
    Other: Lives in the catacombs beneath a Tokyo Opera House.
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Sebax
    Happy Beuceday to you, Happy Beuceday to you.
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 3, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Sebax
    Avril bounded from the counter as a enormous crack of thunder shook the very foundation of the Pokémon Center. She leapt into Joy’s arms, but the Nurse was no less frightened by the Earth shattering wave.

    “This isn’t a normal storm at all.” She said quietly, sitting down near Equitas’ cot. “I hope everyone else is as secure as we are.” She held Avril close as she became less and less head of health authority and degenerated into a scared little girl with cautious eyes. The truth was, as fearless as Joy tried to be, she had a severe phobias of storms. She hadn’t said anything prior, but it was getting harder and harder to hide. Especially as she started to push back the tears and repressed memories. It took another clattering, thunderous shake to allow the flood gates open, and Avril hide in Nurse Joy’s arms.

    Professor Cyprus stepped back into the waiting room and sighed. He felt the tremors. There was so much stress to deal with, and there was no guarantee for the safety of the students or his staff. Normally, Lucia would have sensed his stress and done something to calm his nerves… but she was barking at Professor Aspen; whatever reasoning there was for that, he had no clue. Another shake from the storm launched a stray Pokéball from under the counter as it clicked open. Cyprus ran over to the empty shell post haste in worry they had locked themselves in with a dangerous Pokémon. Fortunately, it was just an empty ball. Unfortunately, he did not catch the fading golden mist as a Ghost Pokémon fazed into the PC, nor did he see the monitor turn purple; a jagged, haunting smile appearing on the screen.

    Meanwhile, at the Air strip…

    Victor looked outside at the curious sight. “Have you ever seen so many in a swarm at once?”

    “Not on land. It doesn’t take as many Tentacool to capsize a fishing vessel as you might think though.” Mr. Briney was locked in thought in a corner. He was not his cheerful self, replaced by a morose and somber older man.

    “Our problem isn’t seaworthy, but I think everyone should know…” Victoria started, looking outside as the Igglybuff tried to find shelter under the limited awning. “Those Igglybuff were likely displaced by the storm. Out here, they’re going to be to be swept away when it starts to flood, or they may just drown by the sheer downpour; they’re tiny babies.” She was not pleased. “But we don’t have the space in here for them unless everyone is okay with crowding.”

    “Sorry, Miss, but we are not going to allow wild Pokémon in here. Not without protection of some kind. Why, you might as well walk into the jungle right now. They may look harmless, but Pokémon are mysterious and we do not know what any of those out there are capable of.” Mr. Briney pointed out.

    “Well, what if we had our Starter Pokémon?” Victor asked. Briney responded by jabbing a thumb over towards a rickety, archaic PC. “Oh…”

    “Still…” Briney grumbled. “My Peeko would want us to help those endangered Pokémon, I’m sure.” He sniffed as he rose to his sandaled feet to type into the computer. “Not sure if this work, but say the names of your starters, and they should appear over there.” He pointed to a device on a counter nearby.

    “Cyndaquil!” Victoria was overcome with joy; a complete polar switch from her worry over the baby Fairies outside. She’d wanted a Cyndaquil all her life, but her parents had never caught one. She wasn’t sure if she ever wanted it to evolve, but that was a worry for a different day.

    “Treecko.” Victor stated matter-of-factly, with his arms crossed.

    First, one Pokéball arrived and Victoria took it, then Victor took the second that came after it. The brother and sister nodded to each other in acknowledgement that they were leaving their childhood just a bit more behind. They would be growing up with their own Pokémon now.

    In little to no time, Victoria was patting a content, flameless Cyndaquil and getting acquainted with the one she called “Poe”. Victor was allowing a Treecko to climb up to his shoulder. “Vincent” was an awfully serious, straight-faced Pokémon. Victor cracked a grin; like Trainer like Pokémon.


    Airstrip: Pick your starters. I believe the two of yours already have your selections made, so feel free to go with those. I can assure you, both Snivy and Fenekin are available. Zeke and Amethyst, pick your starters.


    Airstrip: Points to think about and what to include for a good post: Select Pokemon and summon it for the first time. Naming it in the first post is ideal, if you name it at all and have a name picked out. Think about the moral dilemma with the Igglybuff. Bonus suggestion: Mr. Briney mentioned a Pokemon tearfully…hmmmmm…

    Pokemon Center: Nurse Joy is crying, everyone is now in the Center, Diopside just arrived and is soaking wet. Somebody could get him a towel and maybe make a friend. Get ready for some real fun…kekekekekeke…
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sebax
    The words "Wake up" were an inception of a notion that this could really all be a dream. If Krowley said they needed to wake up, then they needed to wake up... the only question was: how? Base thought and thought and thought. He puzzled until his puzzler was sore. There was only one conclusion he came to, and he knew exactly what to do. He wore a bereft expression as the realization he had to harm one of his own comrades in order to test his detested theory. He closed his eyes, and moved closer to Beuce.

    "Beuce... I am so sorry..." He said as he pinched Beuce in the side.
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 1, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Sebax

    Accepted. Implementing a "Three Characters to a Player Rule".
    Post by: Sebax, Nov 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sebax
    Later, in the Pokémon Center…

    “And there you are.” Professor Cyprus handed the last of the blankets to the last of the students. They, as well as Professor Aspen and the rest of Team White, were dampened with rain water, but everything would be sorted right and dry in no time. Meanwhile, the rage of the storm had reached its peak as the rain pounded on the roof and the wind rattled the windows. A space had been cleared in the waiting room, away from the shielded windows. The lights had been dimmed low so that sudden bursts of electricity would not overcharge the Center, but also because it was drawing late and the storm would likely last through the night.

    Professor Cyprus nodded to Nurse Joy as she laid down the hollow shells of air mattresses while Avril the Audino brought her the automated air pump. Professor Cyprus massaged his temples as he departed from the main group to use the rest room before the inevitable would likely occur; he preferred to plan ahead. He rounded a corner when he heard a familiar sound.

    “Nine.” Lucia had been much more communicative lately, Cyprus noted, but he didn’t have the slightest clue as to why. He was only in for more questions in a moment.

    “You know exactly why I can’t let you do that.” Another voice caught Cyprus’s ear. He looked to his left and noticed a single door that was ajar, and seemed to be the room from where the voices were emanating.

    “Nine, Ninetales.” Lucia stated indignantly. She barked and followed with a “Nine!”

    “Lucia, I consider us friends. Please, do not be so confrontational. As your friend, I am asking you to be rational. Your desires are… unnatural at best.” Aspen sounded as empty-toned as always, but her voice was weighted with the cool factuality.

    Cyprus was greatly tempted to enter the room; he wanted to. This odd occurrence demanded he walk inside, but… he did not. He simply turned away, and went his way as he was before.

    Objective Plusle:

    The storm is raging, you’re all in the waiting room, surrounded by blankets and canned goods. Interact. I will be adding the Airstrip segment later, as well as format.
    Post by: Sebax, Nov 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sebax
    My name is Sebax. The friends I have acquired on khv tend to call me "Base".

    • (In order of favoritism, from greatest to least, but least is not worst)

    • I am enamored with the setting more than the actual films. I love the process; it brings me joy. I love the stage and theater, and the movies that are played on them are extensions of the beauty. Favorite films include anything with Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, Nathan Fillion, Tim Allen, and/or Adam Sandler.

    • Architecture of Disney World, Disney Films in general, "Lilo & Stitch" is my favorite movie, and Stitch is my favorite character.

    • Castle is the most awesome show ever!

      The Crazy Ones

    Happy Holidays!
    Post by: Sebax, Nov 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Sebax
    Base cast his Keyblade to the winds as he cupped his hands to his mouth and gave a mighty, high-pitched cry that surely must have unsettled even the Jabberwock. "Vamanos Amigos! Ayudame, por favor!" Base shouted as a giant Cactus pinata fell from above and landed squarely on a lone stump in the clearing. A burst of confetti and the playing of guitars accompanied the random firings of Pistoles; the Three Caballeors had arrived.

    "We're brave and we'll say so, We're bright as a Peso!"

    "Who say so?" Base inquired.

    "We say so! The three caballeros."

    "WHAT?!" Donald, the last to jump from out of the pinata hid right back in when he spotted the flying monster in the sky. "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO CALL US TO THESE THINGS?!" Donald shouted at Base as he ducked behind the young man. Meanwhile, Jose and Panchito were still in full pistole-packing fervor.

    "Donald, come out and fight, it is critical you do! You'd think you'd be more ready to fight after falling so far before, just now!" Pancito called out cheerfully.

    "I see both of what you did there, mi amigo." Jose leaned on his umbrella and smiled at his compadre until he leaned far enough to spot Luna nearby, upon which note, he dashed over to kiss her hand. "Well, hello." He said with charm and poise, tipping his hat at the young lady.

    Panchito looked up and scratched his head under his sombrero with the barrel of one of his pistoles. "Uh, I recognize el hombre en azul, but who is el hombre alto?"


    Hombre= Man
    Azul= Blue
    Alto= Tall
    Post by: Sebax, Nov 22, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Sebax

    The Voice was a phantasmal lullaby that suddenly crashed upon Kyla’s ears before she even heard someone come into the room.

    "Oh dear, we can't please everyone, can we?"

    Her words as well as recent occurrences muted any response from Kyla, which left her only to look blankly at the Dream Maker. Kyla drew her hands close to her heart; she felt guilty about using one of the host’s napkins without thinking they belonged to someone.

    "Quite a beautiful thing, music is."

    “Yes… yes it is…” Beautiful was an understatement. Music was Kyla’s existence; the only tether to reality she had. The sudden arrival had made her forget the overbearing numbness, but it crashed back upon her in one painful moment that caused her to bow her head once more, and she sobbed uncontrollably. She tried to bite it back, but there was no pain like that which she felt then. Her rope had been severely frayed.

    "May I see?

    All at once, Kyla’s head bobbed back up with a suddenness that reflected her curiosity at the statement. “How-?” She started to say, but was silenced when the older woman took her hand and… feeling returned to her hand in an instant of pure awe. Sensation had returned to her left digits once more, and she didn’t quite know why; only that the woman before her likely as the catalyst. She stared at the odd beauty blankly for a moment before either of them spoke.

    "There, much better, hm?" Kyla merely nodded in her state. Kyla was about to try the piano again, when she spotted glowing cello. "Could you play me a lovely melody dear?" She gasped at the sight, not because it was odd, but because it was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen in her life. She did not want to tell its bringer that she had not a clue how to play that particular instrument, so she walked, head high, over to sit by the oversized Violin. Kyla closed her eyes.

    With long, sorrowful sweeps, she started to play “Requiem for a Dream”. Meanwhile, the cello seemed to almost play itself as her hands glided effortlessly to its use. When she had finished, she bowed her head. She saw black. Her plain pajamas had been replaced with a beautiful, tailored black dress and her hair had been done up neatly in a fashion like the Dream Makers. She touched the back of her own head whilst wondering if she was hallucinating. What was real? Who cared? It was all so beautiful, that it even made Kyla smile as she bowed courteously to the Goddess.
    Post by: Sebax, Nov 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Sebax
    I voted for general choice Kel as he is one of the longest-standing KHSOS member who does not already have an authoritative position. I voted for Karina due to her mature and matronly influence on the rest of us when we get a little wild. I did mean to vote for Ananta; the Cats messed me up. No offense, Cat. Taycat's matter-of-fact manner of dealing with issues might need to be subdued slightly if given mod status, but it will also do her well to possess the confidence to state what is said.
    Post by: Sebax, Nov 18, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  19. Sebax

    Unbelievable. She had barely had time to run through her head any of what the boy was saying before she was suddenly attacked with silverware. “Annyeonghaseyo?” She said through clenched teeth, feeling the silky texture against her hand along with the silver tongs in her flesh and the slowly trickling warm blood that peeped out of the more than minuscule tears in her skin left by the fork. The worst part was that she did not feel a thing other than the materials touching her, but she really should have been overpowered with adrenaline; nature’s pain killer. She felt no sudden spike energy, nor did she feel angry. All she could feel was the empty sensation which consumed her. Tenderly, she removed the fork from her hand and tried to move her fingers. Nothing. It was as though her own hand was another’s which she could not control. Her brain said “Move”, but her hand remained motionless. It was, to her, worse than a nightmare in its stark austerity. It was exceedingly simple: her hand wouldn’t move. Without the luxury of reason, she grabbed a napkin from the table and wrapped her hand in it. She bled, but she did not care as she dashed from out of the room and isolated herself in the piano room. The rest of the house had gone unnoticed as one and only one goal existed within the reaches of her mind. There was the rise and fall melody that was signature to “The Well-Tempered Clavier”, but what should have been harmonious on the left was utterly tuneless. She could not bend her hand to play the right notes; a useless appendage clanging at all the wrong keys without rhyme or reason. The sound was worse than its lack of tone could portray. Tears came flooding from her eyes as she continued to try and fail to complete the composition. The only perceptible sound to emanate from the silenced room remained her thick sobs as her forehead crashed into the keys with a clattering and violent clang of strings. Such a humorless sound was reiterated as she banged her useful hand, the one she could still make into a fist, into a higher octave of notes that did not go well together. There was the girl at the table who had laughed at Kyla being assaulted. ‘Why?’ She thought as she repeated her pounding of her fist twice more. There was silence. That was all she had left in her world of bestowed paralysis: silence. Her eyes, blurry with tears, could only concentrate on the single orange petal that had lodged itself in her makeshift bandage without her realizing it prior. She held her left hand close to her pacing heart, but could not feel its rhythm on her palm. The numbness that was more than emotional seeped through to the rest of her, and soon... she could feel nothing at all except the racing of her heart as her eyes fixated on that orange petal.

    "You should be more careful." Echoed in her mind without cessation.
    Post by: Sebax, Nov 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Sebax
    Promptly following the shock, Base quickly looked around for a trace of his missing comrade, Beuce. He took a step to the side, unwittingly avoiding the horrible reality of squishing Beuce to death. He avoided killing Beuce not because his step missed, but, as his foot dropped down on Beuce, the tiny Keyblader was saved by a happenstance; a gap in the tracks on his own shoes. It was true, Base was feeling weaker with each Vorpal blast, but he felt like his own lightning had really down a number on the winged foe; he had to be as useful as possible. "Take a hint!" Base cast Thunder magic yet again on the foe.
    Post by: Sebax, Nov 18, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena