@LARiA Like this?
Never realized this until now. It could be that Sora still beat Riku, but decided that highwind was the better name in KH2.
If it was 3 of them we'd have our very own KHV trinity.
Make me ice cream .
I'm already dead inside, but sure tell me how to cheat death on the outside.
Violin maybe ?
Please be a shot please be a shota. Spoiler This should last you a while.
And another one. Alright who am I ?
What am I ?
I would prefer a full remake. Though I haven't seen the hd in KH1.5 yet, if all they did was make a KH with nicer graphics, then what's the point? I remember playing KH a while back and when I saw this cut scene I noticed how the faces showed little to no expression. I would be nice to redo these scenes and give a little bit more expression, instead of Sora having a blank face most of the time.
Am I staff now ?
I thought Larxene was basically a sadist. She got enjoyment from other people's pain because that's all she can do. Zexion didn't really toy with Riku he was trying to control Riku so that he would have someone to counteract Marluxia's plan of taking control of Sora. He decided Riku was their best bet. Lexause probably had the same reason as Zexion.
someone should throw double scoops at Jiku and see what happens.
Alright, when do we start the stampede of human extermination?
Me too. Oh, and I thought a doublescoop would men gluttony since that's all she's been asking for since the post here threads started.
Teleport, give me that, and my life will be so much better for me.
What do doublescoops have to do with animals?
What the heck did I just read?
Thanks for the follow. :) Why though?
Don't play it, but a lot of people are telling me to. I only have the demo and so far I'm not that impressed. Should I get it?