Really? That doesn't sound anything like complaining to me, those sound like some pretty damn important questions. He's been thrown into a world where he literally has no idea what is going on, of course he is going to ask questions. Would you rather he just blindly went along with everything, so the player has no idea what is happening either? That clip of him crying (The ONLY time he does so in game) is as he is right about to kill his own father, and erase himself from existence. So I think I'd be pretty emotional too. But I think we are getting off topic. This is about IGN, not Tidus.
Gender stereotyping rears it head again I guess.
Well, I live in the UK, so I don't know very much about the American Civil War, so it will interesting and new for me.
Quite a lot of people. I don't understand it either- throughout the game he maintains a cheerful and positive attitude, even when things get really, REALLY bad. Spoiler I mean, if I was catapulted 1000 years into a post apocalyptic future and told that in order to save the world (To defeat that giant flying whale that can shoot lasers, who is also my abusive father) I have to watch my girlfriend die, that my mentor was a zombie for the past 10 years, the government are all lying, the government are all zombies, and that I technically don't exist...I'd probably crawl up in a fetal position somewhere and cry. Tidus gets a little sad for a moment, then mans the hell up and goes to kill some monsters. Hardly whiny.
He is a Hobbit. Seriously though, the shoes (and his whole outfit) are based on Mickey Mouse's original design. I'm more interested in how huge his HANDS are. In the KH2 scene where he hugs Kairi, his hands literally cover her entire back. ONE OF HIS HANDS IS HALF THE SIZE OF KAIRI.
Then I propose everyone in this thread takes a moment to sit down and think of something REALLY EPIC to post, and then do so.
We need to go- *Shot* Its just, people seem to interpret any character exhibiting emotion in an RPG as 'emo' or 'whiny', and I don't see. Would they rather they would cold and without any personality? Oh wait, that sounds awfully a lot like the main characters of shooters...
Which was a light-hearted comment made in jest to his response. I don't actually think that. I love KHV, all threads should be epic.
Jeez guys, it was just a joke. No need to get so worked up about it.
Isn't that what KHV is for?
I am Commander Shepard, and this is my favourite thread on KHV.
If their main issue was the fact that the story was too complex, they how the hell have they not given Assassins' Creed an automatic zero? Story is a very important part of a game for me, and it irks me when people dismiss a game because it has a lot of cut scenes. A lot of people commenting in agreeance with them often complain that the characters are 'whiny and annoying teenagers'. Did they PLAY the games? Sora may be a teenager but he his far from whiny, overall he is very upbeat and cheerful. I see a lot of similar (unfounded) accusations thrown at Tidus from FFX, too. The fact that a bunch of whiny, annoying teenagers are whining about whiny annoying teenagers in their games continues to amuse me.
Sorry, allow me a brief moment to fangasm over the Redwall series, and Brian Jaques in general. Wow. Sorry. And also kind of off topic but related to your off topic: I didn't really like The Last Battle at all. It was okay but the deus ex machina at the end, plus the complete throwing away of Susan (Oh, she grew up and pretended it was all fake. All that character development in the previous books? Yeah, forget that, we hate her now.), ruined it for me.
Story is the most important part of a game for me. If I had just heard of the series and wanted to play it, I would go out of my way to get the old games. I imagine they sell rather cheap on amazon.
I agree. I mean, Assassin's Creed has a FAR more complex story than KH, but no one seems to be railing on that series. A person who starts playing Revelations without playing the first three games will likely have no clue what's going on. Really, KH's story isn't as complex as people think it is. There are plot twists and behind the scenes stuff, sure, but so long as you know the basic concepts its fairly easy to keep up if you pay attention. Or maybe I'm overestimating the intelligence/attention span of the average gamer.
Very good point. Other places that might be available are various temples, ruins and such from both native american tribes that were since conquered, or maybe even ruins from Aztec or Mayan civilisations. Anyone here play Project Legacy on facebook/twitter? It's a surprisingly deep game with a LOT of backstory and bonus info on the series. For example, some of the Pieces of Eden are in the form of Crystal Skulls, which allow telepathic communication. In one of the memory events Giovanni Borgia (Cesare's son, who actually grew up to become an Assassin) stowed away on Heman Cortes' ship to retrieve a Crystal Skull from Tenochtitlan. So, that may come into play at some point.
See, this is another reason I don't like creationists. The reason they are creationists is because they take everything the bible says completely literally. You know, that book written by PEOPLE over several hundred (thousands with the Old Testament) years. People make errors. People lose things in translation. More importantly, people make stuff up. If creationism is true, then by the same logic we must also accept that everything in the Bible is true. That is, we are all descended from two people (YAY INCEST ON A MASSIVE SCALE) and that we are to blame for everything they did wrong, and if you aren't a Christian then you are going to suffer unimaginable pain and horror the rest of eternity, and you will deserve it, no matter how nice of a person you are. I for one, am much happier in my belief that I do not live in such a cruel reality. The fact that it actually makes more logical sense that way helps.