It looks like a really fun game. I wouldn't mind trying it out if it was free, even if it was in Japanese. The only mana game I remember playing was Legend of Mana on the PS1 (I'm not even sure if this is considered a Mana game, btu I loved it nonetheless).
For a moment, I thought there was an actual baby. I don't know many people who actually name their cars. Try Toothless.
I put that in the survey too, mostly because this is one of the few sites I go to a lot.
Too lazy to look at google translate for a bad translation, what is he saying?
A little plot or something that happened in the webcomic might help.
Oh, this is back? two.
Frozen, and Brave sound like possible worlds in KHIII. In Brave, Merida could be part of the party, and heartless attack, and prevent the bond between the mother and daughter from being mended, which could be connected to their hearts.
I think they celebrate it March 1 considering how exactly one year later March 1 stands, where the non-existent February 29 could've been.
Sounds like fun, count me in if ever.
All these DHMIS posts. You guys need to slow down.
So what have you been up to lately?
I think it's nice that you tried to look for the owner. The adults around there must not have been thinking that someone might have needed that money to buy something important.
Hardest parts for me were choosing my favorite worlds, and games. I found it kinda funny that they asked how challenging is KH.
It was cute. It looked like a bunch of women banding together, and it was nice.
It's funny how green is slowly being put down. I never change my text color because I'm too lazy to, and I like white.
Hey, welcome to KHV, I'm sure you'll have some fun here, just be sure to read the rules. Hope you have fun and make new friends. Also, I'm awkward to so if you ever need some help or a friend I'm free.
Nope. I don't know what to think anymore.
I found a hundred pesos on the ground once, there was no one around, so I kept it. Compared to the amounts you guys are saying this isn't really much.
I've been great :)
The return of the viola.