Well, Ezio wasn't a descendent of Altair. When you trace things in your family tree all the way back to the 1100s, things get massively complex. They may all be related to you, but they aren't necessarily related to each other.
New personal goal: Become a prem in under two weeks so I can steal your old name. Its only 500 odd posts...
People still use IGN as a reliable source for games news and reviews? I stopped that years ago...
I don't call myself a brony to try and 'be different'. I call myself that because I'm a fan of the show, just like fans of Doctor Who call themselves Whovians or Star Trek guys are Trekkies. [video=youtube;cDdg0Hqj5UI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDdg0Hqj5UI[/video]
More like its frustrating trying explain to people that evolution is a scientifically proven theory while they are still spouting their propaganda, usually in the same breath as railing on gay people. There is having a different view point and then there is a complete refusal to understand even the most basic scientific principles, and then claim that you are qualified to speak on scientific matters and determine whether younger generations are taught fact or fiction in the classroom. ... Yeah, called it, this is going to become a battlezone. I'm leaving before things get too ugly.
If you are born on April 1st, you are best friends with your best friend.
inb4 massive flame war ... But yeah, I know that feel.
I'm pretty sure that as the result of light refracting into the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, they are physically incapable of harbouring any homosexual thoughts or behaviour. A rainbow cannot be attracted to a rainbow of the same gender, because they don't have genders. Or consciousness.
I'm stuck on an island with Chuck Norris. HELL YEAH
You'd think so, wouldn't you? [video=youtube;cDdg0Hqj5UI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDdg0Hqj5UI[/video]
So tempted to post an 'Orbital Friendship Cannon' pic, but its so overdone...
I know from people saying 'Huh. It isn't that different.' You got something against rainbows?
I'm in my Uni Halls accommodation, plugged into their connection that is supposedly super-fast and one of the best out there. It takes 10 minutes to buffer 5 second youtube videos. For serious.
From what I remember of other 'YAY I'M A PREM NOW THREADS' ...it really isn't any different. You get to change your name now and then. And your name is pink. Why did they get rid of rainbow names? I liked the rainbow names.
Couldn't agree more.
If it has to be amputated, can I have it?
Fair enough, but it still seems odd to me to get so worked up over a name. And most of the people who insist about railing on those who like the show would still do it if we had a label or not. It's better than 'pony******s', 'brownies', 'my f***ing gay little pony r****ds', and various other lovely and insightful terms I've come across. Anyway, no point getting into an argument on what is otherwise an epic thread. Have some rock Scootaloo. [video=youtube;Z1NABQoH9e4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1NABQoH9e4&feature=channel_video_title[/video]