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  1. jackdaniel0
    Ten Gems
    Ten Chosen Ones
    Two Prophecies
    Two Sides
    So yeah, I decided to get this dream roleplay started. I'm going to keep editing it since I have curfew soon, so I'm going to put in as much info as I can right now.
    It's 4392, technology keeps developing, and people are happy. What more could they want?
    Things will change, though, for people unearth a prophecy made at an unspecified date. It tells of ten magical gems with extraordinary power. If wielded, the user would gain unimaginable abilities. But none have found them.
    A decade later, another prophecy is found. It says that a year after the second prophecy is found, world wide disasters will come. What could it be? Humanity is not going to find out, for they WILL find the gems and stop this, as the prophecy states that the gems will help stop the evil that will claim the planet.
    Perhaps you could be chosen by one of these ten gems...Who knows? They say the weapon is as good as the user, to be guided...But what if it was the other way around? Perhaps the gems will guide the wielders...
    Gem bearers will bear one of ten gems, but they wont get the gems at the beginning. It will be much later on. Helpers are part of a secret organization that will help the gem bearers. Stealers are people that are part of a large group bent on stealing and keeping the gems for themselves.
    Character Form:
    Description: (Pictures are allowed)
    Bio(Optional, but preferred):
    Profession: (Gem-bearer, helper, or stealer?)
    Ten Gems
    Gem of Water
    Gem of Earth
    Gem of Fire
    Gem of Air
    Gem of Light
    Gem of Darkness
    Gem of Emotion
    Gem of Peace
    Gem of Chaos
    Gem of Unity
    If a gem is taken then it will be crossed out with the character name next to it.
    There are also three gems that are larger than the others, and have special qualities, but until they're taken(or all ten, I'm making this up as I go :p), I won't reveal what they are.
    So...Make your choice.
    1. Swearing is allowed
    2. No godmodding
    3. No powerplaying
    4. No metagaming
    5. Please familiarize yourself with roleplaying terms, such as IC(in character)and OOC(Out of character). Don't forget char, short for character, or also muse.
    6. If people are acting mean towards you IC, IT DOES NOT MEAN THEY FEEL THE SAME WAY OOC.
    7. May add more, it depends.
    Character List
    Name: Poke
    Age: 14
    Height: 5'8'
    Description: He's got light-blue eyes, black hair, light skinned. He wears a black t-shirt with a red hooded zipper sweater, outside, he has dark-blue jeans, and he's got white-rimmed, white-nosed and black shoes. And he's got a belt with a special pocket made to fit virtually anything inside(Thanks to technology)
    Personality: A fun loving little jokester. He likes to play around, but he knows when to get serious.
    Profession:(Gem-bearer, helper, or stealer?)I'll take the last remaining gem there is.
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Mar 13, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. jackdaniel0
    So when I go to this happens
    And when I press login it shows the same thing but with a different url
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Feb 8, 2013, 4 replies, in forum: Technology
  3. jackdaniel0
    Make a quick description of a character and we have to guess who it is!

    Loves suits. Wants ginger hair.
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Dec 27, 2012, 22 replies, in forum: The Playground
  4. jackdaniel0
    Earlier, I had a dream. It made me want to make this roleplay.
    The gist of it is that less than about 20 people found some gems. Now people are chasing them for it, and in one scene, they managed to catch one. The one that owned the gem now chases after them, then falls after them over a cliff in to the forest.
    Obviously, I'm going to change many things about this, but here's what I'm thinking:

    The setting will be placed in the future where there's advanced tech, and the gems have just been recently discovered. Told by a prophecy a decade ago, the gems were able to give the wearer extraordinary power, so many people have been looking for it, whether it be for evil reasons or for good.
    What they didn't know, or were told, was that the gems chose the wearer, not vice versa. There were 10 gems. 3 of them were much bigger than the others, and its unknown whether those 3 have much more unique properties than the other seven.
    The ones who find the 10 are going to be you. When you, or your muses(characters)find the gem, at one point soon after they will receive a message that tells them to go somewhere for answers about the gems. The 10 will meet, and the messenger will reveal to them a secret organization that has been searching for the gems for years, not for selfish reasons, but because of another prophecy.
    The second prophecy, aka The Apocalypse, tells of the world ending a decade after it was made, which is to say, the world will 'end' a decade after the first and second prophecy was created.
    I'm still thinking about ideas for the cause of the end of the world, so even I don't know what the cause will be. But The Apocalypse foretold that the chosen 10 will be able to stop it, which took people to think that it would be the 10 gem finders.
    Another organization will be wanting to steal the gems, for personal gain, and will send relentless attacks against the gem-bearers until they capture one. Even though the gems choose the wearer, it doesn't mean it can't be taken away by force

    And that's what I'm thinking. But I think it needs a bit of improvement, and I want you guys to help me.
    The gems powers are going to all have similar properties, mostly giving the wearer enhanced durability, strength, etc. but each gem has it's own powers, specifically elemental, but maybe it'll change, maybe not, it all depends on your opinions.
    And the gems also have names, and they have a mind of their own, enabling them to telepathically speak with their owner, and anyone else. They each have different personalities.
    That's all I'm thinking of right now, so I want the people that read this to make a quick comment. I just feel terrible with people viewing this and leaving without saying anything at all.
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Dec 23, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. jackdaniel0
    I just looked through my info
    *screams of madness*
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Oct 11, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. jackdaniel0
    cut off many water spiders legs
    attach them to your shoes
    BAM you're jesus
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Aug 13, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. jackdaniel0
    this man is making a mockery of a finely thin brazilian soup!
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Aug 7, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. jackdaniel0
    Has anyone ever thought of making an ace attorney rp?
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Aug 6, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. jackdaniel0
    Wow, three threads in one day
    View attachment 32896
    Might have to open image in another tab.
    Anyway, the bar on the top is what Firefox( showed you have, but the bar on the bottom is what I have. How come it's not the one on top?
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Aug 5, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Technology
  10. jackdaniel0
    No sound, at ALL is coming out of ANYTHING when opened in Google Chrome. The sound works for everything else, but not Google chrome. help please?
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Aug 5, 2012, 13 replies, in forum: Technology
  11. jackdaniel0
    Basically, you do what you'd normally do in the situation I give you, then I give each of the ones who responds their own story. Kind of like roleplaying, actually. Yeah, exactly like roleplaying

    You find yourself in a car in a parking lot(the ones inside buildings). The ceilings cracked so that it might collapse anytime soon. The car was missing it's roof, so you could jump out, but the exit was far away. It would probably take 20 seconds to reach it, and you probably didn't even have 10 seconds. What do you do?
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Aug 5, 2012, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. jackdaniel0
    Going to 'Options', then clicking 'Make Google Chrome my default browser'
    That's what you do to make it your default browser, but it's not working. I just click it and nothing happens.
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Aug 5, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  13. jackdaniel0
    Describes your social life
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Aug 3, 2012, 61 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. jackdaniel0


    I'm interested in making a maplestory roleplay, and so far it's like this:
    You're in the Maple world. After centuries of peace, someone's destroyed it. Monsters rage at all humans it sees. You decide to take down the one behind all this.
    You group up with other people, and travel to Orbis to find a master craftsman, in hopes of creating a powerful-enough weapon.

    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Jul 31, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. jackdaniel0

    Hey lemon


    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Jul 30, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. jackdaniel0
    What's that move called when people get knocked down, on their back, then they do this sorta weird kung fu move that gets them back up?
    Basically, they just put their hands over their heads(knocked down)push off the ground then land on their feet.
    14:43 kinda like that
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Jul 20, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. jackdaniel0
    If eye irritated
    and you put water and it heal
    why eye no get irritated more
    doesnt water go IN eye and go boom?
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Jul 15, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. jackdaniel0
    Hump dumb numb rump bump lump
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Jul 11, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. jackdaniel0


    Must learn how to draw
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Jul 10, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. jackdaniel0

    Stop time

    Basically, just do a 'Stop hammer time' motto, only replace 'hammer' with something related to the post above

    Stop, chicken time
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Jul 7, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: The Playground