So uh, yeah. 1) Why are you a good match for Sabby? I am calm, reasonable and strive to be understanding, but I still know how to have fun and enjoy myself. I don't know what kind of relationship Sabby is looking for, but if she wants someone who wants to experience life to its fullest alongside her, someone who wishes to know her on an emotional level, not just a physical one, then I am confident I would be up to the challenge. 2) On your first date where would you take Sabby? Near to where I live is a beautiful, quaint little town with a large botanical gardens and lake. I would take her on a stroll through these, getting to know her better while enjoying the scenery. After I would take her to a nearby coffee shop where we can chat (Not Starbucks though, ew.) 3) You're the first to wake up and Sabby is fast asleep next to you. How do you wake her up? Please, no perverted stuff here. Depends what kind of mood I'm in. If its the weekend and neither of us have much to do today, I would playfully nudge her awake, maybe tickle her if she is resistant. On a weekday, when I have stuff to get going to, I would gently shake her, kiss her on the forehead, and then get out of bed. 4) How would you show Sabby that you love her on a day to day basis? Its good to show this in the little things you do. A tender smile of appreciation, going out of your way to help with things, being their for her with any worries, concerns or complaints she has. If I have to say 'I love you' to make sure she knows that, then I will consider myself to have failed, because it should have been obvious from my behaviour anyway. 5) When Sabby is down how would you cheer her up? I would make sure she knows I am willing to be a soundboard for her to vent her problems onto, but I also know that sometimes people don't want to talk about their problems right away. In either case, a nice mug of hot chocolate should help her at the very least relax. Above all, be considerate and show that I am genuinely concerned. 6) If somepony made Sabby cry what would you do about it? Violence will not solve the issue, but I will make sure I know the full story and have very harsh words with them. However, that will come after I give her a reassuring cuddle and get her to calm down. 7) There is only one piece of chocolate left and Sabby is giving you the puppy dog eyes. What do you do? I feed her the chocolate by hand. Unless its orange chocolate, because that is mine. 8) What would be Sabby and your's song? Why the hell not? [video=youtube;b7RVSbhffl0][/video] 9) Either you and Sabby is leaving for a few weeks, how do you say goodbye? With an affectionate hug and kiss, maybe a parting tounge-in-cheek joke. Try to think of it not as 'goodbye' but 'see you soon'. 10) How would you spend a romantic night with Sabby? I would cook her a delicious meal- maybe some kind of pasta served with red wine?- for just the two of us. Two candles would be the only source of light- just enough to see our faces by. We would talk about philosophical things and put the world to rights, even if just in our heads. Afterwards, we would retire to the bedroom. Bonus question. What is the one thing Sabby loves to do? Be a beautiful and amazing woman.
...damn, too late.
Must...respect...other opinions...
Why not play Revelations for yourself and find out?
Spoiler Lucy was a Templar triple agent the whole time. The entire thing with her helping Desmond escape was a massive setup. And if you think that ending was trippy, wait until you see the ending for Revelations.
-Buy some Apples!- [video=youtube;nOa4xstDxO8][/video]
Surprising, but pleasantly so. He really is a piece of work. And I'm not surprised Sephiroth isn't on there. Is he cool and badass? Yup. Is he super powerful? Ja. But this isn't a list of the most badass villains, its a list of the ones that are most despicable. They have all done some terrible things. Sephiroth succeeded in burning down a village, but most of his other plans fell through- the worst atrocities in the game were committed by Shinra. These guys all succeeded.
I would be interested in this. Can I has Dark type please? Name: Xeddrief Self Proclaimed Title: The Shadowy Striker! Username: Self Explanatory Type Chosen: Dark Sprite Picture: Starter: Mudkip HM Slave: None yet Game Cartridge: Emerald Roster: Mudkip, Lvl 5 Location: Twinleaf Town
Welp, I'm bored. I'll take a truth from someone. Truth or dare?
For adults? Because, those books with themes such as genocide, prejudice, war, murder, immortality (And what one must lose to obtain it), child abuse (At the very least severe mental abuse, implied but never outright stated physical abuse) and various other dark and nasty things was all kids stuff, yeah? Seriously though, I am looking forward to this.
I complained about my height, but it turns out there are loads of people at uni even shorter, which helps repair my ego a bit.
I'm fairly short actually, considering I'm 18. 5 foot something, can't remember how many inches.
You're trying to lose weight? Good for you! Eh, I've got a pretty fast metabolism so I've never really had to worry about it too much, but I know...
Aqua is probably my favourite character in the series. She's just...well...badass, but is still friendly and empathetic. She probably had the hardest 10 years of all of them: Terra is stuck inside his own mind with Xehanort, bored as heck, and Ven is in Sora's heart, quite comfortable. Aqua is stuck in the Dark Realm fighting Heartless constantly. I think she is arguably the most powerful, too. She's the only surviving true Keyblade Master that isn't evil, and she beat Terranort in his original form alone. Sora always had help, either from Riku or Donald and Goofy. Plus, the askmasteraqua tumblr is hilarious. I...I think she is my waifu.
I would prefer Tai-dus, but in Dissidia it's Tee-dus. Hell, Yuna calls him that. So, Tee-dus is canon.
I think a movie would be a terrible idea. The series is just way too long to put condensed into a couple of hours. An ongoing anime or cartoon however, could work. Especially if Lauren Faust made it.
Most of these are kind of old... Spoiler ^Me at Halloween Spoiler ^Me drinking tea Spoiler ^Me with a cake moustache.
Definitely, and while you're at it, think about picking up Dissidia, Crisis Core, and various other games for it. They have Final Fantasies 5-9 available as downloads too, which is awesome.