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  1. Sebax
    "Be that as it may, er Wait! Come back here!" Cyprus first spoke to Equitas before failing to catch a fleeing Topaz. "Topaz." He dashed after the girl, understanding her predicament; but he understood the dire situation more. She was gone; out of sight. Worse yet, he'd forgotten how to get back to the other students at that point... and the darkness was seeping in. That was when he felt its presence; Haunter was close, and he saw it at the same time he saw Topaz. Haunter did not seem to have Eve, but it seemed like the Gas Pokemon would soon have Topaz as well.

    "Lucia!" Cyprus called for his absent Pokemon, hoping she would hear him in this situation. There was not much a Ghost-Type could do with a Normal-Type like Eevee, but the consequences would be much worse if Haunter managed to get at the young girl's life force. His cry was answered when a burst of bright light erupted from behind him; a fiery orb flew through the air and collided with Haunter, making it fade into the air. Cyprus knew the attack had not fainted the Haunter, but only caused it some distress... if Lucia couldn't 1HKO it, then they were dealing with a very strong Shiny Haunter. "Topaz, it's too dangerous here, follow me back to the others and we can figure out a way to save Eve, okay?" He hoped his appeasement would work; he couldn't just abandon a beloved Pokemon, and he wouldn't let that terror overrule him on his campus, and in his Pokemon Center.
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 3, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sebax
    I shall break out the party favors. Happy New Year.
    Post by: Sebax, Jan 3, 2014 in forum: Community News & Projects
  3. Sebax
    I will be critiquing as well as commenting on the obvious quality of the piece. P= Paragraph, and L=the line of that particular paragraph to which I am referring at that time. Unfortunately, my schedule will not allow me to read each lengthy chapter in one sitting, but I must commend the application of length to each. Simply, look back here every now and again, and I may have completed a chapter after some time.

    • "A grand source illuminated the morning sky, white clouds scattered like lilies in a pond filled with cascading petals of almost intangible light." L1-2, P1
    This sentence needs a conjunction or some kind of connecting word to make it make more sense. "A grand source illuminated the morning sky while white clouds scattered..." "A grand source illuminated the morning sky, and white cloud scattered..."

    • " It was like drizzling balls of light, snowing through the season changes"
    "They were like drizzling balls of light" works better here, grammar wise. Also, this is less imperative, but I don't think "drizzling balls" work together; it's not that my mind is in the gutter, it's just that it doesn't seem to flow well with the rest of the sentence, because it seems so much simpler than everything else's detail.

    Honestly, looking back, this is pathetic. Not your story. Your story is a marvel of progress simply based upon how dedicated you are to it. What's pathetic is I couldn't even commit to finish analyzing a chapter of something I did find interesting. xD
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 31, 2013 in forum: Written Works
  4. Sebax
    How does it feel to be people who completely carry the weight of epitomizing what Kingdom Hearts is all about? Seriously, grand showmanship from everyone and I felt overjoyed just watching this. Through this year on KHV, I have had a creative renaissance of my own; between KHSOS (Krowley's doing) and the people that I have met: it has been a wonderful year that I look forward to seeing another one of on this site. So many staffers are so charmingly European (I thought British for PaW and Ienzo, but I like to be general about things I am not 100% sure of) and some staffers should be more confident of their looks *Nudges Misty*. Merry late birth day of Capaldi's Who- erm, I mean, well, you know... that other Holiday-related birthday; and all the other holidays I hope were rather splendidly spent as well.

    I am proud to be a member of this site, and that I do not say lightly.
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 28, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects
  5. Sebax
    EDIT: All of the story has been posted to the thread as of December 28th, 2013 at 2:06 AM EST.

    Oh darnit, someone else already did the whole Satana act Oh well; I AM SANTA STITCH! HO! HO! HO! Merry Christmas! Stitch has one complete and one incomplete gift for ...hmmm... Where is the list...? OooOOooo, @JACK ❆ (Saxima)

    The complete gift is a comic based off of "Adventure Time". I am not, per say, an artist, but I can draw well enough to express my imagination, so I hope this will do.

    The second gift is a tad bit incomplete. It's finished, but will be posted here, with a chapter every day at roughly 2 PM EST. A Novella for Saxima that I hope she will treasure:


    ‘Twas the night before Christmas, and by Santa’s workshop the Guardians could be found; Santa, known as North, had called the Guardians there on the direst of situations. Even in the direst situations, however, not all the Guardians behaved themselves.

    “Jack! Get back down here!” A hefty voice exclaimed, with an even heftier accent. “This is no time for games!”

    “It’s winter, and there is always time for games.” A lively young male voice called from the winds outside the workshop, where the snow laid all around in a white winter spectacle. From out of thin air, a soft snowball formed; this was a floating snowball that was whisked, at top speed, toward a bearded face, and made swift impact.

    North whipped the frost from his face and beard with a shake of his shoulders. “Do you even know why you were called?” North could not see the prankster, but he knew the name of the invisible throwing hand. “Would you come down, Jack Frost, if I told you that Christmas is in danger?” There was silence and no more snowballs were made at that time.

    “Wait, as in “Danger” danger?” A flittering, glittering sight buzzed in on her glossy wings while her many scales shone in the bright, but mild sun. The Tooth Fairy was legitimately concerned.

    “Yes, I’m afraid it’s true.” North’s bearded head sank, against his thick winter robe, and it sat on his broad chest. “The most important holiday of the year is in great danger, my friends.”

    “I doubt that.” A freshly formed hole in the ground by North’s feet said, as a man-sized rabbit hopped out it. “Easter isn’t for another few months, mate.”

    North’s sad expression changed, quickly, to a jealous rage. “I do not mean Easter! I mean the one the children of the world actually care about!” North crossed his arms and stared the bunny in the eyes.

    “Hold up.” Jack Frost appeared from the ether, his form had become visible, and he hovered just above the ground; his staff in his hand. “Why exactly is Christmas in danger?” The wintery spirit had become emotionally attached to the moment at hand.

    North tried his hardest to balance being explanative and bigger than the bunny, but the act caused the toy-maker some stress in the process. “Every Christmas, what do the children look forward to under their tree?”

    “Toys.” Jack said with a smile on his face. There was many a year he’d spent making sure that every child who received a sled for Christmas could have at least one grand ride out of it before suffering the task of growing up and forgetting the fun.

    “What is the thing that brings joy to the faces of small children when they hear the name “Santa Claus”?” North lead another question as he started back towards the doors of his workshop.

    Sandman, who would have almost disappeared in silence if you didn’t know he was there, conjured up a sight of wispy yellow toys made of his sand. The choo-choo train rounded North’s head, and the toymaker nodded.

    “That’s right; toys. Which are all,” North threw open the doors to reveal a gray sight, “Gone.” He such said with a swiftly sinking heart as he looked the situation dead in the face; his workshop was completely empty save for the desks and the giant globe in the center of the room. “Come in, and look at the globe, my friends.” North directed the group over. Every face instantly went into shock when they each realized not what was there, but what was not; not a light was to be seen on the entire expanse.

    “No, no. How can that be?” Tooth Fairy flew to every corner of the golden globe, trying her hardest to see just one faint glimmer. “It’s not even Christmas yet.”

    Even the Easter bunny’s ears flopped back and his eyes went wide in disbelief. His jaw dropped as he endlessly stared at the shabby sphere. “This doesn’t happen much.” Bunny trailed off, his mind running all over his head.

    Jack’s eyes narrowed. “I remember when this happened before, but I didn’t think it could happen again.”

    “Then you doubt just how good I am.” An ethereal, sickly dark voice teased from the shadows hanging all around. “Or, more like it, how bad I am.” Shadows from all around the setting gathered together like drops of dew to collect in one spot on the globe; at the very top. When the shadows finished gathering, a grim sight was seen. “Now you’ll know what it’s like. Now every child knows the name “Boogeyman”, and has forgotten every-last-one-of-you.” He spat each and every last word with the most sickening of a condescending tone.

    “How?!” North cried out indignantly. “How did you manage to do this right beneath our noses!?” North pulled the twin steel swords from his side, and cast his furry hat to the ground.

    The Boogeyman laughed fiendishly as he strolled about the circumference of the sphere; defying gravity as he walked with grace. “It’s funny. All those children I had to invade the dreams of, and there was only one person whom I could get to undo all the magic you fairy tales taint the world with every year on your own pathetic watch.” He was being extremely obtuse, and it did not settle in the Guardians well at all. The Boogeyman grasped his cloak and stared each of his foes in the face. “One girl was all it took to throw the world into another age of fear.” He threw open his hand and from his palm flew tendrils of black smoke that formed a cage above everyone’s head. In a flash, a lying form popped into the cage; she was young, but not a child, rather she looked to be in her early 20's or late teens. “Who you are looking at is a person called “Saxima” on the site where I found her. She writes, you see. All I had to do was get her to write about what I wanted her to write about.”

    “One girl?” The Easter Bunny lifted one eyebrow and bent one ear in his confusion.

    The Boogeyman sneered. “Don’t doubt the power of what the mortals call “The Internet”.”

    “I use that thing all the time. Admittedly, I find it a little creepy that there’s a site that tracks my progress around the world every year; but it’s nice to see the kids keep track.”

    “Creepy?!” Boogeyman sneered, and he began to sing in a tone lacking enthusiasm. “’He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake’.”

    “Everybody gets me on that one, but how else do you expect me to know who’s been naughty or nice?” North had lost some argumentative footing in the face of his wordy opponent.

    “Creepy.” Boogeyman punctuated his insult curtly. “But it doesn’t matter anymore, thanks to this gir-” The dark presence cast a sharp smile before looking up to find… nothing. The cage was empty. “What?!” Pitch’s bartering chip had vanished into thin air.

    Meanwhile, up above, in the clouds, Jack was carrying the former captive as swiftly as the winds would take him. Whoever this girl was (The Boogeyman had said she went by “Saxima” somewhere?) he at least figured that she had to be mortal; and a mortal at her age probably didn’t believe in fairy tales anymore. That would be fine, so long as he reached the ground before she woke up; to her eyes, she’d be flying through the air without any logical means. As soon as Jack found a secluded mountain top, he swooped down to its snowy surface and laid the sleeping girl in a firmer patch on a flat surface. It was a temporary place until he could figure out what to do. He’d snatched the girl away from the wispy clutches of her former prison, but who knew what kind of powers the Boogeyman had over her. Jack looked over shoulder at Saxima and paced. “I can’t just leave her here, but what if the Boogeyman just finds her back in a mortal city?” He took his staff and laid it across his lap while he sat Indian style in front of Saxima; he was in a serious situation. It got worse when he spotted that she was waking up.

    “No, no, please. Don’t let me swallowed up.” Saxima murmured as she entered the middle world between Dreams and Reality. Jack Frost took some steps back, and was glad he did, when a black, monstrous pair of sandy, sharp teeth opened wide above her. Jack took a stand an blasted the maw with his staff; a bright burst of ice infused with the power of fun was all it took to cast the black magic out of the sand. The burst of bright light that resulted in the sudden change was too bright for even the Guardian’s eyes, and so he shielded his icy blue eyes with his icy blue jacket sleeve. When the light had faded, all that was left was a small form of golden sand that hovered above Saxima’s head. Intrigued, Jack flew closer to Saxima and the visual indicator of her dream. When he noticed the short hair, the hoodie, the staff, and the telltale smirk of the tiny hovering figure, Jack knew in an instant a detail he tried and tried to wrap his head around. “She’s dreaming about me…” Jack trailed off as he noticed that Saxima no longer looked quite as tortured in her sleep; her skin wasn’t as sickly pale an her eyelids weren’t as dark. He was looking at her eyes when they opened. Panic flooded him. This was the first time he was the one being frozen instead of the other way around. He didn’t know if a dream was enough to say that she believed in anything, let alone him. When he didn’t fly out of sight, he soon was told the answer.

    “You’re… Jack Frost, aren’t you?” Saxima spoke tiredly.

    Jack simply nodded, stupefied.

    “I had this terrible nightmare that seemed to last forever.” Saxima yawned midway through her sentence. “It made me think…you weren’t real.”

    “Maybe this is just another dream.” Jack was far from pleased to hear the Boogeyman’s voice in his ear. “Now, now. We can’t have you waking up and spoiling all the beautiful darkness we made together.” Out of the cloak of black shades, the Boogeyman appeared on the small mountaintop. “Not after having you lead the entirety of the world right into my grasp.” As the villain clutched his hand, dark horses of sand erupted from the sides of the mountaintop and raced towards Saxima.

    “I would never help you.” Saxima spat back.

    “But you did. Your nightmares were the perfect fodder to gain back the power I needed. Casting darkness into your dreams made me more powerful than any of those pathetic would be heroes you apparently look up to.” The Boogeyman hissed as he let the tiny golden Jack Frost fly to him before swatting it away like an insect. The image of the Guardian was gone, and the foe faced that with confidence. “I know the real thing is still here though. You’re the one I didn’t have to kill Jack; back at the rinky dink toy factory.”

    Jack knew what his adversary was trying to do; he was manipulating him to believe him so Jack would race in hotheaded. The problem was: he was hotheaded. He couldn’t know for certain that the Boogeyman had hurt his friends, but Jack did have the evidence the Boogeyman was a coward to his advantage; the nightmare king would run away if he were outnumbered by the Guardians. Jack Frost tried to keep a cool head. “I know you’re a coward, Pitch.” Jack spoke his mind.

    “Hmph. Says the one who’s invisible.” The Boogeyman sighed heavily before lightly strolling down to Saxima and grabbing her by the throat. A look of obsessed fiery fury possessed his eyes as he lifted the girl off her feet. “Now, I’m going to tell you once: I’ve already won. I can throw this worthless girl off the mountain and I’ll still have my power.” He was firmly in control, even while Saxima tried to kick and force Pitch to release his grip. She was already suffocating with his bony fingers around her neck.

    “You’re the cause of my nightmares. I knew it.” Saxima hissed at the prideful monster. “I knew you were real.”

    Pitch laughed. “That’s right. The first one to do so after my fall, and you’re the one who let me free. Isn’t that a lovely thought.” The Boogeyman teased Saxima and Jack in their predicament.

    “I believed in you because I knew there had to be darkness, when there was also light.” Saxima gasped; the cold and the strain on her windpipe was getting to her very quickly. “Where there is meanness, there also has to be fun to make it go away.”

    “How idealistic.” Pitch raised her higher and tightened his grip, smiling evily to himself.

    “She’s right though.” Jack made swift action while Saxima had the Boogeyman distracted. With one crack from his staff, Boogeyman went flying head over heels; and Saxima went soaring from his reach. So close to the edge, Pitch went fully over the edge, while Saxima just barely caught a weak root sprouting from the face of the mountain. For someone who could fly, it was no issue for Jack to swoop down and rescue her, but fortune quickly turned; he was curtailed from his rescue when a sandy black horse beat him to her. It bucked and whinnied as it tossed Saxima onto its bridle with a kick.

    “You’re the Guardian of Mischief, right?” Saxima held onto the horse’s amorphous mane as it continued to try and throw her from where it had placed it; it leaped across the sky, just out of reach no matter how much Jack tried to chase it down.

    “H-How do you know that?!”Jack threw a snowball at the horse, midflight, but wound up hitting Saxima instead. “Sorry.”

    “It’s alright. But, really, I just know. For one thing,” Saxima screamed as the horse nearly succeeded in throwing her off, “I saw you in my dreams.”

    “What?” Jack was befuddled by the claim. Who was this girl?

    His thoughts were interrupted by a second scream from Saxima as she was thrown off and cast down, high above any nearby solid earth. Jack dived for her, and caught her well before impact. Floating in midair together, with Saxima in his arms, he was soon again faced by Pitch. The Boogeyman arrived skyward on the back of one of his own dark steeds.

    “She shouldn’t still believe in you. No one should.” Pitch was noticeably out of breath; the fall had taken a lot of him.

    “Can you imagine… if no one believed in you though?” Saxima questioned.

    “That was already my curse.” Pitch bit back. “Now, it’s their turn.” The Boogeyman started to laugh before he noticed the other two staring at him in shock. “Afraid?” He noticed their expressions and stared them down, chortling.

    “No… you’re feet.” Jack said cryptically, his eyes fixated on the wisps of shadows that were shrouding Pitch’s feet.

    “What is this?!” Pitch’s horse reared up as it burst all at once into tiny ebony particles; Pitch was blasted back and so continued to fall once more. The shadow that held his feet spread up his legs and quickly engulfed his entire form as he descended.

    “What’s going on?” Saxima asked as she and Jack watched; neither of them moved a muscle.

    “I don’t know.” Jack dived once more, catching up with the freefalling Boogeyman. Jack saw the face of the horrible entity in a twisted, agonized rage as Pitch screamed and screamed, as though in pain. Before either of them hit any ground, Pitch was…gone; vanished in the black cloud that had swallowed him. Silence dominated the mountain air while Jack and Saxima tried to wrap their heads around the sudden change in fortunes. “I can bring you back.” Jack said abruptly, turning and flying off back to North’s Toy Factory without a second thought.


    “What do you mean he just ‘disappeared?’” North was beside himself with the questions that flooded his head.

    The Easter Bunny half-hopped, half-paced the floorboards of the grey factory. “Bad dreams nevah go ‘way.”

    Saxima was facing each and every one of the Guardians in the lonely, devoid office of the big man himself. “I don’t know what happened. I don’t even know what I’m doing here.”

    “That makes five of us.” North groaned, rubbing his broad nose to relieve the stress accumulating at the top of the bridge. He was corrected when hit by a snowball of golden sand, and he realized his flaw when he spotted a cross Sandman. “Oh, right… sorry, Sandy. Six of us.” Sandman nodded his silent approval.

    “Your teeth aren’t so bad off. You take very good care, don’t y-” Tooth Fairy was hovering around Saxima, being a little too forward by examining Saxima’s teeth a little forcibly.

    “Now is not the time, Tooth.” North pointed out abruptly. “Pitch has vanished, and we do not know to where, so…we do not know what to prepare for…or how to fix all of this.”

    “What exactly happened out there?” Bunny asked, somewhere on the border of inquisitive and interrogative.

    “She just asked Pitch a question and then, well, I don’t know what.” Jack put in his answer defensively.

    “Do you think she had anything to do with it?” North inquired.

    “Woa, no! I’m not that special, okay?” Saxima found the idea she had anything to do with what happened…she found it weirder than anything else that was happening. She was in the same room as the Big Five: Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Sandman, the Tooth Fairy, and Jack Frost. She had almost been killed by the Boogeyman and his Night Mares. This was a bit too much to chew.

    “You’re right. Sorry.” North complied.

    “Wow, thanks.” Saxima said a bit sarcastically; after all, Santa Claus had just told her that she wasn’t special. She walked over to the window. Anything these fairy tales had to figure out, it had to be with some distance between her and them.

    “Meanwhile, Pitch is probably still out there, somewhere. How else do you explain the fact he vanishes in exactly what he controls?” North demanded to know.

    “I’ve never seen him use the kind of powers I saw him vanish in. It’s like something was doing it to him. Some sort of powerful magic.”

    “Nobody has that kind of- Rachmaninoff…” North started a rebuttal, but he was stunned beyond any words beside the name of a Russian composer; his allies knew him, and they knew he did such naming when startled by something. No one else was facing what North was facing, so each began to wonder… until they each saw Saxima, who was covered in bright moonbeams.

    Again, Jack just had to ask, but this time aloud, “Who is this girl? Maybe she…maybe she is special?”

    “Like it or not, but you’re really at the center of all this.” Tooth eased in to Saxima.

    “Center.” North heard the word and a light lit in his eyes. “Tell me, Saxima: what is your center?”

    “My center?” Saxima turned around to face the Guardians.

    “What is your purpose in the world; what do you give?”

    “I have pretty strong beliefs.” Saxima nodded.

    North chuckled. “Well, if you didn’t, then you couldn’t be here now.” He looked at her in the light of the moon. “It would appear as though the man in the moon is trying to tell us that there is, actually, something special about you; something very special.”

    “You can tell that by the moon?” Saxima asked.

    North nodded, as did the other Guardians.

    “He’s the one who told me I was going to be a Guardian. When the Man in the Moon tells you something, then you should probably listen.”

    “Or maybe I just walked close to the window?” Saxima tried to point out, but as she walked away from the window, the moonbeams followed her. “Or not.”

    Most curious of all, tiny trails of “0”s ad “1”s started to trail out from Saxima the same way snowflakes occasionally surrounded Frost. “North, is there anyone paying attention to the department of information and ideas?” Jack asked.

    “Is that your center?” North lumbered closer to the young woman.

    “Uh, sure?” Saxima could not doubt the oddity that flitted about her. “Something has to explain this.”

    “You’re lucky. North’s center is a tiny wooden baby.” Jack leaned on his staff and winked at North coyly.

    “Saxima, this is your name, right?” North asked.

    “Yes.” Saxima replied.

    “I will not question the man in the moon; no matter how odd the circumstance. I am thinking… you are a Guardian.” As North said what he did, the glow radiating around Saxima brightened and faded to leave behind a luminescence coming directly from Saxima. It was a faint green glow that covered her from head to toe. “Do you accept the mantle as the Guardian of Ideas?”

    Something broke and repaired itself in Saxima’s eyes. One moment, she was staring blankly up at him, and the next she had leaped up to wrap her arms around his shoulders to give the most enthusiastic hug imaginable. “This is not happening.”

    “Careful.” North took the hug kindly and returned it, patting Saxima on the back. “Is that anyway for a Guardian to believe?”

    “Right. Oh! Right! I do believe.” Saxima dashed out to the factory and shouted her new mantra at the top of her lungs as she looked out the grey and dismal shop. “I believe!” Her words came to life before the eyes of every Guardian, old and new. A cloud of neon green trickled from her level and whisked through the toy shop as though her words flew on the wings of hummingbirds. Two simple words brightened what had become lifeless, and, slowly, each and every elf returned from thin air along with their work; the toys. The last effect to be witnessed was a new source of light in the great chamber: the globe lit up beautifully as each and every light that had gone out naturally came back. Saxima looked out to the beauty with an adoration that filled every corner of her soul, and when North and Jack both stood by her side, she felt completely overwhelmed by the moment.

    “Just in time. It seems you needed us to believe in you for them to believe in us.” North pointed one finger towards the globe. “As a Guardian now, it is your job to make sure the ideas of children glow as brightly as your mind.”

    The moment caught up with her. “Wait, woa, I’m not…y’know…dead, am I?” Saxima felt like she was going to be sick.

    “No.” Jack quickly eased the wooziness Saxima was feeling. “In fact, you probably need to get back to wherever Pitch took you from.”

    “Ah, then you are lucky and unlucky; it is Christmas Eve.” North looked to Saxima and the others. “If you do not mind riding around the world, then there is no problem with bringing you back to your life as soon as possible.”

    “Can my house be the last stop?”

    “Of course.”

    “I get to see the sleigh?!”

    Tooth giggled and Bunnymund chuckled heartily. North laughed from the belly and slapped Jack Frost on the back. “She is a bit like you, Frost. Everyone loves the sleigh.”

    ~The End~
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 25, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Sebax
  7. Sebax
  8. Sebax
    Profile Post Comment

    By all means. : )

    By all means. : )
    Profile Post Comment by Sebax, Dec 24, 2013
  9. Sebax
    Intolerable. Absolutely intolerable. Not only did that boy practically hang on his shoulder, but he also made that embarrassing display of himself. Luc-Vincent could not empathize; such an ability had died in him ages ago. Still, the theft then rejection from the thief was enough to make Luc-Vincent even consider the boy pathetic. He shook it out of his mental space and continued with his day. He made his purchases and left back for home. Dinner was always the same, even if the meal changed slightly ever so often. He lived alone; he dined alone. That was his empty and lonely life. He loved it that way. He survived, and there was no one to tie him down save for the occasional "babysitting" job he had to perform every now and again during hunts and guarding. Luc-Vincent cleaned his firearms for evening, and simply meditated; surrounded by his tools of destruction, then he could think clearly.

    He meditated for well over two hours, while locked in a zen state. When he opened his eyes to find it was night, he simply finished off the rest of the soup he had made from the ingredients he had purchased. Breathing in the scent of it, he was reminded of the Marketplace and the two he had seen there; he didn't like giving them another thought. He could only hope that he would not see them in his dreams; actually, it would be better if he did not dream at all, because he could not recall the last time one had been pleasant. He fell into his bed (Everything he owned fell into the category of "High-End Merchandise in disrepair", and the stained and disheveled King-sized matress was not exception) which was at least permissably comfortable, but when he tried to close his eyes: there they were again.

    "Stupid idiot..." Luc-Vincent grumbled to himself, his voice raspy as he had been asleep for longer than he'd realized before he thought of the boy and girl from the Market. It was the middle of the night, and he loathed the hour; it was when he felt weakest. The night was when Zombies held the tactical advtange, since they could see in the dark (Or so he heard) and he could not. He hated sleep as well; it was when he was giving anything and everything a clear shot at his living flesh. Still, he, like everyone else, needed sleep; so he chose to sleep through the darker hours so he only had to face the light. He closed his eyes; he waited for the dawn.
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Sebax
    Size: 1366x768
    Text: "Cyprus"
    Font Preference: (Solid)
    Other: If the overall theme could be either subtle Gothic or blended Gothic/Industrial, then that would be lovely.

    Krowley referred me. I can never find a good Wallpaper for my two favorites, and I like your work so, if you please.

    Liking your top post as front payment.

    Happy Holidays
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 24, 2013 in forum: Art Shop
  11. Sebax
  12. Sebax
    A phantom of gaseous poison floating through the air, Haunter laughed as it watched Eve try to make any progress with the door. "Hauuunnnnteeerrrrr..." It phased in directly before the Eevee and gave it a good lick across the face with a noxious and slimy tongue. It's sharp eyes then turned to Topaz, mid-lick, and the jagged smile on its face grew wider. It picked up Eve with both of its free-floating hands before whisking the Pokemon away, down the corridor, and out of sight. It faded into darkness and stayed hidden; out of sight. In the dark crevice, it cackled evily to itself and stroked Eve with one of its hands.

    Back where Haunter had been...
    "Topaz, is that you and Eve out there?" Cyprus banged on the door, until it at last slammed open; Haunter was no longer there to keep him inside. "Topaz, you need to get out this area. We all need to evacuate the Pokemon Center. Haunter's tongue has sapping powers that fatigue the victim, and it will sometimes go on until the victim faints from exhaustion, or worse." He looked to the young girl. "Come now, we must join the others and try to figure out how to get out of here as quickly as possible."

    Out on the airstrip...

    "Aye, that I do, young miss. Peeko won quite a few of them, I owe it to her good name to say." Mr. Briney responded joyously to Amethyst. "Why do you ask?"
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 23, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sebax

    I'm Amaury

    The answer is simple: When the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie, that's Amaury.
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 23, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Sebax
    Taking on the Story for Wonderland, the remaining Character Image Galleries, and I'll be going around the different pages to do some fine tuning.

    Also, could I receive the credit for my past contributions such as the majority of the Character Galleries and pretty much the entire Pachyderm Parade page?

    EDIT: Completed* the Character section and the Character Image Gallery for Kingdom of the Sun.
    "The Three Banditos" need to split up into their three components: Jose, Panchito, and Donald.

    EDIT 2: Dwarf Woodland now has a Character Image Gallery.

    EDIT 3: Great Forest now has a Character Image Gallery.

    EDIT 4: Nottingham now has a Character Image Gallery.

    EDIT 5: Deep Jungle now has a Character Image Gallery.
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 22, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  15. Sebax
    Knuckles bled as punch after punch landed on the stuffed dummy Luc-Vincent had constructed for himself to practice on. In the world he lived in, Melee and Martial Arts were not practical; they were a weapon only effective against the living, and attempting to cuff a member of the living dead was begging for a bite. He did not punch for the experience of hitting his fists against something, but instead it was for Stamina and to keep his torso well-muscled; two factors that were key survival techniques to practice, at least within the confines of his own head. How long had it been since he'd uttered a single syllable? The number of landed punches in a minute was more than how many words had escaped his lips in the past month alone. In the Living District, he was toying mentally with how much anyone living there actually was "living". Nobody. Everybody there was as much dead as any of the crawlers wandering the forgotten world as starving bodies that were vacated by the souls that they had once housed. A French youth, Luc-Vincent was found and lost all at once in the city he called his new home. One, two, one, two, Luc-Vincent practiced in his self-made hermitage. Of course, the elder expected him to do his part; so little of humanity was left that even the alienated were wanted. 'How pathetic that I become to useful now, huh?' He internalized his feeling of loathing toward what remained of his people. There were no more of his people. Parisians were the French, if that city even still stood. That was the truly terrifying thing Luc-Vincent feared about zombies: they never stopped being hungry. Creatures alive or dead will do some crazy things to get what they want when they're hungry, and zombies, with their constant hunt for human flesh, were obviously no exception.

    Speaking of hunger, working up such a sweat had worked up as equal a hunger. Luckily, he personally had no desire for living flesh, so there was a chance he could be accepted in the Market District. He wasn't a zombie, but his brooding and dark nature was enough to set people on high alert; fortunately, anyone who was not a zombie and was willing to prolong the human race's existence was at least tolerated, even if they were pariah within the walls. 'Well, not going to get rid of this unless I just go.' Luc-Vincent did not like to talk, and commerce demanded communication of some kind; he'd have to talk to get his next meal, but, lucky for him, anyone selling something usually just needed to hear one word. He let the one word out softly to himself as he picked up his Glock 17 from his desk and hid it in the holster under his shabby, brown leather jacket. "Price." He shut the door without locking it; what was there to steal, and who would even steal it? There were some perks to the fear of the public and the fear that came with being mysterious.

    Faces in the dwindling population were at least familiar. How much did it mean to know some of the last remaining people? How much were those people even worth compared to those who were gone? He didn't leave himself out of the question; he didn't know why he still was oxidizing and doing the whole "living" deal after seeing what he'd seen. Luc-Vincent had had his fair share of near-death experiences. Maybe that was the worth: he could shoot well; better than well, because he was still liked by some even though he didn't like them and they never spoke. Luc-Vincent lived because of fast escape vehicles and even faster reflexes when it came down to him or a zombie between a trigger and a barrel. He lived because he was blessed with marksmanship, but he died too everyday because he was cursed with silence. He walked the street of the Living District cool and collected; he'd probably walk alone, which didn't bother him in the slightest; he treasured his loneliness unbroken.
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Sebax
    So long as a problem is known, that's all that matters to me. Alright. Thanks for referring me to this page anyway; it was very useful.
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 21, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects
  17. Sebax

    Brief: As mentioned in the previous thread where I brought this up, alerts only show the User Avatars and the time the posted, but neither where nor how. Luckily, it seems that this is limited to past alerts before the update, because my alerts seem to be running fine presently. Still, might be something to keep an eye on.

    I love the update. It's KHV in the age of Mobile devices and it just looks so much nicer. The fact everything is easier to read than trying to force the eye to take in thin grey text on a different shade of grey background is pretty nice. The Golden-brown Hyperlinks are my personal favorite new part of the new look.
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 21, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects
  18. Sebax

    Apparently Dr_Wigglz and I have this problem. Figured this was a likely place for Misty to see it, and also get some feedback from the returning Users.

    Brief: The Alert page shows the User avatar and when they posted, but not where or in what way. Not sure if this problem will skip and jump in the modern look, but it could be bothersome.

    EDIT: Loving the "Draft Saved" bit. Who is my Hero?
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Sebax
    Golden Hyperlinks, bold, readable white text against a palatable background? Sleeker and more fluid design to the User display? I'm beginning to like this, and despite my adversity to change... But... Six hours were counted by my watch alone. That's ample, not few.
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Sebax
    Stitch twiddled his clawed thumbs. His neck-tie, a spacey blue speckled with tiny white "stars", was too tight; he loosened and straitened it ever so slightly to alleviate the pressure on his throat. To rest the pressure on his spirit, he bowed his blue, squat head to look down at his blue-flowered lei; it contrasted well with his navy blue three-piece suit. Stitch Pelekai cleared his throat by coughing into his paw, holding a sign reading "Shinema" in scrawled black letters in his other paw across his chest. The airport was a mess of people coming and going, and the more Stitch realized he was at knee-level of most of the passerby the more he realized that this complicated his mission. He was a teacher after all; Veterinary Science. Picking this one student from the airport was a singular task to him; a temporary position. Still... he wanted to keep the cool limousine driver hat that sat atop his head. Being a life form of exceptional intelligence, his mind was always thinking faster than a super computer, but he was constantly doing things a computer could not; the longer he stood there, holding his sign and a purple lei, the more he silently wondered why he had to stand there on the curb, just outside the terminal, waiting for Tuki Shinema. He'd heard that she was rich and famous, but... did that mean she was a spoiled little girl who used power to make authority bow to her? Stitch growled like a dog at the thought. "Peh...Myrtle." The thought reminded him of a person from his true home in Hawaii and he sneered; it had been ten years that had passed since he first met Lilo, and he had grown since, but not so much, as his aging process was slow. Stitch was almost too lost in thought to pay any attention to the soft flutter of wings behind him.

    Meanwhile, Mr. Stu Deeoh's Pidgeot had touched down at Narita Airport, just behind the line of sight of a small blue alien in a suit. Pidgeot and Tuki Shinema, with her Trainer Card, Pokedex, and bag stood on the roof of the Limousine parked. Tuki sneaked a giggle when she spotted the sign Stitch was holding. She stood firm on the roof, wearing her purple dress and with her turquoise bag over her shoulder. "Hey, I think you're waiting for moi?" Tuki called down in a friendly tone as the Pidgeot flew off to the skies once more.

    Stitch wheeled around and looked up. "Huh?" Stitch turned around too fast and lost his balance, causing him to land on his rump.

    Tuki's mood turned from cheery to concerned on a dime. "So sorry. Hang on, I'll help you up." Tuki jumped down from the roof of the limo onto the curb. Luckily, she didn't have the eggs to worry about; they were safely in a lab where they would be sent to her PC once they had hatched. Tuki was down on the ground as swiftly as the wind to help Stitch back up to his feet.

    "Tuki...Shinema?" Stitch asked in his peculiar voice.

    Tuki raised an eyebrow at the tonal quality of the Chauffeur's voice, but giggled pleasantly. "Yes, that's me. Are you with Nintendo High?" She sat on her perfectly crafted knees in order to get more on the driver's level.

    "Eh. Yes." Stitch affirmed in two languages; his own and English. "Welcome, Tuki Shinema, to Tokyo, Japan and to the student body of Nintendo High." Stitch placed the lei over Tuki's head and around her neck gently. "We are glad to have you. My name Stitch...erm... is Stitch... Pelekai." Old habits died hard, but Stitch smiled a toothy smile.

    Tuki smiled back. The lei had been a nice gesture, but it was a bit odd to her. Why the flowers as a necklace? The custom seemed odd to her, but so did everything else that was so strange to her life in Unova.

    "Where are you from?" Stitch tried making side-talk as he opened the door to the Limo's back seat for Tuki.

    "Unova. It's a region inhabited by the oddest little creatures called "Pokemon", and I work there as an actress in the movies. Oh, the Pokemon are so wonderful. I work with them in films, but normally, people use the little creatures to batt- oh!" She caught herself as she sat down in the luxurious back seat. She suddenly came to the conclusion that maybe it wasn't best to say that "Where I come from, we capture tiny creatures in a ball and use them to fight each other" when her chauffeur was a tiny, odd creature almost like a Pokemon. But... he could talk. No, that didn't work, because she had met plenty of Pokemon that had been trained to at least imitate spoken languages and beyond for a film. She didn't know the process of how to get them to do it, but she knew it was possible. "How long should the drive be?" She asked just as Stitch shut the door. There was silence for a moment. "Stitch?"

    "The ride will not be long."

    Tuki was startled by the suddenly new voice that came from the front seat. She could not see who it was in the driver's seat, but it was definitely not the being she'd just met outside. This voice had a dark, airy sophistication to it. She wanted to go back outside, but before she knew it, the limo had already peeled out onto the street. Tuki gulped. This was not anything to do with Nintendo High at all...
    Post by: Sebax, Dec 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home