you get paid by me personally in rape dollars
shut up khv has always been a steaming pile of dog **** but i am here to change all that
you can be my secretary of kinky sex
Dane Cook is a ****ing toolbag and not funny in the slightest.
what sort of ******* could have done something like this
hello you sexual beast
I'm more real than anybody else here.
your brazilian is turning me the **** on
hey there sexy
I am not amused.
don't you ******s know that all angels are rectangle-shaped camera glares that hang out in hospitals
yes **** all the minorities i say we give them a choice between being gassed or enduring an extremely painful chemical procedure to make their skin white and pure like ours win/win
om nom nom nom nom i bet your man tits would be hot if they weren't on you
yo mang **** thaty bicth im better thtatn him
nah man ironically, i'm currently reading Lolita, a book about some pedophile who tries to get all janky with a twelve-year-old girl **** is so cash *resumes masturbatign*
you could also adjust your eyesight to read books that aren't ****** unlike twilight
Don't worry, man. I've got this **** under control.
this ****ing thread is the perfect ****ing example of why you little asspirates need me to take over the ****ing site under a ****** son of ****ing sam administration, there will be no mother****ing ***** ass censors
hey why are you ******s discussing twilight that **** is for flaming homosexuals