I noticed that too. *pokes fate* Are you are haxz0z? :o
Depends on what teacher.
-gigglesnorting because she has no idea what is going on-
*melted brain comes out of ears*
I agree that the forum is not what is used to be. On the first kh-vids(before vbulletin) we were all really close but when we moved to vbulletin and more members joined we all spread apart. People got more popular and alot left. It saddens me. I miss a lot of my old friends.
Your mom? :D
*shoots kid*
Crack is wack.
Thats horrible! You should go there and tell them the person that left was your friend and you don't belive them. Or throw eggs at their building. :DDDDD
Why? lklklk
BackseatGoodbye - Technicolor Eyes
Cassie :D lolololololol
I am the last one. :D *has a feeling misty is going to hurt me*
I should have been asleep like 5 hours ago.
Why didn't you use print screen. FAIL. Nice pic.
NUUUUUUUUU. I HAVE BEEN found out. >_> <_< >_> <_> <_< BOB.
CFF lieslieslies
Orange. lolololololol.