The 'old' series began in 1963 and had 26 seasons, finishing in 1989, plus one movie in 1996. The 'new' series started in 2005 and continues to the present, having just finished its 6th season. I would advise watching the new series, unless you have a lot of patience and time for black-and-white, low budget episodes that are near impossible to get a copy of anyway. The new series will quickly bring you up to speed with the basics of the shows canon.
It wasn't that they was scary as such, but disturbing. Spoiler For God Complex, the concept of people being manipulated via their faith and beliefs is one that hits a bit close to home for me. For Midnight, what was creepiest was that the 'villain' technically was not doing anything wrong at first- it revealed a lot about human nature that the other passengers were so quick to distrust and fear what they did not understand.
Blink is a great episode but not the scariest, in my opinion. The one that freaked me out the most was The God Complex in series 6, but it'll be a while before you get to that. Midnight in series 4 is pretty creepy too.
Season Three was great, but if you think THAT was bad just wait until all the crap that goes down over the next three seasons.
Spoiler Best crossover.
Lyra sees no hooves here Lyra sees only HANDS
He is wearing a G3 shirt...seems legit. Also: [video=youtube;zNryNfvcQlY][/video]
Heh... Spoiler
Same here. Now how will I check up on ask blogs?
Seeker mines and 99x potions are your friend.
Tumblr is down. I literally don't know how I'll survive the night...
You rap fast, you do Yes you rap fast, it's true Now let's see how fast you rap Versus Things 1 and 2!
I hath been iambic on that ass, ye b*stard.
I NEED THIS GAME. Wallet, why must you be so empty?
I'm a first year student for Physics with Planetary and Space Sciences, so I know a thing or two.
What is this sorcery This is amazing
Yes, it is a lot of fun! Also a lot of work, too...but mostly fun.
Why be reborn when you can regenerate?
I beat Sephiroth without too much trouble, you just have to be constantly on the move and be at least lvl 60, the higher the better. But Sephy is NOTHING compared to BBS's Mysterious Figure on Critical Mode...level 99 on all three characters, Ultima Weapon, the ideal (maxed out) deck commands and shotlocks as recommended by various strategies...still wipes the floor with me.