look at the poll options you ******s
this question keeps me up at night ( ・ω・)
This isn't something new. In this case it sounds like the plaintiff may have a legitimate case on her hands, but it's not unheard of for a person who has been injured to turn around and sue the Samaritan who helped them EVEN IF THEY ACTUALLY SAVED THEIR LIFE. In some European countries this kind of thing is happening on a daily basis, and yes, it is commonly employed as a ****ing despicable way to help pay off medical bills.
don't be so sure about that, cockface
also i am a mexican american and i find that video to be offensive to latinos
what is this ******y ass ****
oh hey jerome how goes it mate
cock goes where
wuats wonrg w/ ma elingerish?????????
y u fagoorts nregrarep me liek ****????????
**** yeah warrant
hey there sexy
yo man check out my negative rep bar **** is so cash
happy birthday you rascal you <3
forum politics you ****face, forum politics
don't bother, its worth a rent but the loading times are ****ing horrendous and the game is too short to be worth $60
i agree with that ****** What? this thread has been contaminated by ****wits such as rayku and ms scarlet and winter but it served its purpose before it died now i'm really ****ing horny
your profile says you are a 13 year old girl i don't mean for this to be sexual but will you give me a bj
goddamn this thread is getting me negarepped liek ****
staff ain't gonna do **** to me ***** i got connections