Hullo. NEW BESTEST FRIEND! Erm.... Hi, My name is Frodis. Feel free to PM my if you have any problems.
Hullo thar. >_> Post alot. Dont spam. :D PM me if you need any help kBye.
Welcome to the forum! Post lots and dont spam. Feel free to PM if you need help at all.
*slacker* Lookie I am here everyday! Since the 1st forum. Before vbulletin. Post count sucks. D:
Photograhpy and slacking.
Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
Its just one of those annyoing pop-up. Kinda like the ones that say your computer is infected with viruses and the start scanning it and when you try to click out another pop-up comes up asking if your sure your want to exit. Read the bottomof it carefuly.
Sh!t Mari. Please don't do this.
What color are you socks? Getting hit by a parked car or falling out of trees?
O-em-GEE Could that be! YES IT IS! ITS MARI! Haven't seen you in a loooooooooooooooong time. (btw its element)
Snape is too sexy Click^ and I do my little turn on the catwalk~!
Hrm... Oddly on 9/11 I dont remeber the mosters attacking the city? Oh...and wait....I LIVE IN THE CITY. This dosnt even come close to 9/11
Sorry... 1/10
damn you. I was going to say that.
First you have to call up upon the magical unicorn. The magical unicorn will ask you to find him a hobbit pirate who eats floppy disks. This is no easy task. After you find the hobbit pirate and bring to the the magical unicorn the magical unicorn will explode into a rainbow. Run to the end of the rainbow and jump into the pit of fire. In the pit of fire you will find the Key of Magical-ness. Go to Narnia. Throw the Key of Magical-ness at the Evil Ponysaurus and you will get a signature. or You can go to arts and graphics and request one from one of the shops.
Its a rip off of "O R A N G E" So don't.
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: I am going to have nightmares.
9/10 .-. .................................
:D Tell me your account so I can add it.
I would recomnmend getting one. :D