+1 Dexterity if you so please, good Sire.
0_0 We should totally dub KSOS, and now Myst can voice Kuzco! Also, just to verify, YES, I do call dibs on Wonderland.
Soooooooo, I'm trying out for a play called "Picasso at the Lapin Agile", which includes two historical figures and several bar patrons, plus a mystery time traveler who does not wear a bow tie nor rides around in big blue boxes; his shoes on the other hand are world-renowned. I'd love just to be in the play, but there's this rather odd coincidence: Spoiler: Picasso vs. Me View attachment 36397 Include a Spanish Accent and a Fake Bake and I might play Pablo Picasso. X3 Not sure if scandalous... just excited.
Zoro watched Kain attempt to heal himself, and his own eyes lit up when he noticed the foe's failure. "You're going... to hate me." He shot a one-liner with dramatic emphasis as he prepped another charged shot. The foe was weak so now was the time to further weaken him before anyone else could or would faint, so that the battle could be completed by all... save for the target of the larger group. Zoro sighed. "Politics." He fired another Charged Shot.
You're not going to make me choose between Base meeting Stitch or Scar, are you? ;~; I kind of regret missing out on Mushu, but oh well.
Base felt fully revived and clutched his Keyblade with renewed fury. "Good on you, Kel. And Steel, thank you. I'll make sure it doesn't go to waste." Everyone was healed though and it appeared that the beast was in its last stages, ergo, he could use at least two offensive spells before he had to worry about conservation. "Thunder!" He cried, as lightning cracked down on the Unversed foe.
Spoiler: First Pic and I'm a little shy... Oh wait...is this r/Gonewild?! View attachment 36373 Despite the somewhat lewd joke, no, I am not (Sadly) nude. Something about wanting to stay a member. All the same: Tell me I'm pretty? D:
"A stubborn adversary." Zoro concentrated as he smirked, pulling a new arrow from his packed quiver. He visualized the foe in his mind's eye and focused as he prepared his shot. This next hit was going to take a bit more charge and all his focus in order to pull off. He sighed. Animals, even the most difficult to hunt, did not require the attack he was going for next; his charged shot. The lack of opportunity for the offense meant he really had to think as he settled his blood pressure and breathed as slowly as possible. He opened his eyes in a flash and flashed the Guardian a smile. "Prepare for some travesty; this is going to mess with your head a bit." He released the arrow and it flew off with a powerful burst of energy and a crack rather than a simple twang.
Believe it or not, I'm actually looking forward to Wonderland more than Land of Dragons. I'm a big Anglophile and Lewis Carroll's Alice books are still so smart in style. Mulan? I loved it as a kid, but I'd still want to go to Wonderland more at this point. That point is further strengthened by the fact that if we were going to Lilo and Stitch's World or Pridelands, those are the only two worlds I MUST attend. So congratulations, you have a potential for one of the most loathed worlds of the series. Just bring in the Mad Tea Party and basically 100x the amount of characters the movie/book had and the games didn't. Heck, I don't even care if you mix "Adventures in Wonderland" and "Looking Glass"; I'm not a purist.
Base dry heaved as he was returned to a weaker state all over again. There were even signs now of the others starting to weaken. That meant a conundrum; heal the others or heal himself? Well, he was one of the few with the ability to use Cure, so if anything, he could hope Steel would use his Ether on Base and then Base could continue giving support to the others in case they drew close to fainting. He made his decision. He cured himself, to help along the way. "Cure!" He cast bells above his head.
Base was once again only surrounded by his Keyblading comrades, with his Caballeros disbanded entirely. Worse than such a loss was how critically he was injured by the previous move of the Unversed he was matched with at the time. He had the Potion in his bag, and so he wrestled with the thought of using it. Maybe he could last another turn? His insides hurt to such a degree he knew he was very close to fainting, and so this displaced any doubt in his mind about going any further without taking any sort of precaution. With trembling fingers, he dived his hand with all due speed into his messenger bag and retrieved his stocked healing Potion. Uncorking it and rushing it immediately to his lips, he succumbed to the effects like a shot of Absinthe. Dulled by the initial punch, he was instantly rejuvinated and feeling more like himself in no time at all. "Got to stay around with this thing in our way." He said to the others.
"I am for you, but don't count on me to save you should you fall. I can fight on my own, thanks." Zoro said smarmishly took another arrow from his quiver and released it at Kain once again. His self-centered nature was mixing with his heroic tendencies in a way that showed vicariously.
"Aqua Splash!" Base shouted as he directed his Keyblade toward the sole remaining target. Now that all forces were being directed at the Symphony Master, it was likely this would go quickly. Using one of his strongest Magical attacks, Base ensured that his contribution to the fight would be greatest early on, just in case he didn't make it through more of the way. He was definitely wearing out faster than the others, who all seemed to be doing just fine at the moment. "I'll back it up if I can. It's harder to say now with Donal' and Panchito no longer here." Jose added after the water stream blasted at the Unversed foe with fire hydrant force.
Sora certainly needs to be singing in the next game. I'm musical and I live in music, so even though singing in a video game seemed corny (Despite it's 88% Disney) I thoroughly enjoyed Atlantica. As far as Haley Joel Osment as singer though? He's an excellent tenor, I suppose, but the take I always took from Sora's parts as well as Donald's and Goofy's was that they were really just going with it and weren't really "singing singing" like Ariel for example. They purposefully lacked a certain gusto that came with the confidence Ariel had, and I think this was largely on purpose. Because we sing, no matter how "badly" we think we do, and when we are asked to sing, it varies on how willing we are. Sora and company are always willing for any job, but this one was a bit unusual, so their response is equal. That's just my opinion.
Zoro, upon hearing the gunshots, landed nimbly amidst the warriors once the sudden maurader had summed everyone else up. Upon impact with the floor, he took to one knee in a roll dive and he fired one arrow at the black armored fiend. "Just so everyone knows which team I'm on, I suppose." He swiftly rose to his feet and looked to the others, his cool eyes pervading the tension.
Zoro rested in the trees. His journey from home had started late, but he kept pace with the other travelers as he surfed through the canopy of trees effortlessly. He did not stop until he came upon a wolf in a clearing with no options of going around. He sighed; there was no other course of action, he knew, as he readied his bows. He pulled an arrow out of his quiver and set the arrow, and so with a twang, it soared and landed in the throat of the Wolf just as it spotted him and began to race toward the tree with teeth bared.The wolf fell almost instantly, and Zoro retrieved his arrow from the animal shortly after using his hunting knife to avoid letting the death be in vain. The wind whispered through the trees as he made off with his light load, and took once more to the branches, nimbly. Later, In the City of Trees, he kept his advantage of foliage cover. He watched everyone from above, from the higher ups to the lowly Warriors he had "travelled" with. No one could see him, but he was there.
"And this, is probably where I am gone, huh?" Jose noted as the drums ratted their last tat. "Hey, just because we're taking on the big boss doesn't mean that you'll be right away." "That? I do not care about, you know." Jose danced about merrily in a tango by himself. "Me, I want to see what you can do now. At least I get to see." Base nodded... but there was a problem. "It's still not ready... Like, I feel like I'm ready to unleash it... but like it's not the right time." "Maybe I just don't get the gravity of the situation." Jose said as he nudged Karina in the elbow. "You know?" "I'll do something else. It may not be very strong, but here it goes!" Base shouted as he readied his combo at the the Symphony Master, and struck.
Personally, I wouldn't mind going to Wonderland. But I want to see the other worlds before I choose.
Base shouted to Kel, "You are strong, but I think you might need a hand on this one." And so Base struck at the Drums since his own targetted instrument was no more. They were cutting down more and more on the Symphony Master's defense, and Base was sure this was a great assest that they were nearly done with the instruments. Once they were dealt with, dealing with the Big Boss would probably take very little time. "Base." Jose called. "I am riding this one solo a the current momento." "I know. I'm sorry." "Do not be. I want to tell you something important. I won't be here in a little while, I am sure, to say, you know?" Jose seemed unfettered in the likely face of his demise. "What is it?" "That thing you were waiting for. You are ready." Base was initially shocked at the newsworthy comment, but nodded his head in compliance soon after. "Thank you." "Hey. No Problem, huh?" Jose tipped his hat and dusted off his cigar with a smile.