I just got some X_X
Erm..No idea what it is. O_O 8/10
"Down" in your pants X_X
That made chocolate milk come out of my nose. ;-; XD
My disk drive pops open ramdomly. One day I happened to have a roll of duct tape on me @_@
lies LIES I SAY!
Hey. Welcome to the forum. Good luck with the interview.
Thank. I have a dell I supposed to be here next week. but the week after I am going on the trip so..yeah. XD
LOL. I get to have my head blown off again. XD *once know as Element*
Kakash. Gaara ( I have a hoodie with him on the back :3)
I am totally seeing that. I loved DBZ when I was little. Me and my brothers would watch it and eat cookies. *flashback*
Erm... No. But this happened: Me:*watching ep were Gaara died* Me;*screams* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Mom: WHAT HAPPENED? Me:Gaara died. Mom: -__- right... Little cousin: BUCKETS!!
My laptops powercord broke. And of course the battery was dead when it happened. So I am not going to be on for like a week+ AND while I am here. The week after thanksgiving I am goiing on a school trip upstate for a week. Misty isnt going because she is being a loser.
Wow. Never mind. My math teacher call and was like "Frodis is having trouble missing home works BLAH BLAHH BLAH" Surprisingly my parents were like "try harder" Normally their like: "GROUNDED FOR X AMOUNT OF TIME" Thank gawd.
So if I am don't expect to hear from me for 1-8 weeks. D:
Yush. I would.
Skullcandy SC-BHESH07 Hesh Headphones Genki Gang Black Kitty Hoodie I got a early Chirtsmas present. My baby~ Black eletric guitar.
I hate this picture. EDIT: Oh Snap XD I just relized my deoderent was in the picture of my desk. XDD and my desk