oh god me too
eh you seem alright
I've been on this site long enough to realize that nobody on the staff aside from Darkwatch has a ****ing sense of humor, and I'm assuming most of the banning that goes on here has something to do with that.
Two can play at that game, Jerome.
What none of you seem to realize is that KHV has not changed at all in the last year.
Why not? To answer the question prompted in this thread; I will probably be driving home from the salon at midnight. I'm not a big partier, not even close.
You know how all stores are open later on New Years Eve? Well I am getting a hair cut at exactly 11:15 p.m.
this joke is so old it could vote
long black hair, ****** color coordination, always wearing beanies? we could be twins
I decided to make one of myself instead since I tend to think everybody on this site sucks:
☐ bro ☐ not a bro ☑ ****ing hostile
your just raciest
eh yo mang you wan i shuld suck joor pene???
I don't think I've ever met an idiot online who hasn't used that as a cop out.
Engaging in homoerotic behavior is rarely the most effective way to insult somebody.
Are you insinuating that I'm a stanky ass beeeeyitch? Because if that is the case, I say "lick my balls". I was probably looking for a way to photoshop a penis over your name or something
I'm thinking an Outkast desktop would be delicious.