Those are some amazing shots. DO you have a Deviantart account?
I love photography. There is a link in my sig for it. CLICK IT NAO.
HAI. >_> *gives cookie*
*joins* :D ............
*quack* What?
What? O_o..........
*take gun away and smack with rolled up newspaper* BAD! NOW GO CLEAN UP THE CORSPE AND GO TO YOUR ROOM!
Whats the fine for child abduction again??? :3 He is so cuute. *3*
<3 ......................
The past few days have been freakin epic. but still...................... DISGUSTED, I AM!
Disgusted, I am
Wonderful. MOAR NAO.
*Throws hello kitty at you*
Mudkip lieks u!
*throws a pokeball at .Kairi.*
*shun* ...................................
I saw this on another forum somwhere. Ex: *throws fish at [insert poster above you name]* Go go go!
*pats* That sucks. We should throw rocks at them :3
"Element was Misty’s best friend. She was short and skinny, with dark skin and long, black hair. Compared to the rest of the girls in the room she looked frail. " LIES. I can beat the crap out of you. :D *formally know as Element*
Shoop is sexy. DOWN WITH FWOOP!